Department: Communication Studies

Code Name Description
COM 1010 Speech Communication This course provides training and practice in the preparation and delivery of original speeches, encourages the use of clear language, develops students' awareness of intellectual and ethical aspects of communication, and promotes critical thinking a...
COM 1010H Honors Speech Communications This course provides training and practice in the preparation and delivery of original speeches, encourages the use of clear language, develops students' awareness of intellectual and ethical aspects of communication, and promotes critical thinking a...
COM 1010L Lecture Speech Communication Lecture Speech Communication
COM 1011 Voice and Diction Through conversation, storytelling, reading aloud, and exercises, students learn in this course to improve the basic vocal and articulatory skills used in everyday life. Special emphasis is given to the importance of communicating in standard America...
COM 1013 Public Speaking Public Speaking
COM 1031 Oral Interpretation This course is devoted to study of the theory of oral interpretation, with extensive exercise in the reading of prose and poetry. It aims to enhance the student's intellectual and emotional responsiveness to literature and to enlarge his power to exp...
COM 2000 Introduction to Communication Studies This course provides an introductory examination of the practices and theories that inform the study of human communication as a social and cultural phenomenon. Topics include intrapersonal, interpersonal, small-group, intercultural, and public commu...
COM 2020 Introduction to Business Communication This course focuses on communication skills expected of college graduates entering business fields. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to produce clear, concise, evidence-based, argumentatively sound, and persuasive professio...
COM 3014 Intensive Voice and Diction This course is designed to help students develop standard American speech patterns. By studying the structure of American English and by utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet, students will learn to improve their own speech patterns. Attentio...
COM 3016 Phonetic of American English Phonetic of American English
COM 3020 Communication and Advocacy in Business and Public Affairs This is an advanced course in communication as it is practiced in business and public life. It focuses on the efforts of businesses and organizations to communicate and persuade. Case histories are examined, and students participate in a term project...
COM 3021 Professional Speech Communication This is an intensive seven-and-a-half-week course designed to give students practice creating and then delivering some of the most common types of speeches or presentations that mid-level career professionals might be called upon to make in the cours...
COM 3023 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism A study of the structure and function of the speech and hearing mechanisms as functioning, coordinated entities.
COM 3025 Speech and Language Development Speech and language acquisition in children. Attention is given to the more commonly encountered forms of defective speech. Designed to promote understanding of normal speech and language development with a view toward enabling the non-specialist to...
COM 3040 Information and Society This course examines the nature, production, value and uses of information in historical perspective; the latest developments in information technology; the ways information is produced and disseminated and how they affect business, politics, media,...
COM 3045 Communication Law and Free Speech From pornography to political speech, from the lewd to the libelous, and everywhere in between, the law is forever drawing lines that divide protected speech (what you can say in America) from unprotected speech (what you cannot say in America). This...
COM 3057 Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture This course introduces students to the major critical methods, policy issues, and creative forms involved in contemporary digital media in the United States and across the globe. Combining methods from the fields of media studies, political economy,...
COM 3058 The Ethics of Image Making: Film, Television, and Digital Media Image making of all kinds is bound up with questions of ethics. Who has the right to represent other people's lives? What are the consequences of tackling sensitive social and political issues through the lens of documentary photography, film making,...
COM 3059 Video Communication and Production This course is an introduction to the aesthetic principles, analytical tools, and production techniques of video communication. The course involves lectures, screenings, readings, and a variety of writing projects, along with direct experience with s...
COM 3060 Media Analysis and Criticism This course critically examines the mass media and their role in society through a variety of case studies, including the representation of gender in advertising, theories of the media audience and media effects, journalistic values and the agenda-se...
COM 3061 Speech Composition and Delivery This course uses selected readings from classical and modern texts to provide a historical analysis and framework for students who wish to further develop their speechwriting and presentation capabilities. The student cultivates sensitivity to the in...
COM 3062 Studies in Electronic Media The course examines the electronic mass media of radio, television, and digital technologies. Topics addressed include economic and regulatory history, the impact of technological change, and the role of electronic media in American society.
