Department: Anthropology and Sociology

Code Name Description
ANT 1001 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Cultural anthropology draws on the humanities, social sciences, and naturalsciences to explore human variation in peoples’ practices, values, identities, andinstitutions, and the nature of human conflict. ANT 1001 challenges students tocritically exa...
ANT 1001H Honors-Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Cultural anthropology draws on the humanities, social sciences, and naturalsciences to explore human variation in peoples’ practices, values, identities, andinstitutions, and the nature of human conflict. ANT 1001 challenges students tocritically exa...
ANT 3009 Introduction to Human Geography This course introduces fundamentals of world human geography, including maps and map reading, landforms and climate, elementary spatial analysis, population and migration, and patterns of resource distribution and use. Particular emphasis is given to...
ANT 3015 Cuban Culture and Society This course focuses on the development of Cuban culture and society, with special emphasis on the socialist process initiated in 1959 and itsconsequences in the areas of culture, the economy, political institutions, class, race, gender, and civil soc...
ANT 3020 Anthropology of Business This course is a cross-cultural and historical survey of contemporary global capitalism from an anthropological perspective. Specific topics to be addressed include the structure and operation of transnational corporations; the connections between co...
ANT 3021 The U.S. and Mexican Border The course examines the US-Mexico borderlines as a political and economicstrategy, and as a racial and cultural construction. The course addressesissues of Immigration, environmental and human rights violations, corporatetransnationalism, and economi...
ANT 3024 Cult Of Poverty Cult Of Poverty
ANT 3028 Urban Anthropology This course considers the approaches, units of study, and techniques of data collection appropriate to the investigation of large and heterogeneous populations from the anthropological perspective. The problems of urbanization in emerging nations, et...
ANT 3030 Women&Culture/Society This course examines the evolution of human sexual differences, the symbolic nature of gender differences, women's roles, women in economic development and social change, and anthropological theories of women's subordination. (This course is equivale...
ANT 3031 Ant Flms Desc Ot Clt Ant Flms Desc Ot Clt
ANT 3033 Learning in a Cross-Cultural Context This course combining anthropology and education examines how culture is transmitted, i.e., how learning occurs cross-culturally. The class will then be able to make comparisons with learning and education in the United States, especially the formal...
ANT 3035 The Remaking Of New York: The Immigrant Experience This course examines immigration and New York City, past, present, and future. Topics covered include the intersection of immigration with economics, including entrepreneurial enterprises, as well as religion, race, gender, and ethnicity. The course...
ANT 3036 World Regional Geography This course analyzes the world's natural, cultural, economic, and political geography, using a regional perspective. Spatial, historical, and social analyses of resources, populations, and patterns of interaction will be used to consider contemporary...
ANT 3041 North Amer Indians A survey of the major social and cultural groups in the United States and Canada prior to the conquest of the continent by the Europeans. Emphasis is upon social organization and the comparison of different ethnographic areas, based upon archaeologic...
ANT 3044 Eth Div In The South This course examines the recent literature on contemporary migration processes and international migration flows throughout the Americas. The course focuses on understanding the causes of migration, the migration process, the dynamics of adaptation a...
ANT 3047 Cult & Peo Medit Eur A survey of culture and society in Mediterranean Europe (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, etc.). The focus is on recent community studies, with particular attention to ecology, social organization, industrialization, immigration, andpolitics on both l...
ANT 3048 Cult&People-So.Pacif A survey of the island societies of the Pacific Ocean (Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia). The ancient sailing voyages of the first migrants, ecological and cultural adaptations, and modern social changes are studied in the context of developing anthr...
ANT 3049 Cult & Peo India An intensive review of historical and contemporary research on different aspects of Indian life and social structure, with particular attention to the influence of religion, migration, colonization, and modernization upon the peoples of the subcontin...
ANT 3058 Magic Witchcraft Rel This course examines magic, witchcraft, and religion in a cross-cultural and historical framework. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of religion as symbolic thought and action in both Western and non-Western societies and tothe connections...
ANT 3059 Pow&Conf Tribal Scty This course examines power and conflict from an anthropological perspective. Focus will be on the state and nonstate societies, warfare, social control, and other political processes in a cross-cultural and historical framework.
ANT 3060 Archaeology & Prehistory An introduction to the theories and methods of contemporary archaeology. Discussion of techniques of excavation; analysis and interpretation of findings. Discussion of human ecological adaptation and a survey of Old & New World cultural evolution,...
