PAF 1250
Citizenship and Public Affairs
The course is an examination ofthe historical, institutional,political, and social context ofcivic life in the United States.The place of the individual in ademocratic society is explored.The course will examinegovernment structures and howbusinesses...
PAF 1250H
Honors - Citizenship & Public Affairs
The course is an examination of the historical, institutional, political, and social context of civic life in the United States. The place of the individual in ademocratic society is explored. The course will examine government structures and how bus...
PAF 15
Pub Affairs Cert F/T
Pub Affairs Cert F/T
PAF 2001
Policy And Politics
Policy And Politics
PAF 2101
Eco Analys & Pub Pol
Eco Analys & Pub Pol
PAF 3001
Politics & Policy
Politics & Policy
PAF 3005
Public Service in New York City
Events, personalities, and popular culture have shaped public service in New York City. This course examines the impacts of events such as the Draft Riots and 9/11, the influences of prominent mayors and administrators, and the effects of New York-fo...
PAF 3010
Race, Inequality, and Public Policy
This course explores the role that public policy can and has played in creating, maintaining, and ameliorating various forms of social, economic, and political inequality, with a special focus on strategies to reduce racial and ethnic inequality.Stud...
PAF 3015
Qualitative Studies of Communities
Whether defined by geography, religious or political ideals, or socioeconomic, circumstance, communities are a central building block of American public life and public affairs. This class will equip students with the tools to study various communiti...
PAF 3018
Immigrant Cities
This course examines the growing policy activism of American cities in the context of the U.S. federalism. It examines the politics and policies of both pro-immigrant and anti-immigrant cities, the various governmental and nongovernmental actors invo...
PAF 3020
Ethics and Civic Engagement
This course identifies the nature of ethical problems faced by citizens and those entrusted with the public interest. It then examines the tools for ethical analysis. Students will have the opportunity to apply these analytic frames to specific probl...
PAF 3040
Information and Society
This course surveys the nature, production, values, and uses of information in historical perspective; the latest developments in information technology; the ways information is produced and disseminated, and how they affect business, politics, media...
PAF 3100
Nonprofit Administration
The purpose of the course is to provide an understanding of the nature and function of management in nonprofit organizations. Emphasis is placed on the processes of defining goals and objectives, organizing and staffing for maximum productivity, and...
PAF 3101
Public Finance/Managing Public Resources
This course examines the role and economic impact of government intervention in the market. The core consists of an examination of how government obtains and spends revenue. The primary objective is to help students develop a critical perspective on...
PAF 3102
Economic Analysis of Public Policy
This course uses economic theory to analyze the causes and consequences ofpublic sector interventions. It covers the fundamentals of microeconomics, with anemphasis on writing and applying the tools of supply and demand analysis to social problems an...
PAF 3103
Economics of the Public Sector
The focus of this course is on the role of the government in the economy. It addresses the reasons for andconsequences of governmentintervention, including the theoretical and empirical examination of whether and when intervention improves economic e...
PAF 3105
Principles of Survey Research
The course will examine the history and fundamentals of survey research, including the survey research process and its uses by government, business, non-profits, and the media. The course will cover survey methodologies including telephone and web su...
PAF 3106
Public Opinion
This course is an examination of public opinion in the American constitutional and political framework. The emphasis is on the public's capacity for expressing its political views, the place of attitudinal research in the social sciences, and the use...
PAF 3108
Strategic Communication for the Public Good
Students will create and manage strategic communication initiatives for a range of public causes. The course focuses on theories of persuasion and social influence, and classic and digital media campaigns such as public service announcements against...
PAF 3201
Public Communication and Organizations
Students are taught in this course to understand and apply communication skills in public affairs. The class provides cutting-edge tools for deliberation and speech in organizational environments, focusing on: professional styles and habits, audience...
PAF 3301
Models of Service Delivery
The principles and problems of delivering urban services and the design of alternative service delivery systems are introduced in this class. The particular focus is on how well government serves the public, what kind of information is needed to answ...
PAF 3343
Building Cities: Markets and Government
This course introduces the major concepts behind the public regulation of urban land use. The course examines how market forces and the publicsector shape every aspect of urban development, through policies, plans, regulations, and investment. It con...
PAF 3375
Housing and Community Development Policy
Examines the housing and community development system and its problems, including neighborhood change. Traces the evolution of government programs and policy-making with a focus on New York City. Housing needs, homelessness and community reinvestment...
PAF 3401
Quantitative Methods for Policy and Practice
This course focuses on the use of quantitative information and analysis tounderstand, interpret, promote, critique, and inform the implementation ofprograms and policies. Real world cases are examined throughout. A statisticalsoftware package will be...
PAF 3402
Policy Analysis
This course examines the arguments and analysis used to identify problems, develop policy solutions, and make decisions in the public and nonprofit sectors. Students consider the range of policy goals, alternative policy approaches, and various analy...
PAF 3403
Adv Quantit Analysis
This course expands students'ability to understand, applyand produce quantitativeanalysis in aid of policy and practice. Real world cases areexamined throughout, with anemphasis on developing andapplying critical thinking skills.Students use Excel an...
PAF 3442
Cities and Sustainability
An analysis of ongoing and current public policies and programs that affect the greening of cities. The focus is on the historical evolution of land uses in New York City and the environmental sustainability of its neighborhoods and economy.
PAF 3451
Selected Topics in Public Affairs
Topics will vary from offering to offering. Topics offered will provide an application of concepts developed in the introductory courses. Please consult the current Schedule of Classes or the Office of Student Services for specific topics. Not open t...
PAF 3451H
Honors - Selected Topics in Public Affairs
Topics will vary from offering to offering. Topics offered will provide an application of concepts developed in the introductory courses. This honors course is open only to students in an official honors program and to other qualified students with a...
PAF 3501
Advanced Statistical Analysis for Public Policy and Management
Introduces students to advanced statistical methods used in policy analysis, program evaluation, and quantitative management. Building on the basic regression model, the course extends students' understanding of the application of regression analysis...
PAF 3550
Analytical Skills in Real Estate
This course exposes students to two major aspects of real estate analysis. The first is an understanding of key concepts that are needed to conduct commercial real estate analysis, including issues of policy and financial feasibility and the apprecia...
PAF 3601
Programs, Policy, and Evaluation Research
Examines in detail the broad set of research activities that are referred to as evaluation research. Explores in detail activities directed at collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information on the need for, implementation of, and effectiveness a...
PAF 3701
Building Cities: Markets and Government
This course introduces students to major concepts behind the public regulation of urban land use, often using New York City as a laboratory. The course examines how market forces and the public sector shape every aspect of urban development, through...
PAF 3710
Reforming Education
This course examines the history and politics of American school reform. Students will consider the competing purposes often ascribed to public schools and study educational policies at local, state, and federal levels. Particular attention will be p...
PAF 3801
Real Estate Construction, Planning and Execution
Presents the process of designing and building residential and commercial structures within the New York context. The course includes a focus on design, costing, construction site management, building code and clearance issues, and issues leading to...
PAF 3810
Arts and Public Life
Students will explore how art and arts organizations function in the political, economic, and cultural context of the United States. Through a variety of innovative learning experiences, including field work at museums and other venues, students will...
PAF 4199
Selected Topics in Public Affairs
Topics will vary from offering to offering as new issues develop that are considered important to the curriculum. See Special Topic(s) for PAF-4199.
PAF 4199H
Honors - Special Topics in Public Affairs
Issues of special interest will be examined. The subject matter is determined by instructor.