COM 3063 Speaking to the Camera The purpose of this course is to help students develop communication techniques that emphasize vocal and physical spontaneity for the camera, as opposed to theater techniques, which must include the sustaining of repeated performances. Students gain...
COM 3064 Classical Rhetoric If you think that modern criticisms of the shrillness and vacuity of contemporary public discourse and the often misleading and just plain ugly nature of today’s political speeches are something new, then you may be interested to learn about the deba...
COM 3065 American Public Address This course analyzes significant American public speeches delivered over the course of the last three centuries or so. Attention will be paid primarily to the political and philosophical ideas in these speeches. Through such analysis we will gain a s...
COM 3066 Rhetorical Theory and Criticism This course introduces students to major issues and perspectives in rhetoricaltheory, including the evolving conceptions of rhetoric, foundational concepts, andmethods of rhetorical analysis. By exploring traditional and contemporary approaches to st...
COM 3067 American Television Programming This course offers a historical and critical survey of the popular program forms in American broadcasting. Topics include the influence of other dramatic arts on television; the role of entertainment programming in the business and social history of...
COM 3068 Managerial Communication Within Organizations This course introduces the study of managerial communication within complex organizations through a review of recent theoretical contributions, empirical findings, and methodological advances in the field of organizational communication.
COM 3069 Intercultural Communication This course examines the influence of cultural factors on communication, aiding students in the development of intercultural communication skills in interpersonal, public, and organizational contexts. The course explores how cultures differ in behavi...
COM 3069H Honors - Intercultural Communication This course examines the influence of cultural factors on communication, aiding students in the development of intercultural communication skills in interpersonal, public, and organizational contexts. The course explores how cultures differ in behavi...
COM 3070 Persuasion This course examines: theoretical models that seek to explain how successful persuasion works; ethical arguments regarding the appropriate uses of persuasion in various situations and with various audiences; and historical and contemporary examples o...
COM 3071 Argumentation and Debate This course examines the theory of argumentation and provides students with the opportunity to engage in several in-class debates. Students will develop a heightened understanding and appreciation of the nature and role of debate in the democratic pr...
COM 3074 Elements of Legal Argumentation This course examines legal argumentation in various contexts. In general, students will learn how to analyze legal arguments and how to make those arguments themselves. More specifically, students will learn how lawyers argue, from the granular level...
COM 3075 Interpersonal and Group Communication This course examines the dynamics of individuals in interaction with supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, customers, and external organizational stakeholders. It will focus on the critical skills that are needed in a business world that is increasi...
COM 3076 International Communication This course examines issues related to the internationalization of media and communication. Topics include a comparison of information-rich and information-poor countries, an analysis of global media, trends in communication technology, the role of E...
COM 3077 Interpersonal Communication This course is designed to examine communication issues surrounding interaction between individuals in family, peer, work, and business contexts. Topics include effective verbal and nonverbal communication, communication and perception of self and ot...
COM 3078 Group Communication This course focuses on small-group communication in private, public, and business settings. Topics include types and functions of groups, group-communication theory, issues of power and trust in group communication, effective communication in face-to...
COM 3079 Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Communication Class themes include the relationship of communication to cultural norms, the social construction of difference, the implications of cultural metaphors and stereotypes, and the consequences of the under representation of some cultural groups in mass...
COM 3080 Virtual Teamwork This course covers theories and methodologies of virtual teamwork. Topicsinclude issues related to communicating across cultural and geographicalboundaries in international online collaboration; cultural factors influencing team communication and pra...
COM 3081 Organizations in International Development This course investigates the role of international development organizations inglobal politics, national policy making, and local decision-making. Drawing fromtheoretical frameworks, empirical studies, and student research, we will studythe communica...
COM 3082 Gender Communication This course examines the theories and applications of gender in various communication contexts. Areas to be studied include: basic gender communication theories, roles and stereotypes, gender differences in verbal and nonverbal communication, process...