ANT 3071 The Convergence of Art and Science: Anthropology in New York City Museums This course is organized around a series of fields trips to museums and related exhibits and performances. It begins with an examination of the integration of art and science in ancient societies, then traces their divergence as civilization evolves.
ANT 3080 Human Evolution Survey of the principles and evidence for human evolution, including data from the fossil record, living primates, and modern Homo sapiens. Effects of cultural patterns upon biological evolution.
ANT 3085 Selected Topics in Anthropolgy and Sociology This course focuses on theoretical or contemporary issues. The specific topic will be announced prior to preregistration. Future offerings will include courses on globalization, multiculturalism, contemporary institutions, immigration, and American s...
ANT 3085H Honors - Selected Topics in Anthropology and Sociology This course focuses on theoretical or contemporary issues. The specific topic will be announced prior to pre-registration. Future offerings will include courses on globalization, multiculturalism, contemporary institutions, immigration, and American...
ANT 3100 Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues This course provides a broad-ranging examination of current world issues, events, problems, and conflicts viewed through the perspectives of cultural and social anthropology. Drawing upon traditional human concerns from a wide range of societies and...
ANT 3110 Women, Culture, and Society This course examines the evolution of human sexual differences, the symbolic nature of gender differences, women's roles, women in economic development and social change, and anthropological theories of women's subordination. This course is equivale...
ANT 3111 Native Americans A survey of the major social and cultural groups in the United States and Canada prior to the conquest of the continent by the Europeans. Emphasis is upon social organization and the comparison of different ethnographic areas, based upon archaeologic...
ANT 3112 Peoples and Cultures of Mediterranean Europe A survey of culture and society in Mediterranean Europe (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, etc.). The focus is on recent community studies, with particular attention to ecology, social organization, industrialization, immigration, and politics on both...
ANT 3113 Cultures and Peoples of India An intensive review of historical and contemporary research on different aspects of Indian life and social structure, with particular attention to the influence of religion, migration, colonization, and modernization upon the people of the subcontine...
ANT 3114 Cultures and Peoples of the South Pacific Islands A survey of the island societies of the Pacific Ocean (Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia). The ancient sailing voyages of the first migrants, ecological and cultural adaptations, and modern social changes are studied in the context of developing anthr...
ANT 3115 People and Culture of Haiti This course is a survey of the sociopolitical, cultural, racial, and economic processes that have shaped the formation of modern Haiti. Particular focus will be on the role of St. Domingue in the emerging world capitalist economy during the 17th cent...
ANT 3120 Passing, Covering, and Social Stigma in Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality Passing is most often thought of as a strategy of creative deception, whereby racial minorities feign whiteness in order to overcome stigma and receive privileges denied them due to racism and discrimination. The aim of the course is to dispassionate...
ANT 3125 Race and Ethnic Relation The study and analysis of relations among ethnic groups in society from social-structural and social-psychological standpoints. Analysis of prejudice and discrimination and their consequences for both minority and majority group members. Theoretical,...
ANT 3130H Honors - City That Care Forgot: The Roots, Ruin, and Rebirth of New Orleans This is an interdisciplinary honors course taught from historical, cultural, and sociological perspectives. It will revisit the week of August 29, 2005, when Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans and the wider Gulf Coast region. Our go...
ANT 3131 Sociology of the Family This course examines the family as a social, political, and economic institution. The development of family forms and familial roles is studied in relation to types of societal organization. Topics to be investigated with regard to contemporary Ameri...
ANT 3137 Sociology of Health and Illness The course is designed to introduce students to the social scientific and cross-cultural study of health and illness (including the conceptual differences among illness, sickness, and disease): health and illness are universal features of human exper...
ANT 3148 Cult/People So.Pacif Cult/People So.Pacif
ANT 3152 Social Communication The social context and functions of folktales, myths, movies, magazines, TV, and the press. Formal and informal communication. The language of symbols, gestures, and facial expressions. The language of groups: classes, subcultures, and occupations. T...
ANT 3153 Urban Anthropology This course considers the approaches, units of study, and techniques of data collection appropriate to the investigation of large and heterogeneous populations from the anthropological perspective. The problems of urbanization in emerging nations, et...
ANT 3161 Power and Conflict This course examines power and conflict from an anthropological perspective. Focus will be on the state and nonstate societies, warfare, social control, and other political processes in a cross-cultural and historical framework.