PAF 4250
Nonprofit Housing Development
Presents the sequencing and multiple roles which nonprofits play in the development and management of residential, affordable housing. The course emphasizes planning, financing, development, and management issues as well as the delivery of related so...
PAF 4401
This is an advanced policy course in a faculty member's area of expertise. Topics such as public-private partnerships, the economics and politics of poverty; the education achievement gap; immigration reform will be explored. Students are expected...
PAF 4401H
Hon Capstone
Hon Capstone
PAF 4402
Survey Research Practicum
Combining the knowledge and methods learned in prior classes with hands-on interviewing experience in the telephone/CATI lab, the course will give students the opportunity to conduct their own survey research project. The class will design, administe...
PAF 4701
Real Estate Development: Principles and Guidelines
This semester-long course includes a broad survey and overview of real estate as development processes, as markets, and in terms of investment options and development choices. Market and financial feasibility issues are assessed, as they are critical...
PAF 4702
Real Estate Development: Case Development
This semester long course is an analysis of real estate development from the perspective of investors and developers. It includes a case specific development proposal that each student prepares as their final capstone project. These real estate devel...
PAF 5000
Independent Study in Public Affairs I
Not open to the students who have completed PUB 5000.
PAF 5001
New York State Legislature Internship
This course introduces students to lawmaking and constituent services. Each intern is assigned to an elected member of the new York State Senate or Assembly. Students must reside in Albany for a full semester, attend classes taught by professors-in...
PAF 5452
Public Affairs Internship
Students interested in a public sector career are afforded the opportunity to work under supervision in a government, nonprofit, or public agency. This course is designed to bridge the gap between the classroom and workplace and to provide hands-on w...
PAF 5453
Public Affairs Internship in Nonprofit Agencies
This course is a bridge between academia and the professional nonprofit world, supporting and supplementing students in non-profit internships. It is an active student-centered learning experience that prepares professionals in nonprofit. This experi...
PAF 6001
This course allows students with superior academic achievement to work individually with a professor on a major research project. The topic will be determined by mutual agreement between the professor-mentor and the student. Prior to the first term o...
PAF 6001H
Honors Thesis
Honors Thesis
PAF 6002
This course allows students with superior academic achievement to work individually with a professor on a major research project. The topic will be determined by mutual agreement between the professor-mentor and the student. Prior to the first term o...
PAF 6002H
Honors Thesis
Honors Thesis
PAF 6003
See Department for Description.
PAF 7000
Public Affairs Elec
Public Affairs Elec
PAF 7050
Pub Aff Inter Elective
Pub Aff Inter Elective
PAF 7100
Public Affairs Adv Elective
Public Affairs Adv Elective
PAF 7900
Compu Appl Fln & U A
Compu Appl Fln & U A
PAF 7910
Investigative Technq
Investigative Technq
PAF 7920
Law, Evidence, Ethic
Law, Evidence, Ethic
PAF 7930
Prod In Public Organ
Prod In Public Organ
PAF 7940
Economic Anals Crim
Economic Anals Crim
PAF 7950
Compu Appl Pln & U A
Compu Appl Pln & U A
PAF 8000
Computer Skills in Public Affairs
This course is a preparatory course for students enrolling in graduate programs in the School of Public Affairs. Admission to the School requires students to pass a computer proficiency exam. Students who do not pass this exam are required to take th...
PAF 9010
Ethics and Public Decision Making
This course concerns the relationship of ethics and public service. Those in public service face a broad array of ethical problems and dilemmas ranging from simple matters of public trust through the application of ethical reasoning in policymaking....
PAF 9050
Statistical Analysis in Health Care Administration
The fundamental statistical tools and concepts needed by health care administrators. Topics include: proper tabular and chart presentation; interpretation of descriptive measures; applications of probability and the normal distribution; confidence in...
PAF 9050L
Paf 9050 Lecture
Paf 9050 Lecture
PAF 9100
Introduction to Public Affairs
The course is an introduction to politics, government, and public policy in the U.S. It provides a rigorous, scholarly, yet practical view of governmental institutions, policy making, administration, and contemporary public policy. Attention is give...
PAF 9100L
PAF 9100 Lecture
PAF 9100 Lecture
PAF 9102
Selected Topics in Advanced Analytical Methods
Advanced research methods and techniques utilized in public agencies for policy determination and administrative decision making. Course requirements include student projects and work exercises in the design and implementation of research studies and...
PAF 9103
Communication in Public Settings
Introduces students to communication in public settings and provides extensive opportunities for practice with basic written and oral forms. Interrelationships among communicative activities and organizational goals. Internal and external messages ar...
PAF 9103L
PAF 9103 Lecture
PAF 9103 Lecture
PAF 9104
Media, Politics, and Public Culture
This course identifies how the media advances or limits democratic values. Students will examine how policy leaders work with media systems to influence public opinion, and the domestic and global policies that shape media diversity. The course also...
PAF 9105
Public Sector Financial Management
Examination of the administration of the financial function in government. The course covers procedures of managing government funds at the national, state, and local levels. Topics include accounting principles, organization of financial offices, ca...
PAF 9106
Accounting and Auditing in the Public Sector
Introduction to the principles and techniques of accounting and auditing in the public sector (for the non-accountant). Current issues and trends, as well as suggested reforms, are discussed.
PAF 9108
Communication and Information Technologies
The course covers the nexus of communication and information management. Students learn how to develop, disseminate, and control information in public and nonprofit organizations, paying particular attention to the opportunities and demands posed by...
PAF 9109
Government Contracting
This course reviews of the principles and practices of government contracting and analysis of the major types of government contracts. Administration and management problems of the government procurement function are identified and analyzed. Major po...
PAF 9110
Ethics and Public Decision Making
This course concerns the relationship of ethics and public service. Those in public service face a broad array of ethical problems and dilemmas ranging from simple matters of public trust through the application of ethical reasoning in policymaking....
PAF 9111
American Public Law and the Administrative State
Introduction to the American legal system and its role in the development and control of the modern administrative state. The course also emphasizes the legal context within which public and nonprofit agencies operate.
PAF 9112
Administrative Law and Regulation
Study of the legislative and judicial control of the administrative process, its effect upon administrative efficiency and individual rights, and the requirements of procedural due process. Stress is placed on the application of these controls in reg...
PAF 9113
Legislative Pro U.S.
Legislative Pro U.S.
PAF 9114
Chief Executive in American Governments
Examination of the organization, functions, and operations of chief executive institutions in national, state, and local jurisdictions. Emphasis is placed on the role of the president, governors, mayors, and their top-level appointees in the manageme...
PAF 9115
Intergovernmental Relations
This course focuses on the vertical and horizontal relations among American governmental jurisdictions. It examines the theory and history of American federalism and its emergence into an intergovernmental system. The emphasis is on the changing natu...
PAF 9116
Intergovernmental Relations
Analysis of the vertical and horizontal relations among American governmental jurisdictions. The course focuses on the theory and history of American federalism and its emergence into an intergovernmental system. Emphasis is placed on the changing na...
PAF 9117
Public Personnel and Human Resource Management
Analysis of problems and issues dealing with public sector personnel. Topics covered include selection, training, employee evaluation, and promotion policies and practices. Managerial, legal, and political aspects of human resource management are als...
PAF 9117L
Paf 9117 Lecture
Paf 9117 Lecture
PAF 9118
Labor Relations in the Public Sector
Development and growth of public employee unionism. Topics covered include collective bargaining laws and procedures, government organization of labor relations, the dynamics of the bargaining process, the impact of collective bargaining on civil ser...