COM 3084 Communication in Intercultural and International Conflicts This course focuses on theoretical and practical approaches to conflicts in intercultural and international communication contexts. Students examine the causes, expressions, and consequences of intercultural and international conflicts as well as con...
COM 3085 Memory, Reconciliation, and Peace This course focuses on communication related to memory, reconciliation, and peace. Topics include the analysis of contemporary national and transnational dialogue on public memory and reconciliation; the exploration ofcommunication in conflict preven...
COM 3090 Nonverbal Communication Each of us sends and receives nonverbal messages on a daily basis, including facial expressions, gestures, body posture and movement, and tone of voice. Nonverbal communication is an important component of virtually all human interaction. This course...
COM 3095 Facework Communication: Impression Management This course examines interpersonal and cross-cultural theories related to improving effective communication generally, and between individuals from different cultures via the practice of facework. Particular focus will be placed on different methods...
COM 3096 Intercultural Training, Coaching, and Consulting Intercultural competence is a required skill of anyone wishing to workinternationally. This course examines how to achieve intercultural competence indomestic as well as international contexts through training, coaching, and consulting. The focus wil...
COM 3102 Communication for Executives This course examines the dynamics of communication between individuals within an organizational context. Emphasis is placed on understanding and improving personal analytical and communication skills in an organizationalsetting. We will examine liste...
COM 3102H Honors- Communication for Executives This course examines the dynamics of communicationbetween individuals within an organizational context.Emphasis is placed on understanding and improving personalanalytical and communication skills in an organizationalsetting.We will examine listening...
COM 3110 Contemporary Issues in Digital Media This course examines the role of computers and digital media in contemporary culture within larger histories of technological and social change and the ways in which personal and collective identities are shaped by emerging media technologies. Topics...
COM 3111 Markets, Media, and Meaning In this course, we will try to understand the market economy as a form ofcommunication. We will examine the ways economic activities inform,persuade, invent, coerce, reward, punish, judge, unite, and divide individualsand groups. To do this, we will...
COM 3120 Platforms, Power, and Publics This course combines rhetorical, critical, and cultural approaches to the study of social media, with a particular focus on concerns about power that are shared by communication scholars; media, policy, and technology journalists and professionals; a...
COM 3150 Business Communication This is a course in the concepts, tools, and skills of basic business communication, both written and spoken. Using the case study method, the course offers practical experience in researching business problems, editing, and using language to reach d...
COM 3150H Honors - Business Communication This is a course in the concepts, tools, and skills of basic business communication, both written and spoken. Using the case study method, the course offers practical experience in researching business problems, editing, and using language to reach...
COM 3165 Rhetoric of Science This course examines the ways in which scientific activity may be understood as rhetorical, from how scientific objects are created, to how scientists argue, to how scientific information is communicated to and/or used by different non-scientific aud...
COM 3170 Visual Rhetoric This course explores the ways that images function as persuasive communication. Students will learn tools for analyzing historical and contemporary visual forms such as photographs, advertisements, memes, and graphics. We will study how visual images...
COM 3210 Communication and Migration In this interactive, seminar-style course, students will investigate the intersection of communication and migration. We will consider how first and second-hand narratives about migrants are told across academic and non-academic contexts, in news and...
COM 3700 Introduction to Linguistics and Language Learning The course is an introduction to fundamental concepts of linguistics. Students explore the diversity, creativity, and open-endedness of language and how philosophers and language enthusiasts have for centuries attempted to understand its organization...
COM 3750 The Structure and History of English This course describes modern analysis of American English phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics; its History from ancient modern times; how new words are formed, sentences are structured, meaning is influenced by situation and cultu...
COM 3800 Principles of Public Relations This course explores the origins and development of public relations asboth a discipline and global business, as well as how the PR discipline has adapted to function effectively in an Internet-driven environment marked by the rise of social media an...