ANT 3165 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion This course examines magic, witchcraft, and religion in a cross-cultural and historical framework. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of religion as symbolic thought and action in both Western and non-Western societies and to the connection...
ANT 3175 The Lives of Hinduism This course provides an introduction to the lives of Hinduism; it traces major developments and changes in the greater Hindu tradition from its inception to the present, and the rituals and value systems that have shaped and continue to shape the liv...
ANT 3180 The Religion of Everyday Life When we think of ‘religion’, we often immediately think of the great World Religions: Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Chinese Religion (Daoism/Confucianism), Sikhism, Shinto, and Jainism. This is because ‘religion’, as a concept a...
ANT 3540 The Tradition of Islam This course examines Islam as a world religion, with an emphasis on history and culture. Both basic tenets and texts will be examined along with ethnographic case studies. These ethnographic sources will cover the spread of Islam to Asia, Sufism, pop...
ANT 3821 South Asian Religion Drawing upon Hindu, Islamic, Sikh, and Buddhist scriptural and ritual sources, this course will explore the interrelated development of these four traditions, the central concepts particular to each tradition, the changing nature of political and rel...
ANT 4016 Language, Culture, and Society The course focuses on language in an anthropological and sociological framework, starting with an examination of models from the sociology of knowledge as they define the relations among language, culture, and society. Structural levels of language...
ANT 4017 Seminar on the Anthropology of Peace and War Every human society must manage discord, conflict, violence, and combat. To the extent that these tendencies are kept in check, we speak of peace. When they are intense and highly organized we call them war. This seminar seeks to shed light on the m...
ANT 4020 Translating Between Worlds: Literature and Anthropology Anything is "a person, a religion, a literary text, a work of art, an idea" thatmoves from one cultural context or language into another is altered by that shift. Both anthropology and comparative literature scrutinize such transitions, tracking how...
ANT 4025H Honors: Writers and Their Spiritual Searches: Religious Themes in Contemporary Literature From the ancient period to today, writers have reflected on their own experiences, their tragedies and joys and realizations-their lives-as spiritual journeys. Augustine's Confessions is an early such effort. Those of contemporary authors follow in t...
ANT 4048 Res Meth In Anthro Res Meth In Anthro
ANT 4050 Religious Worlds of New York This course helps students acquire the analytical tools needed to study the contribution of religious communities to the multifaceted landscape of New York City. Students will explore the definitions of religion, politics, power, and ritual, in conju...
ANT 4100 Sociological Theory This course is an overview of major theoretical perspectives in sociology, beginning with the roots of modern theory in the 18th and 19th centuries and continuing through contemporary theoretical debates. Major theorists whose work will be covered in...
ANT 4110 Research Methods in Sociology and Anthropology This course is an introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis used by sociologists and anthropologists as well as other social scientists. The course introduces the research process, examines the interplay bet...
ANT 4400 New York: The Global City This course deploys social scientific research strategies and analytical frameworks to explore the forces shaping New York City—including migration, finance, real estate, small businesses, natural environment, religious communities, social movements,...
ANT 4800 Anthropological Analysis This course focuses on the comparative study of human societies and cultures, with particular attention to the close study of individual societies and communities - that is, the classic anthropological method of ethnography. Emphasis is also given to...
ANT 5000 Independent Study Anthropology I Subject or area of study is determined by the individual student and faculty advisor; it may be chosen from courses not offered in that particular academic year. With department approval, this course may serve as the capstone for the Tier III require...
ANT 5001 Independent Study Anthropology II Contact department for the course description.
ANT 6001 Honors Reading and Research These courses offer students of superior academic achievement an opportunity to work on a major research project in the field of Anthropology. Projects will be determined jointly by the instructor and students and may involve concentrated reading in...
ANT 6001H Honors - Anthropology I These courses offer students of superior academic achievement an opportunity to work on a major research project in the field of Anthropology. Projects will be determined jointly by the instructor and students and may involve concentrated reading in...
ANT 6002 Honors Reading and Research Individual and small group projects as determined jointly by the instructor and students. May involve concentrated reading in a particular area, participation in the analysis of anthropological research data, or both.
ANT 6002H Honors II These courses offer students of superior academic achievement an opportunity to work on a major research project in the field of Anthropology. Projects will be determined jointly by the instructor and students and may involve concentrated reading in...