PAF 9119
Organization Theory
This course is about the study and application of theories of organization, with special emphasis on public organizations. Topics include bureaucracy and the nature of organizations, organization environment, interface, organization goals, authority...
PAF 9120
Public and Nonprofit Management I
This course introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques for managing government and nonprofit organizations. It focuses on structural models; individual behavior, including group dynamics and leadership; effective use and management of human r...
PAF 9120L
Paf 9120 Lecture
Paf 9120 Lecture
PAF 9121
Systems Management in the Public Sector
Examination of application of project management, systems analysis, PERT, CPM, and other systems management approaches to public sector programs. Analysis of use of systems management in national, state, local, and nonprofit agencies, as well as comp...
PAF 9122
Applying Technology in Public Administration
Exploration of the uses of science and technology in the administration of public agencies. The course considers adoption of concepts and methods of science and technology in public sector contexts as well as application of specific technologies (e.g...
PAF 9123
Program Evaluation
Examination of the process and techniques of program evaluation and the assessment of effectiveness of public sector policies. Various performance assessment criteria, problems of evaluation research, and the politics of program evaluation are review...
PAF 9124
Mgt:Behavioral Appro
Mgt:Behavioral Appro
PAF 9125
Human Resources Policy
Analysis of government policies aimed at altering income levels and life opportunities of individuals. Issues are chosen from the human services area (e.g., education, disability programs, employment and training).
PAF 9126
Human Services Administration
Examination of management approaches and perspectives relevant to client-centered, public and nonprofit organizations (e.g., social services, health care services, employment and training programs, corrections). Special attention is given to administ...
PAF 9127
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace explores selected problems and opportunities organizational leaders encounter as they lead, interact with and make decisions about employees from diverse cultural backgrounds. The course interrogates the r...
PAF 9129
Animal Rights and Welfare
The course will look at public policy in its application to other species. It will focus on the assumptions behind those policies, inconsistencies in the values represented, and the lessons learned about ourselves from considering the perspective of...
PAF 9130
Economic Analysis and Public Policy
This course is an introduction to the concepts and analytic tools necessary to analyze and understand the economic behavior of individuals and firms and the causes and consequences of public sector intervention in the economy. Open to Austin W. Marxe...
PAF 9131
Ecology Urban Admin
Ecology Urban Admin
PAF 9132
Governing New York City
Examination of the structure and dynamics of New York City government, with special emphasis on the development and delivery of city services.
PAF 9133
Economics of the Public Sector and Public Finance
This course assesses the role of government in the modern economy. The course examines the reasons for government intervention in the economy, consequences of that intervention, and issues pertaining to the public financing of those interventions. An...
PAF 9134
Urban Transportation Policy
This course focuses on private mobility (e.g., cars, bicycles, new technologies), local public and collective transportation (e.g., buses, subways, light rail) in urban U.S. settings. Transportation policies that drive capital planning and demand man...
PAF 9135
Metro Areas & Commun
Metro Areas & Commun
PAF 9136
Urban Economic Development
This course introduces students to the major features of the field of urban economic development. The course reviews the principles by which economic activity is organized in an urban setting, focuses on methods of analyzing the existing economic str...
PAF 9136L
Urban Economic Development
This course introduces students to the major features of the field of urban economic development. The course reviews the principles by which economic activity is organized in an urban setting, focuses on methods of analyzing the existing economic str...
PAF 9137
Telecommunications Policy
This course focuses on the communications industry and government regulation. It examines policy issues including growth of conglomerates, the impact of computers and the Internet, the scope and impact of the digital revolution, new technologies in w...
PAF 9138
Urban Services Delivery
Review of the principles and problems in the design and evaluation of urban service delivery. Service areas covered include fire services, police services, health care and social services, waste disposal services, and justice system services.
PAF 9138L
Paf 9138 Lecture
Paf 9138 Lecture
PAF 9139
Communication Strategy
In this class, students learn to design communication campaigns that will change or modify key behaviors; promote a cause, service, or program; or enhance the brand and fundraising capacity of an organization. Course topics will cover areas such as f...
PAF 9140
Budgeting and Financial Analysis I
This course focuses on the budget cycle and budget decision-making. It includes tools for developing, implementing, and controlling a budget within a, typically, public organization. Topics include development of operating budgets, cash budgets, brea...
PAF 9140L
PAF 9140 Lecture
PAF 9140 Lecture
PAF 9141
Community Development: History, Present, and Future
Community development is an approach to addressing poverty and its related social problems, such as poor-quality housing, unemployment, lack of education, and crime. Students will examine the complex economic, political, and social context that gave...
PAF 9142
Housing Policy
The course serves as a gateway to the field of housing and community development, giving students the background necessary to become informed participants in policy analysis and debates about the future of housing policy. Topics to be covered include...
PAF 9143
Greening and Growing Cities: Sustainability and Public Policy Choices
The course focuses on the theory and practice of urban sustainability policies and programs. It addresses public policies as they helped shape the growth and uses of urban land within 20th and 21st century cities in the United States, within context...
PAF 9144
Budget and Financial Analysis II
This course extends Budget and Financial Analysis I by examining financial management of buildings, bridges, roads, and other long-term capital assets and liabilities of state and local governments, nonprofit institutions, and other public entities....
PAF 9145
Poverty and Social Policy
This is a course about the poor and anti-poverty programs in the United States. It focuses on measurement, extent, and distribution of poverty; causes of poverty; tradeoffs faced by policy-makers in reducing poverty and economic insecurity; and the...
PAF 9150
Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector
This course examines historical and contemporary perspectives on nonprofit organizations and the nonprofit sector in the United States. The course will emphasize the size, scope, and functions of the nonprofit sector as they have evolved, with partic...
PAF 9151
Administration of the Nonprofit Sector and Voluntary Agencies
In this class, students study management techniques and strategies applicable to nonprofit agencies. The topics include agency interaction with governmental and political institutions, planning and control systems, the role of the governing board, an...
PAF 9151L
Paf 9151 Lectur
Paf 9151 Lectur
PAF 9152
Fund Raising and Grants Administration in Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
This course examines the strategies and techniques for acquiring voluntary and governmental support for local nonprofit agencies. The course focuses on the role that fundraising plays in the economics of the nonprofit organization and its relationshi...
PAF 9152L
Paf 9152 Lecture
Paf 9152 Lecture
PAF 9153
Budgeting and Finance for Nonprofits
This course is for students whose career path is the nonprofit world and aspires to hold senior level positions in nonprofits. The course provides the tools for budgeting in a nonprofit, and the tools of financial analysis and managerial control as i...
PAF 9154
Management Consulting in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors
This course surveys the fundamentals of management consulting focused on government and nonprofit organizations. It emphasized organizational problem solving and change as well as organizational diagnosis, intervention skills, and client management.
PAF 9155
Governing without Government? Dilemmas and opportunities of Privatization and Governance
In the age of globalization and new public management, the traditional lines between public and private actors are increasingly blurred. The state’s role in problem solving has changed and, in many cases, new roles have been created for private, and...
PAF 9156
Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to policy, planning and management of human services issues that arise in preparing for and responding to disasters and emergencies that have broad effects on people, property, and communities. The c...
PAF 9157
Introduction to Philanthropy
This course considers the complex system of private giving that supports civil society, examining the ways in which private funds are given and the vehicles through which they are administered. It emphasizes the philanthropic motivations, strategic f...