COM 4000 Corporate Communication This course focuses on the theory and process of communication in a corporate context, focusing on communication types, functions, strategic analysis, and developing trends in internal and external corporate communication practice. It builds on a fou...
COM 4000H Honors - Corporate Communication This course focuses on the theory and process of communication in a corporate context, focusing on communication types, functions, strategic analysis, and developing trends in internal and external corporate communication practice. It builds on a fou...
COM 4005 Public Relations Writing This course examines the skills necessary to design, implement and manage public relations campaigns from a written-communications perspective, with an emphasis on decision-making procedures and the application of clearly written, appropriately targe...
COM 4010 Public Relations Campaigns The public relations campaign involves a number of integrated events andactivities strategically targeted toward specific audiences. Through the use of research-based objectives, the PR campaign is a vital part of an organization's efforts to establi...
COM 4015 The Globalization of English This course analyzes how the English language aids globalization and how globalization changes English. After studying the historical and geographical bases for the rise of English, we explore the implications of decolonization, diaspora communities,...
COM 4059 Advanced Video Communication and Production This is an advanced course in the theory and practice of video communication, combining the analysis of video texts and criticism with advanced work with the tools of the television studio and portable video production and postproduction. Students l...
COM 4063 Advanced Speech Writing This course provides intensive training and practice in the preparation of speeches for business, political, and professional occasions. It is particularly appropriate for students interested in a career as a speech writer or as a communication speci...
COM 4069 Contemporary Issues in Intercultural Communication This course is an advanced study of intercultural communication in domestic and global intercultural contexts. The focus is on recent developments and career opportunities in the field. Students apply theories and models of intercultural communicatio...
COM 4101 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in selected topics in communication, speech, theater, or video with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
COM 4101H Honors - Selected Topics Honors - Selected Topics
COM 4900 Topics in Communication Studies In fulfillment of the capstone requirement, students do advanced study in topics such as communication in organizations, media studies, interpersonal and intercultural communication, public discourse and debate. In the course, students explore topics...
COM 4900H Honors - Topics in Communication Studies In fulfillment of the capstone requirement, students do advanced study in topics such as communication in organizations, media studies, interpersonal and intercultural communication, public discourse and debate. In the course, students explore topics...
COM 4901 Conflict Resolution This course explores conflict resolution in interpersonal communication contexts.Topics include models, theories, causes, and manifestations of conflict; strategiesand tactics of conflict resolution, including de-escalation, mediation, and collabora...
COM 4902 International Business and Organizational Communication This course focuses on developing intercultural competence in the context of international business and organizations, including non-profits, NGOs, and government organizations. Topics include cultural dimensions of global business and organizations,...
COM 4905 Language and Social Interaction This course introduces an ethnographic approach to language and interpersonal communication. Such an approach tries to understand the bases for social relations and social interaction based on the observation of, and the participation in, actual inst...
COM 4906 Communication Research Strategies This class is designed to develop communication studies as a social science and is especially suited for those students seeking admission into Communication Studies programs of graduate study. Some of the activities in the class involve the students...
COM 4907 Work-Life Communication The purpose of this class is to explore and critique historic and contemporarywork and family discourses and practices in U.S. society. Public, organizational,and family/interpersonal communication perspectives and theories providestudents understand...
COM 5 Speech Clinic Speech Clinic
COM 5000 Independent Study Communication Studies I See Department for Description.
COM 5000H Honors: Independent Study Communications Studies I See department for info.
COM 5001 Independent Study Communications Studies II See Department for Description.
COM 5010 Internship in Business and Public Communication Students work in an organization appropriate to the major and under the supervision of both professional mentors and a faculty internship coordinator. Students contribute to online discussions, attend scheduled meetings, and submit a term report. (S...
COM 5011 Internship in Business and Public Communication This is a second course in the internship program for students interested in business and public communication.
COM 6001 Honors The two-semester honors course in communication studies provides students with an opportunity to work closely with a faculty advisor on a substantive research project that addresses an issue in the field of communication studies. Students select topi...