PAF 9158
Religion, Nonprofits, Politics, and Policy
Religious bodies are the largest component of the nonprofit sector in terms of numbers of organizations, giving, and volunteering, providing essential education, health, and human services. This course offers an overview of the role of religion in Am...
PAF 9159
Privatization and Market-Based Government
Market-based government, an important feature of The New Public Management, involves competition, privatization, public-private partnerships, competitive sourcing,, outsourcing, divestment, withdrawal, displacement, deregulation, citizen choice, vouc...
PAF 9159L
Paf 9159 Lecture
Paf 9159 Lecture
PAF 9160
Public and Nonprofit Management II
Managing public agencies and nonprofit organizations. The course addresses concepts, strategies, and techniques for effectively planning, organizing, directing, and controlling agencies, programs, and projects. The objective of the course is to prepa...
PAF 9161
Business and Public Policy
Analysis of the interrelations between business and governmental policy making. The focus is on the role played by business interests in specific policy arenas (e.g., defense, energy, trade) as well as the general policy environment.
PAF 9162
Bureaucracy, Business, and Politics
Examination of the relations between business and government agencies. Stress is placed on strategies of control and influence in the relationships.
PAF 9163
Leadership and Strategy in Public Affairs
Leadership and Strategy in Public Affairs examines the personal, institutional and strategic circumstances that public (and nonprofit and business) leaders confront as they conduct their work. The course focuses on the exercise of leadership, particu...
PAF 9166
Fed & State Govt Edu
Fed & State Govt Edu
PAF 9167
The Administration of Higher Education
Examination of colleges and universities as unique organizations. The course provides an introduction to higher education governance, focusing on the participants, processes, and problems in institutional decision making.
PAF 9168
Information Systems in Higher Education Administration
Study of the concepts of information systems in institutions of higher education, focusing on the analytical and managerial tools available to the school, college, university, and university system.
PAF 9170
Research and Analysis I
The first course in a two-course sequence (the second course is PAF 9172) that provides an introduction to research and analytical methods as applied to public policy and management. Students will develop expertise as consumers of research findings a...
PAF 9170L
Paf 9170 Lecture
Paf 9170 Lecture
PAF 9171
Human Services Administration
Examination of management approaches and perspectives relevant to client-centered, public organizations (e.g., social services, health care services, employment and training programs, corrections). Special attention is given to administrative structu...
PAF 9172
Research and Analysis II
The second course in a two-course sequence (the first course is PAF 9170) that provides an introduction to research and analytical methods as applied to public policy and management. Students will develop expertise as consumers of research findings a...
PAF 9173
Program Auditing and Performance Measurement
This course extends the student's knowledge of financially related decision-making techniques. It provides the student an understanding of management auditing, program auditing, and performance measurement. Key concepts include economy, efficiency, a...
PAF 9174
Program Evaluation
This course examines program evaluation in public and nonprofit contexts. Topicsinclude: the nature, types, and purposes of evaluation; program theory and logicmodels; data collection, monitoring, and analysis; experimental and quasi-experimental ev...
PAF 9174L
Program Evaluation
Examination of the process and techniques of program evaluation and the assessment of effectiveness of public sector policies. Various performance assessment criteria, problems of evaluation research, and the politics of program evaluation are review...
PAF 9175
Human Resources Policy
Analysis of government policies aimed at altering income levels and life opportunities of individuals. Issues are chosen from the human services area (e.g., education, disability programs, employment and training).
PAF 9176
Public Policy and the Culture of Science
The course will review the impact on public policy of fundamental developments in science and mathematics that have challenged our assumptions of reality. We will examine the impact on our culture of evolution, quantum physics, relativity, chaos theo...
PAF 9177
Selected Topics in Advanced Analytical Methods
Intended for students interested in advanced quantitative research methods used in policy analysis, this course focuses on causal effects, especially of programsor policies. Topics include random assignment, multiple regression, instrumentalvariables...
PAF 9180
Policy Analysis
This course introduces students to the analysis of public policy and policymaking, focusing on approaches for identifying problems and goals, developing alternatives, analyzing potential impacts, and formulating recommendations for advocacy andpolicy...
PAF 9181
Comparative Public Policy and Administration
This course focuses on international variations in public affairs through a comparative analysis of the factors that drive policymaking and determine the configuration of the public and nonprofit sectors around the globe. The course provides students...
PAF 9182
Development Administration
This course is an introduction to the social, economic, political, and technological constraints, requisites, and institutions used in development programs at the national and transnational levels. Open to Austin W. Marxe School of Public and Interna...
PAF 9183
International Nonprofit Organizations
his course examines the international dimension of the nonprofit world. It focuses on those nonprofit organizations that work across borders because: 1) they seek to influence global issues such as economic justice, human rights or the environment; 2...
PAF 9184
International Institutions and Global Governance
In a world of globalization and global threats¿financial contagion, terrorism, proliferation, climate change, health crises¿this course examines the role of international institutions and norms and asks whether they can make the world a safer, more j...
PAF 9185
Environmental Policy
This course introduces students to the major features and debates in environmental policy, focusing primarily on the metropolitan environment in the United States. Students are introduced to environmental issues with respect to both the human and phy...
PAF 9186
Map Making For Public
The course provides an introduction to basic map making skills and the use of maps and spatial data in policy applications. Students will learn how to create and interpret thematic maps, by hands-on experience with mapping software. Advanced topics w...
PAF 9190
Public Affairs Capstone Seminar
This course is an advanced seminar in which students in their last semester before graduation produce a semester project drawing from the full course of study toward the Master of Public Administration (MPA) or Master of International Affairs (MIA)....
PAF 9190L
Paf 9190 Lecture
Paf 9190 Lecture
PAF 9191
Mentorship in Public Affairs
The completion of a mentorship assignment is a part of the National Urban Fellows program. Open only to students in the National Urban Fellows program. A pass/no-credit grade is assigned.
PAF 9192
Public Affairs Fellowship
This full-time internship is designed to allow students enrolled in special MPA programs to have a more comprehensive and intensive policy and administrative experience. In addition to work at the internship site, students will be expected to keep jo...
PAF 9195
Public Affairs Internship
This course provides students with real-world administrative experience in a public or nonprofit organization. It is required for Masters of Public Administration (MPA) students without at least one year of public administration work experience. It m...
PAF 9198
Public Affairs Workshop
This one-credit course provides focused training in a range of public policy and public or nonprofit management topics. Offered at several points during the semester, the workshop will be taught by external practitioners and/or Baruch faculty with sp...
PAF 9199
Selected Topics in Public Affairs
Topic will vary from offering to offering.Open to Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs students; others with Marxe School permission.
PAF 9199L
PAF 9199 Lecture
PAF 9199 Lecture
PAF 9201
Mobilizing Digital Communication for the Public Good
From the personal to the political, digital and online media have changed the nature of how people engage with one another and the communication structures of public affairs. In this course, students will explore how digital media are affecting peopl...
PAF 9202
Civic and Political Speech-Making in New York City
In this course, students will study important speeches delivered by prominent figures in the civic and political life of New York City, and other civic and political speeches. By studying such speeches, students will learn about the governance of NYC...
PAF 9203
Communicating for Equity and Social Change
This course examines the communication strategies of activists, social movement leaders, and politicians who have worked for the equity and inclusion of groups marginalized according to race, gender, class, ethnicity, citizenship, sexuality, or abili...