COM 6001H Honors - Communication I The two-semester honors course in communication studies provides students with an opportunity to work closely with a faculty advisor on a substantive research project that addresses an issue in the field of communication studies. Students select topi...
COM 6002 Communication Honors II The two-semester honors course in communication studies provides students with an opportunity to work closely with a faculty advisor on a substantive research project that addresses an issue in the field of communication studies. Students select topi...
COM 6002H Honors-Thesis Public Affairs II This course allows students with superior academic achievement to work individually with a professor on a major research project. The topic will be determined by mutual agreement between the professor-mentor and the student. Prior to the first term o...
COM 7000 Communications Studies Elective Communications Studies Elective
COM 7050 Communications Intermediate Elective Communications Intermediate Elective
COM 7100 Communications Advanced Elective Communications Advanced Elective
COM 7350 Communication Studies General Education Req. MT Communication Studies General Education Req. MT
COM 7450 Communication Studies General Education Req MT Communication Studies General Education Req MT
COM 7500 Communication Studies Prof Elect Communication Studies Prof Elect
COM 8000 Business Communications Graduated Business Communications Graduated
COM 8191 Spoken English for International Students This course will provide intensive training in oral and intercultural communication skills for international MBA students. Topics include proficiency in listening comprehension and speaking English as a second language, clarification techniques, U.S....
COM 9108 Communication and Information Technology The course covers the nexus of information and communication management. As information becomes, increasingly, the principal asset of public organizations, managers will need to know how to develop, control, and capitalize upon that asset. This cours...
COM 9139 Communication Strategy This course builds on PAF 9103 Communication in Public Settings, which emphasizes strategic issues in communication. Here students will focus on the management of institutional communication rather than the basics of message design. The goal is to pr...
COM 9501 Corporations and the Media This course will allow both business journalism and corporate communication students an inside look at the corporation. Knowledge of structure, organization, decision-making, communications, culture, goals, and politics is crucial to students and pra...
COM 9505 Media Analysis for Corporate Communication This course will cover the history, organization, ownership, and functioning of print, broadcast, and electronic media with a special emphasis on the coverage of business. Some of the questions addressed include: How are stories selected? What source...
COM 9510 Legal and Ethical Issues in Corporate Communication Students in this course will improve their understanding of the underlying ethical theories and principles that guide journalists and communication specialists, develop their moral reasoning, sharpen their ability to apply various decision-making str...
COM 9515 Graphic Design for Media Professionals An understanding of the interaction of image and word and the power of that interaction to affect perception and understanding is crucial for the media professional. In this hands-on course in the basics of graphic design, students will explore commu...
COM 9600 Corporate Communication Orientation This seminar provides an immersion in the issues and concerns of the professional field of corporate communication. Faculty, corporate advisors, and alumni discuss the intellectual competencies needed for the field, the range of corporate communicati...
COM 9620 Corporate Communication This course will survey the field of corporate communication, with special emphasis on the following areas: corporate image and identity, corporate advertising and advocacy, media relations, financial communications, employee relations, and crisis ma...
COM 9625 Corporate Culture and Sustainability This graduate seminar focuses on: understanding the global business process, its environments, and cultures issues created in managing corporate cultures understanding and working with specific company cultures and subcultures understanding and imple...
COM 9626 Counseling the Corporation The contemporary business environment calls for decision-makers in corporations and non-profit organizations to engage all their internal and external constituents, honestly, actively, and consistently. The corporate communicator's role must include...
COM 9627 Work-Life Communication This course is designed to explore the various communicative intersections between our work and family lives with special attention to issues of family, organizational, and political communication. Specific topics of discussion include: historical di...
COM 9630 Corporate Media Relations This course examines the theory and practice of state-of-the-art media relations programs in business and industry. Topics to be covered include the nature of the mass media; history or the business press; the nature of business news; types of messag...
COM 9635 Quantitative Research in Corporate Communication Students in this course will learn about quantitative research methods commonly employed in corporate communication research, with special attention paid to question construction, survey methods and content analysis. At the completion of this course...
COM 9636 Corporate Representation in Film, TV, Advertising, & New Media This course critically explores how corporations and the people who work in them have been represented in film, television, advertising, and digital media and what corporate communication specialists can learn from this rich visual history. Course re...
COM 9640 Qualitative Research Methods Students in this course will learn about qualitative research methods commonly employed in corporate communication research, with special attention paid to question construction, interviewing, focus groups and ethnographic investigation. At the compl...
COM 9641 From Plato to Twitter: A History of Influence, Media, and Public Opinion This graduate seminar will analyze the history of Public Relations and its application to contemporary global practice. While the profession of Public Relations is only a century old, man has been practicing the art of influencing public attitudes si...
COM 9642 Power, Privilege, and Difference This graduate seminar will foster critical understanding regarding the interaction of cultural difference, power, privilege, and communication. Students will engage with a range of academic and popular texts in order to determine how gender, ethnicit...
COM 9643 Healthcare Communications and Public Relations This class will teach students about all aspects of healthcare communications with an emphasis on media and public relations, including communications in hospitals, public relations and marketing agencies, pharmaceutical companies, advocacy organizat...
COM 9645 Research Methods in Corporate Communication I Students in this course will learn about research design and development andqualitative and quantitative research methods commonly employed in corporate communication research. Special attention is paid to methods of information gathering. At the com...
COM 9646 Research Methods in Corporate Communication II Students in this course examine intermediate qualitative and quantitative research methods commonly employed in corporate communication research, with special attention paid to focus group techniques and survey methods. At the completion of this cour...
COM 9650 Multinational Corporate Communication and Culture Multinational Corporate Communication and Culture is an intensive residency experience held outside the United States with experts and guest lecturers on issues and concepts essential to the understanding of corporate communication and its strategic...
COM 9651 Persuasion and Advocacy This seminar provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the phenomenon of mass persuasion and advocacy in modern society. How does it “work”? How should we characterize the individuals and institutions that shape and disseminate it? What are the spec...
COM 9652 Crisis Communication This course examines the theory and practice of crisis communication in business and industry. Topics to be covered include the nature of crisis in business and industry, the role of public opinion and the media in the crisis process, strategies of c...
COM 9653 Investor Relations This course examines the theory and practice of investor relations as corporations both comply with legal requirements for financial communication and compete in the marketplace for investment capital. Topics covered include types of financial inform...
COM 9654 Employee Communication This course will focus on understanding the various models of strategic communication in the organization. It will consider such goals for internal communication as sustaining morale and goodwill between employees and management; informing employees...
COM 9655 Corporate Advertising, Image and Identity This course examines the nature of corporate image and reputation, the process of managing corporate identity process, and the role of corporate (nonproduct) advertising in a corporate communication program. Students will receive a sufficient underst...
COM 9656 International Business Communication This course examines the process of communicating across cultures and nations. Special attention is given to the impact of differences of language, nonverbal communication, social and political organization, and custom. Methods include the presentati...
COM 9657 Video Production for Corporate Communication This course in the theory and practice of video communication familiarizes students with the critical skills of moving image analysis as well as with the technologies of the television studio, field recording, and video-editing room. Students will le...
COM 9658 Reputation Mngment What are the key drivers of corporate reputation? How do companies and NGOs sustain and enhance their reputations? How do these entities respond to reputation threats and why do some survive those threats while others do not? These are among the top...
COM 9659 Business Issues for Corporate Communication Senior managers draw upon five disciplines to frame business issues andevaluate solutions. This course is an overview of the theory and practice of these five disciplines -- economics, accounting, finance, marketing, and strategy. The course provides...
COM 9660 Selected Topics in Corporate Communication This course will offer students an opportunity to study more specialized topics in corporate communication not treated in depth in regular course.
COM 9661 Selected Topics in Corporate Communication (1) his short form course will offer students an opportunity to study more specialized topics in corporate communication not treated in depth in a regular course. (Students may enroll in COM 9661 more than once if the topic is different.)This will be an...