PAF 9204
Conflict Management and Negotiation
In public and international affairs, every professional will have to manage conflict and negotiate effectively in a wide variety of situations. Through readings, discussions, case studies, and role plays, students will take on the identity of “reflec...
PAF 9215
Public Policy and the Culture of Science
The course will review the impact on public policy of fundamental developments in science and mathematics that have challenged our assumptions of reality. We will examine the impact on our culture of evolution, quantum physics, relativity, chaos theo...
PAF 9299
Selected Topics in Nonprofit Management
The course focuses on major areas in nonprofit management. Course may be taken more than once if the topics are different and with permission of advisor. Open to Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs students; others with Marxe S...
PAF 9301
Introduction to School Leadership
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of school leadership. Students will learn skills for analyzing, diagnosing, and solving organizational problems as school building leaders. Students will also begin to develop their own lead...
PAF 9301L
Introduction to School Leadership
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of school leadership. Students will learn skills for analyzing, diagnosing, and solving organizational problems as school building leaders. Students will also begin to develop their own lead...
PAF 9302
Organization Behavior in Colleges and Universities
This course applies the behavioral sciences to higher education administration. Human relations principles will be developed through an analysis of problems in formal and informal organizations, in communication and participation, and in the developm...
PAF 9303
Leadershp & Decision
Leadershp & Decision
PAF 9304
Theory Budgeting Qa
Theory Budgeting Qa
PAF 9305
PAF 9306
Human Resource Management in Education
This course focuses on the methods used to effectively recruit, train, and evaluate administrative staff in schools. There is an emphasis on developing the role of the teacher in human resource decision-making. Open only to Master of Science in Educa...
PAF 9306L
Human Resource Management in Education
This course focuses on the methods used to effectively recruit, train, and evaluate administrative staff in schools. There is an emphasis on developing the role of the teacher in human resource decision-making. Open only to Master of Science in Educa...
PAF 9307
School Performance Measurement
This course prepares administrators to effectively collect, measure, and evaluate school data. Students will learn how to use data to make strategic decisions that directly influence school improvement and student achievement. Provides information on...
PAF 9308
Administrative Services in Colleges and Universities
This course exposes students to the functions and organization of a broad range of administrative offices, processes, and responsibilities. It places the shared governance culture of higher education in the context of modern management theory and pra...
PAF 9309
Instructional Leadership in Schools
This course addresses the critical role of the school leader to supervise and manage the quality of instruction and student achievement. It focuses on staff supervision, the cultivation of strategic plans and school culture, as well as the implementa...
PAF 9309L
Instructional Leadership in Schools
This course addresses the critical role of the school leader to supervise and manage the quality of instruction and student achievement. It focuses on staff supervision, the cultivation of strategic plans and school culture, as well as the implementa...
PAF 9310
School Leadership and Organizational Management
This course introduces students to the theory of organizational management and systems-thinking. It focuses on school planning, implementation, and evaluation. Open only to Master of Science in Education students. Students from other degree programs...
PAF 9310L
School Leadership and Organizational Management
This course introduces students to the theory of organizational management and systems-thinking. It focuses on school planning, implementation, and evaluation. Open only to Master of Science in Education students. Students from other degree programs...
PAF 9311
Community Relations in Education
This course explores the relationship of the school to the communities that it serves, including interrelationships with parents' associations, the community school board, community leaders, city-wide and neighborhood media, the business community, a...
PAF 9311L
Community Relations in Education
This course explores the relationship of the school to the communities that it serves, including interrelationships with parents' associations, the community school board, community leaders, city-wide and neighborhood media, the business community, a...
PAF 9312
Legal and Policy Issues in Education
This course examines the legal framework of educational governance in the United States. It focuses on the constitutional, legislative, labor, and administrative laws and policies that apply to public, private, and charter schools. Special emphasis i...
PAF 9312L
Legal and Policy Issues in Education
This course examines the legal framework of educational governance in the United States. It focuses on the constitutional, legislative, labor, and administrative laws and policies that apply to public, private, and charter schools. Special emphasis i...
PAF 9313
Capstone Seminar for the School Building Leader
This is an advanced seminar in which students produce a semester project drawing from the full course of study toward the Masters of Science in Education in Educational Leadership (MSED-EL). The project may involve policy research, intensive study of...
PAF 9313L
Paf 9313 Lecture
Paf 9313 Lecture
PAF 9314
Strategies in Classroom Management
This course provides leadership strategies for improving classroom instruction and student achievement in school settings. Topics include leading and organizing for curriculum development, guiding staff toward using multiple instructional strategies...
PAF 9314L
Strategies in Classroom Management
This course provides leadership strategies for improving classroom instruction and student achievement in school settings. Topics include leading and organizing for curriculum development, guiding staff toward using multiple instructional strategies...
PAF 9315
Charter School Administration
Examines the challenges of administering charter schools. The history of the charter school movement is explored, with a special focus on New York City. The courses explores problems in the management of charter schools, including the planning, organ...
PAF 9315L
Charter School Administration
Examines the challenges of administering charter schools. The history of the charter school movement is explored, with a special focus on New York City. The course explores problems in the management of charter schools, including the planning, organi...
PAF 9316
Urban School Problems
This course examines school problems using case studies. The problems and cases are selected by the instructor. Open only to Master of Science in Education students. Students from other degree programs by permission only.
PAF 9317
Research for the Educational Administrator
This course examines the tools and strategies used in educational research. Students learn to be intelligent consumers of research studies. All stages of the research process are addressed: the determination of a problem amenable to research, apprais...
PAF 9317L
Research for the Educational Administrator
This course examines the tools and strategies used in educational research. Students learn to be intelligent consumers of research studies. All stages of the research process are addressed: the determination of a problem amenable to research, apprais...
PAF 9318
Educational Policy
This course is designed for MPA and MSED students interested in learning more about educational policy at the local, state, and federal levels. Students in this course will critically examine the social, political, and economic theories behind curren...
PAF 9318L
Educational Policy
This course is designed for MPA and MSED students interested in learning more about educational policy at the local, state, and federal levels. Students in this course will critically examine the social, political, and economic theories behind curren...
PAF 9319
School Finance and Budgeting
This course addresses major issues in educational finance and budgeting with a particular focus on New York State and New York City. Financial topics include federal, state and local tax structures and resource allocation rules. This course also offe...
PAF 9319L
School Finance and Budgeting
This course addresses major issues in educational finance and budgeting with a particular focus on New York State and New York City. Financial topics include federal, state and local tax structures and resource allocation rules. This course also offe...
PAF 9320
Educational Leadership Internship I
Part I of this two-course internship provides students with real-world administrative experience in an educational organization. The internship in part I consists of 300 hours in a work assignment. Open only to Master of Science in Education students...
PAF 9320L
Educational Leadership Internship I
Part I of this two-course internship provides students with real-world administrative experience in an educational organization. The internship in part I consists of 300 hours in a work assignment. Open only to Master of Science in Education students...
PAF 9321
Educational Leadership Internship II
Part II of this two-course internship provides students with real-world administrative experience in an educational organization. The internship in part II consists of 300 hours in a work assignment.
PAF 9321L
Educational Leadership Internship II
Part II of this two-course internship provides students with real-world administrative experience in an educational organization. The internship in part II consists of 300 hours in a work assignment.
PAF 9322
Internship in Higher Education Administration
This internship provides part-time administrative experience in higher education institutions. It is intended to extend administrative knowledge, skills, and sensitivity through a range of on-the-job tasks and duties. The work assignment requires 150...
PAF 9323
Practicum I for School District Leaders
This course is the first of a required two-course sequence for School District Leader (SDL) certification. The first part of the practicum sequence consists of 300 hours in a work assignment. This course is for students who have achieved School Build...
PAF 9323L
Practicum I for School District Leaders
This course is the first of a required two-course sequence for School District Leader (SDL) certification. The first part of the practicum sequence consists of 300 hours in a work assignment. This course is for students who have achieved School Build...
PAF 9324
Practicum II for School District Leaders
This course is the second of a required two-course sequence for School District Leader (SDL) certification. The second part of the practicum sequence consists of 300 hours in a work assignment.
PAF 9324L
Practicum II for School District Leaders
This course is the second of a required two-course sequence for School District Leader (SDL) certification. The second part of the practicum sequence consists of 300 hours in a work assignment.
PAF 9325
Institutional Research
This course provides students with an overview of institutional research as both a profession and a mode of inquiry. Students will review the fundamentals of the field in terms of concepts, analytics and management. Additionally, they will also work...
PAF 9325L
Institutional Research
This course provides students with an overview of institutional research as both a profession and a mode of inquiry. Students will review the fundamentals of the field in terms of concepts, analytics and management. Additionally, they will also work...
PAF 9330
Introduction to Higher Education Administration
This course examines the structure and history of American higher education. The existing institutional structure of higher education will be studied, focusing on the main actors and their roles with respect to questions of governance and institution...
PAF 9331
The History of U.S. Higher Education
The origin, objectives, institutions, development, and societal relations of colleges, including community colleges and universities, will be explored. The historical factors influencing the current status of the American university will be emphasize...
PAF 9332
Information Systems in Higher Education Administration
This course examines information systems in institutions of higher education. It explores the processes for developing institutional objectives, identifying informational requirements, and analyzing systems. The course focuses on the information func...
PAF 9333
Curriculum and Instruction in Higher Education
This course examines the academic programs and instructional systems in post-secondary education. The nature and interrelationship of general education and specialized education, liberal arts, and vocational education will be considered. The course l...
PAF 9334
Collective Bargaining in Higher Education
This course will provide students with a working knowledge of collective bargaining in the United States. The various collective bargaining units found on a traditional college campus will be examined, such as faculty, administrative, trades, clerica...
PAF 9335
The Community College
This course examines the structure and administration of community colleges, technical institutions, and adult education programs. It looks at the relationship between community colleges and four-year colleges.
PAF 9336
Student Affairs in Higher Education
This course examines the theory and practice of student affairs in U.S. higher education institutions. It focuses on the history and theoretical foundations of student affairs, its organization and functions within a variety of institution types, and...
PAF 9336L
Paf 9336 Lecture
Paf 9336 Lecture
PAF 9337
Issues in Urban Higher Education
This course focuses on issues and problems of higher education in cities. It will cover such subject areas as the role of education in development of the American city; the impact of immigration on schools; the debate over access and quality in neigh...
PAF 9338
Higher Education, Politics, and Public Policy
This course provides an in-depth examination of public policymaking for higher education in the United States. It emphasizes state-level policymaking for higher education but also surveys the role of federal and local governments. It explores the imp...
PAF 9339
The Financing of Higher Education
This course provides an introduction for non-financial managers to the basic issues surrounding the financial management of colleges and universities. Topics to be covered include sources of revenue, such as tuition, research grants, and private gift...
PAF 9340
Introduction to Special Education Administration
Introduction to Special Education Administration
PAF 9341
Special Education Administration
An examination of school programs and services for students with disabilities. Among the topics covered will be disabilities law, supervision of special education personnel, sources of program funding, and the mainstreaming of children in a variety o...
PAF 9342
Political Policy Analysis in Education
This course is designed for students interested in applying policy analysis tools to education. Students learn to assess the political feasibility as well as the technical attractiveness of policy alternatives in education.
PAF 9343
International Higher Education: Policies and Practices
The course examines the impact of globalization on higher education systems. Students will identify global, regional, and domestic higher education trends, and analyze how their interactions shape policy agendas. Additionally, students will examine i...
PAF 9344
Diversity in Higher Education
The questions of how higher educational leaders define diversity; of why diversity matters to these leaders; and how leaders might engage students’ diverse identities in their work, are the essential questions that guide the study of diversity in hig...
PAF 9345
The Law of Higher Education
This course will explore key laws and legal concepts applicable to American institutions of higher education. We will discuss the increasingly complex and evolving legal environment in which our colleges and universities operate. The course will focu...
PAF 9346
Student Development Theory and Practice
This course will provide students with a working knowledge and history of student development theory and practice that will serve as a foundation for the course. Topics to be covered include understanding and using student development theory, includi...
PAF 9390
Capstone Seminar in Higher Education Administration
Advanced seminar in which students produce a semester project drawing from the full course of study toward the Masters of Science in Education, Higher Education Administration (MSED-HEA). Special attention is placed on incorporating aptitudes introdu...
PAF 9399
Selected Topics in Educational Administration
This course examines policy and managerial issues in educational administration. The topics will be selected by the instructor.
PAF 9410
Global Economic Governance: Pacts, Actors, and Regimes
In the absence of global government, global economic governance organizations have emerged to coordinate, monitor, manage, and direct the economic and monetary activities of states and firms. This course will introduce students to the agreements and...
PAF 9411
Comparative Urban Policy and Governance
By 2050, 68% of the world’s population will live in cities, with particular growth occurring in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. This course will examine urban policymaking from a comparative perspective in cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Karachi, Lag...
PAF 9415
International Economics
This course introduces students to the basic micro- and macro-economic principles that underlie international economic relations. Students will gain an understanding of international trade and finance and the effects of various international economic...
PAF 9416
Global Growth
This course examines the factors that affect countries’ economic growth in the long run. The class will critically assess various domestic and international policies that have (or have failed to) promote growth and reduce poverty across the world. St...
PAF 9420
Global Communication
In this class students will apply a comparative perspective to the communicative conditions that prevail in countries across the world, from everyday cultural practices (e.g., diplomatic ways of communicating in various societies) to organizational a...
PAF 9425
Western Hemisphere Affairs: Past, Present, and Future
This course will examine the contemporary policy agenda for political, economic, and social relations among countries in the Western Hemisphere. Among the contemporary cases under study will be: trade and regional economic integration; foreign invest...
PAF 9426
Illicit Trade
This course examines the role of illicit trade in the international system with a focus on its integration with other social, political, and economic processes. This class begins with an overview of the policy challenges associated with illicit trade...
PAF 9430
Diaspora, Migration, and Transnational Life in the Western Hemisphere and Beyond
This course will examine the contemporary policy agenda for political, economic, and social relations among countries in the Western Hemisphere. Among the contemporary cases under study will be: trade and regional economic integration; foreign invest...
PAF 9434
Political Violence
Why do we fight? War-making defines the human experience, consuming vast amounts of intellectual, material, and environmental resources, before even considering the cost to human life itself. This seminar will explore the dynamicsof political violenc...
PAF 9435
Security in the Western Hemisphere: A Multi-Dimensional Approach
This elective course examines the Western Hemisphere’s multidimensional security agenda, which encompasses traditional and non-traditional threats. Specifically, it takes an historical approach, analyzing at how “security” has been defined over time...
PAF 9436
International Security and the Liberal World Order
This course will examine the most pressing issues in US national security and international security–including weapons proliferation, cyber warfare, pandemics, climate change, a rising China,and a revisionist Russia–and how this country’s ongoing deb...