COM 9662 Selected Topics in Corporate Communication (2) This short form course will offer students an opportunity to study more specialized topics in corporate communication not treated in depth in a regular course. (Students may enroll in COM 9662 more than once if the topic is different.)This will be an...
COM 9663 Selected Topics in Corporate Communication (1.5) This short form course will offer students an opportunity to study more specialized topics in corporate communication not treated in depth in a regular course. (Students may enroll in COM 9663 more than once if the topic is different.)This will be an...
COM 9670 Global Communication, Media, and Culture This graduate seminar is designed to expand and enhance students’ understanding of the dynamics of transcultural communication on a global scale. The course will assist students in becoming knowledgeable about and improving intercultural communicatio...
COM 9671 Organizational Responses to Social Movements and Social Media Terms like “Corporate Social Responsibility," "Corporate Citizenship," and"Sustainable Development” have become catchphrases for movements withincorporations and amongst consumers. In this class, we will consider thehistorical backgrounds of contempo...
COM 9672 Visual Culture This course examines the role of visual culture in the history and contemporaryprocesses of globalization and global cultural flows. Exploring the concept of thevisual construction of the social field, the course compares the means by whichcultures v...
COM 9673 Theories of Globalization and Culture This course examines issues related to the globalization of communication,culture, and media. Beginning with a historiography of these terms, the coursewill examine multiple theoretical perspectives and case studies of culturalmeeting, clash, and coa...
COM 9674 International Perspectives on Digital and Media Literacy This course will create a history of media literacy and digital literacy by focusingon how these discourses develop in relationship to changing industrial,technological, and political landscapes. In this pursuit, we will be contrastingbetween how the...
COM 9800 Internship in Corporate Communication Students work within an organization under the supervision of both their professional mentors and the department's graduate internship coordinator. Internship fields in corporate communication include: public relations, media relations, investor rela...
COM 9801 Internship in Corporate Communication Students work within an organization under the supervision of both their professional mentors and the internship coordinator. Internship fields in Corporate Communication include: Public Relations, Media Relations, Investor Relations, Advertising, Hu...
COM 9900 Independent Study Students who have completed 12 credits may apply to the program director for permission to enroll in an independent study with a member of the faculty, in order to explore a specific corporate communication topic in more depth and to draw on the expe...
COM 9989 MA Thesis and Capstone Project Orientation The MA Thesis and Capstone Project Orientation is designed to prepare students for the MA Thesis or Capstone Project. See the descriptions for COM 9991 the Masters Thesis, and for COM 9992, the MA Capstone Project.
COM 9991 Masters Thesis In Cc The Masters Thesis in Corporate Communication is designed for students who are seeking an intensive and rigorous scholarly experience at the highest level of masters degree work. The Masters Thesis is a significant work of scholarship, incorporating...
COM 9992 MA Capstone Project The MA Capstone Project is a research based work: such as a case-study, article-length paper, or sample corporate communication strategy that integrates the range of corporate communication theory, practice, and management presented throughout the pr...
GLS 3900 Special Topics in Global Studies This course provides an opportunity to study aspects of global connectivity and exchange not found in other Global Studies courses. Class topics will vary from semester to semester on the basis of instructor expertise. The course may be used as an el...
GLS 4900 Global Studies Capstone This course is designed to explore current controversies over the history, nature, and direction of globalization. The interdisciplinary character of global studies will be reflected in this course through global texts, new media, and student designe...
GLS 5000 Independent Study GLS I A directed study offered to qualified students who wish to pursue independent research or reading in an area or topic not adequately covered in the course offerings.
GLS 5002 Independent Study GLS III A directed study offered to qualified students who wish to pursue independent research or reading in an area or topic not adequately covered in the course offerings.
GLS 5100 Independent Study GLS II A directed study offered to qualified students who wish to pursue independent research or reading in an area or topic not adequately covered in the course offerings.
SPE 1013 Public Speaking See Department for Description.