PAF 9440
Trade Policy
This course focuses on the processes by which domestic and international actors shape trade policy. Protectionist, mercantilist, economic nationalist, and liberalist policies are addressed in the context of the international economy. Students will st...
PAF 9445
International Political Economy
This course analyzes the role that government plays in shaping production, investment, consumption, and allocation of resources through domestic economic policy as it interacts with other states and international institutions. Students will learn abo...
PAF 9450
International Development
The course provides an overview of the competing theories of economic development and growth, highlighting the importance of fundamental factors related to culture, geography, and institutions in shaping the prosperity of nations today. Students will...
PAF 9455
International Regulatory Policy
The course will address competitive regulatory regimes, through which governments seek to attract human capital, taxpayers, industries and jobs; the policy areas which governments alter to compose those regimes, including tax, trade, property rights,...
PAF 9490
International Affairs Capstone Seminar
This course is an advanced seminar in which students in their last semester before graduation produce a semester project drawing from the full course of study toward the Master of International Affairs (MIA). The project may involve policy research,...
PAF 9510
Collective Bargaining
This course is designed to introduce the student to the elements of the collective bargaining process. The course will focus on various elements and the nature and characteristics of the collective bargaining process. Included will be economic, legal...
PAF 9520
Labor Union History
This course is designed to provide the basic framework of labor union history in the United States. Emphasis will be placed on the philosophical, legislative/legal approach. The focus of the course will be on the recognition and analysis of those for...
PAF 9590
Coordinating Seminar in Labor Relations: The State of the Unions
This course is designed as the coordinating seminar for third-year Executive MSILR students. The focus of the course is on the state of the unions. The course will feature a series of guest speakers euphemistically known as Legends of Labor. Each spe...
PAF 9600
Map Making for Public Policy
The course provides an introduction to basic map making skills and the use of maps and spatial data in policy applications. Students will learn how to create and interpret thematic maps, by hands-on experience with mapping software. Advanced topics w...
PAF 9610
Environmental Policy
This course introduces students to the major features and debates in environmental policy, focusing primarily on the metropolitan environment in the United States. Students are introduced to environmental issues with respect to both the human and phy...
PAF 9615
Who Makes Policy?
This course for the Washington Semester Program, examines the public and private actors and institutions that shape American domestic and foreign policies. Open to Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs students; others with Marxe...
PAF 9627
Work-Life Communication
This course is designed to explore the various communicative intersections between our work and family lives with special attention to issues of family, organizational, and political communication. Specific topics of discussion include: historical di...
PAF 9699
Selected Topics in Public Policy
The course focuses on major substantive areas of public policy. Course may betaken more than once if the topics are different and with permission of advisor.Open to Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs students;others with Marxe...
PAF 9710
Health And Health Care
Health care managers and policy makers seek to maximize the promise and minimize the problems associated with improving health and providing health services to all Americans. This involves understanding the determinants of population and individual h...
PAF 9715
Health Care Policy
The purpose of this course is to: examine policy issues relevant to four overarching concerns within health care: health status; access to health care; health care quality; and health care costs; in so doing, provide an understanding of various metho...
PAF 9720
Population Based Health Planning
Explores the history, rationale, and practice of population-based health care planning. Major features and issues in the total cycle of planning and control. Framework of classical population-based planning models and practice viewed from the perspec...
PAF 9725
Health Program, Policy and Performance Evaluation
This course applies generic skills in evaluation and performance measurement to the particular circumstances of health and medical care. Topics covered include defining the purpose of an evaluation; different organizational arrangements for evaluatio...
PAF 9730
Comparative Health Systems
Explores the salient features of health systems of several countries. In order to develop an ability to review and critique other systems, and to establish the relevance of the course, the U.S. system will be discussed first. The review of other syst...
PAF 9735
Health Politics and Policymaking
This course examines the evolution of the major governmental programs involved with health insurance and health care in the United States. The goal is an understanding of the political dynamics that lead to successes and failures in health policymaki...
PAF 9760
Managerial Economics
Application of basic economic concepts to the decision problems of the firm. Demand, supply, cost and profit functions, and capital budgeting are analyzed conceptually and with the use of quantitative tools to give them empirical content.
PAF 9766
Health Care Costs and Financing
Description and analysis of health care costs and financing. Key topics include the factors and forces driving health care costs; demand for, operation of and side-effects of health insurance; health care cost-containment techniques; payment for phys...
PAF 9766L
Paf 9766 Lecture
Paf 9766 Lecture
PAF 9799
Selected Topics in Health Policy
Topics in health policy will vary from offering to offering.
PAF 9799L
Paf 9799 Lecture
Paf 9799 Lecture
PAF 9999
Independent Study in Public Affairs
Issues of special interest are examined. The subject matter is determined jointly by the student and instructor. An application is required. Hours to be arranged.
PUB 1250
Public Administration in Modern Society
This course introduces the student to the field of public administration and public policy. It focuses on the nature of government organizations in this country and how they operate. It also contrasts them with private organizations in this country a...
PUB 1250H
Honors - Public Administration
This course introduces the student to the field of public administration and public policy. It focuses on the nature of government organizations in this country and how they operate. It also contrasts them with private organizations in this country a...
PUB 15
Pub Admin Cert F/T
Pub Admin Cert F/T
PUB 2001
Pub Regulation - Bus
Pub Regulation - Bus
PUB 3001
Public Regulation of Business
Administrative and political aspects of government regulation of business. Federal and state regulatory agencies and processes. Growth of social regulatory agencies. Current trends and alternatives to regulation.
PUB 3050
Pub Adm & Politics
Pub Adm & Politics
PUB 3100
Program Administration in Public Agencies
The purpose of the course is to provide an understanding of the nature and function of management in public agencies. Emphasis is placed on the processes of defining goals and objectives, organizing and staffing for maximum productivity, and dealing...
PUB 3233
Political and Administrative Research
An introduction to the foundations of political and administrative research, with special emphasis placed on the philosophy of social science, research design, measurement, data collection procedures, and data analysis and interpretation. Students ma...
PUB 3354
Urban Administration
Urban Administration
PUB 3375
Housing Cd Policy
Housing Cd Policy
PUB 3451
Case Studies in Public Administration
Application of concepts developed in the introductory course to a series of analyses of cases at all levels of government.
PUB 3500
Humn & Fiscl Res Pub
Humn & Fiscl Res Pub
PUB 4000
Polcy/Prog Anal&Eval
Polcy/Prog Anal&Eval
PUB 4850
Organization and Management of Health Services in the United States
The course explores the relationship between managerial actions and organizational outcomes in health delivery organizations. Using the case study method, the course addresses hospital governance, medical staff relations, hospital-labor relations, st...
PUB 5000
Independent Study Public Administration I
Contact department for the course description.
PUB 5001
Independent Study Public Administration II
Independent Study Public Administration II
PUB 5002
Independent Study Public Administration III
Independent Study Public Administration III
PUB 5452
The New York City Council Government Internship (City Hall)
The New York City Council Government Internship (City Hall)
PUB 5452A
Fld Wk Pub Adm II
Fld Wk Pub Adm II
PUB 6001H
Honors - Public Administration I
Contact department for the course description.
PUB 6002H
Honors - Public Administration II
Contact department for the course description.
PUB 7000
Public Admin Electiv
Public Admin Electiv
PUB 7050
Public Admin Int Ele
Public Admin Int Ele
PUB 7100
Public Admin Adv Ele
Public Admin Adv Ele
PUB 9199
Selected Topics Publ
Selected Topics Publ
PUB 9400
Pol Set Pub Adm& Pol
Pol Set Pub Adm& Pol
PUB 9401
Admintrv Law&Regul
Admintrv Law&Regul
PUB 9402
American Public Law
American Public Law
PUB 9403
Legislative Process
Legislative Process
PUB 9404
Presidency In Us
Presidency In Us
PUB 9405
Pol & Pub Opinion
Pol & Pub Opinion
PUB 9406
Comparative Pub Adm
Comparative Pub Adm
PUB 9407
Ecol Of Urban Admist
Ecol Of Urban Admist
PUB 9408
Intergovtmtl Relatns
Intergovtmtl Relatns
PUB 9409
Govmt Of City Of N Y
Govmt Of City Of N Y
PUB 9410
Met Areas & Comm Pow
Met Areas & Comm Pow
PUB 9420
Admin Management I
Admin Management I
PUB 9421
Organization Theory
Organization Theory
PUB 9422
Case Studies In Pub
Case Studies In Pub
PUB 9423
Internshp Pub Admin
Internshp Pub Admin
PUB 9424
Systs Mgt In Pub Sec
Systs Mgt In Pub Sec
PUB 9425
Pblc Personl Adminis
Pblc Personl Adminis
PUB 9426
Public Budget Admst
Public Budget Admst
PUB 9427
Pub Sectr Fincal Mgt
Pub Sectr Fincal Mgt
PUB 9428
Coll Barg In Govt
Coll Barg In Govt
PUB 9429
Governmt Contracting
Governmt Contracting
PUB 9430
Adv Stud Adm Mgt
Adv Stud Adm Mgt
PUB 9431
Human Services Admin
Human Services Admin
PUB 9432
Fund Raise Grnt Non
Fund Raise Grnt Non
PUB 9433
Aply Tech In Pub Adm
Aply Tech In Pub Adm
PUB 9434
Applying Tech Pub Ad
Applying Tech Pub Ad
PUB 9440
Intro Policy Analys
Intro Policy Analys
PUB 9441
Plng For Metro Areas
Plng For Metro Areas
PUB 9442
Development Adminis
Development Adminis
PUB 9443
Human Resours Policy
Human Resours Policy
PUB 9444
Bus & Pub Polcy Form
Bus & Pub Polcy Form
PUB 9445
Bureaucracy, Bus&Pol
Bureaucracy, Bus&Pol
PUB 9446
Fed&State Gov In Edu
Fed&State Gov In Edu
PUB 9447
Adm Of Higher Educat
Adm Of Higher Educat
PUB 9448
Adm Not For Prof Agn
Adm Not For Prof Agn
PUB 9450
Pol Econ Pub Admin
Pol Econ Pub Admin
PUB 9490
Res Dsgn&Data Analys
Res Dsgn&Data Analys
PUB 9491
Adv Res Meth In Pub
Adv Res Meth In Pub
PUB 9492
Program Evaluation
Program Evaluation
PUB 9493
Computr Applc In Pub
Computr Applc In Pub
PUB 9494
Sys Mgt In Pub Sect
Sys Mgt In Pub Sect
PUB 9495
Servcs Delvry Eval
Servcs Delvry Eval
PUB 9498
Urban Fellowship
Urban Fellowship
PUB 9499
Sem Selectd Tpcs Pub
Sem Selectd Tpcs Pub
PUB 9510
Public Budget Admin
Public Budget Admin
PUB 9530
Admin Management II
Admin Management II
PUB 9550
Research Design
Research Design
PUB 9570
Policy Analysis
Policy Analysis
PUB 9611
Amer Pub Law Adm Sta
Amer Pub Law Adm Sta
PUB 9612
Admin Law And Reg
Admin Law And Reg
PUB 9613
Legis Process In Us
Legis Process In Us
PUB 9614
Chief Exec Amer Gov
Chief Exec Amer Gov
PUB 9615
Pol Dynamics In Us
Pol Dynamics In Us
PUB 9616
Intergvmental Relat
Intergvmental Relat
PUB 9631
Ecology Of Urban Adm
Ecology Of Urban Adm
PUB 9632
Governing N.Y.City
Governing N.Y.City
PUB 9635
Met Areas & Com Powr
Met Areas & Com Powr
PUB 9636
Plan & Commun Devel
Plan & Commun Devel
PUB 9638
Urban Svcs Delivery
Urban Svcs Delivery
PUB 9650
Intro Nonprofit Sect
Intro Nonprofit Sect
PUB 9651
Nfp & Voluntary Agen
Nfp & Voluntary Agen
PUB 9652
Fund Rais & Grant Ad
Fund Rais & Grant Ad
PUB 9661
Bus&Pub Policy Formu
Bus&Pub Policy Formu
PUB 9662
Bureaucracy, Bus&Pol
Bureaucracy, Bus&Pol
PUB 9666
Fed&State Gov In Edu
Fed&State Gov In Edu
PUB 9667
Adm Of Higher Educ
Adm Of Higher Educ
PUB 9668
Info Sys High Ed Adm
Info Sys High Ed Adm
PUB 9671
Human Services Admin
Human Services Admin
PUB 9675
Human Resources Plcy
Human Resources Plcy
PUB 9681
Comparative Pub Adm
Comparative Pub Adm
PUB 9682
Development Adminis
Development Adminis
PUB 9691
Urban/Rural Fellow
Urban/Rural Fellow
PUB 9699
Sel Topics Pub Admin
Sel Topics Pub Admin
PUB 9701
Problms In Pub Admin
Problms In Pub Admin
PUB 9702
Adv Res Meth Pub Pol
Adv Res Meth Pub Pol
PUB 9704
Public Admin
Public Admin
PUB 9705
Pub Sector Fin Mgt
Pub Sector Fin Mgt
PUB 9706
Acc & Aud In Pub Sec
Acc & Aud In Pub Sec
PUB 9708
Prog&Main Pub Agn I
Prog&Main Pub Agn I
PUB 9709
Govt Contracting
Govt Contracting
PUB 9710
Pub Pers Prob
Pub Pers Prob
PUB 9711
Pub Personnel&Hr Mgt
Pub Personnel&Hr Mgt
PUB 9712
Labor Rel In Pub Sec
Labor Rel In Pub Sec
PUB 9714
Organization Theory
Organization Theory
PUB 9717
Sys Mgt In Publ Sect
Sys Mgt In Publ Sect
PUB 9718
Apply Tech Pub Admin
Apply Tech Pub Admin
PUB 9719
Program Evaluation
Program Evaluation
PUB 9730
Acct Aud In Pub Sect
Acct Aud In Pub Sect
PUB 9740
Pol Setting Pub Admn
Pol Setting Pub Admn
PUB 9780
Prog In Adm Pub Agnc
Prog In Adm Pub Agnc
PUB 9799
Resch Concpt&Mtdlgy
Resch Concpt&Mtdlgy
PUB 99001
Res Method For Sem
Res Method For Sem
PUB 99002
Research Seminar
Research Seminar
PUB 9910
Capstone Seminar
Capstone Seminar
PUB 9911
Preservice Intrnship
Preservice Intrnship
PUB 99301
Res Mthd For Thesis
Res Mthd For Thesis
PUB 99302
PUB 993I
Pub Adm Thesis Sem I
Pub Adm Thesis Sem I
Pub Adm Thsis Sem Ii
Pub Adm Thsis Sem Ii