ANT 7000 Anthropology Electve Anthropology Electve
ANT 7050 Anthropology Intm Elective Anthropology Intm Elective
ANT 7100 Anthropology Adv Elc Anthropology Adv Elc
GEOG 3009 Introduction to Human Geography This course introduces fundamentals of world human geography, including maps and map-reading, landforms and climate, elementary spatial analysis, population and migration, and patterns of resource distribution and use. Particular emphasis is given t...
GEOG 3036 World Regional Geography An analysis of the world's natural, cultural, economic, and political geography, organized through a regional perspective. Spatial, historical, and social analyses of resources, populations, and partners of interaction will be used to consider contem...
GEOG 5000 Independent Study Geography I Independent Study Geography I
GEOG 7000 Geography Elective Geography Elective
REL 1001 Introduction to World Religions A survey of the religions of man from the earliest times to the present. ** Course number changed to REL 3001 **
REL 1002 Introduction to Judaism A study of major periods and ideas of Judaism.
REL 1003 Introduction to Christianity A study of the major periods and ideas of Christianity. ** Course number chaged to REL 3003 **
REL 1510 Intro Oriental Relig Intro Oriental Relig
REL 1512 Introduction to the Religions of Asia This course is an introduction to the major religions originating in southern and eastern Asia: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Shintoism. We will examine their basic doctrines, rituals, sacred and apocryphal literature, and religious a...
REL 1520 Bible I Selected books and themes of the Hebrew Bible. ** course number changed to REL 3525 **
REL 1521 Contemporary Judaism A study of the movements and institutions of Judaism in various parts of the world.
REL 1525 Judaism and Christianity A study of the relation between the two faiths from the period of the New Testament to recent developments.
REL 1530 Bible II The Gospels and Epistles, problems of historicity, form criticism, and interpretation of man and history. ** Course number changed to REL 3530 **
REL 1531 Religion in the Twentieth Century Technology, nationalism, war, and the churches in various parts of the world. The challenge of secularism and the encounter with non-Christian religions.
REL 1540 The Culture and the Religion of Islam An introduction to the fundamental principles of Islamic religion, early Islamic history, and the highlights of Islamic philosophy, mysticism, and literature.
REL 1550 History of Religion in America Historical survey of major developments in American religious thought and institutions from the seventeenth century to the present. Among topics studied are Puritanism, evangelical Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism, Black religion, and civil religi...
REL 1552 Life Of Jesus Life Of Jesus
REL 1555 Spec Studies In Rel Spec Studies In Rel
REL 1560 Black Religion of America An introduction to Black religion as reflected in the poetry and prose of African-Americans. Topics to be examined include Surviving Characteristics of African Religion, The Nature of God, Christianity and the Black Ideal, and The Revolt Against Chri...
REL 1561 Rel & Black Lit Rel & Black Lit
REL 1570 Mysticism & Lit Mysticism & Lit
REL 1590 Special Studies Rel Special Studies Rel
REL 2155 Phil From India This course examines the development of the major schools of Indian philosophy: Vedanta, Samkhya, Yoga, and Jainism. The goal of all of these philosophies is liberation. As such, the course will investigate Indian views of the soul, God, and the natu...
REL 3001 World Religious Traditions This course will examine the essential elements of the major world religious traditions-- teachings, rites, ethics, social and cultural dimensions-- and their communities in comparative and historical perspective. It will address the role and place o...
REL 3002 Traditions of Judaism This course presents an overview of the history, teachings, rituals and feasts, the ethics and structure of Judaism. It will examine the tradition of Judaism, its history, basic faith and worship, scripture, community, ethical practice with special a...
REL 3003 The Christian Tradition The Christian tradition will be examined through its history, faith, worship and communal life. The life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth will be inspected, along with the historical development of the tradition and its communities. It will trace t...
REL 3008 Religion And Politics In The United States This course investigates the role of religion in American political life from the nation's founding to the present era. Church-state issues will be addressed from the perspectives of political theory and constitutional law. Cultural cleavages on such...
REL 3084 The Historical Search for the Prophet Mohammad (Cross-listed with HIS) This course examines the primary and secondary sources, as well as modern academic works, on the life and teaching of the Prophet Mohammad. It is a course on historiography as well as on biography and the early beginnings of Islam. The course concent...
REL 3085 Special Topics in Religion and Culture Courses taught will cover issues in the study of religion and culture. Courses may focus on a single religion, theoretical issues in the study of religion, or contemporary social issues (e.g., race, class, gender) in relation to various religious tra...
REL 3085H Honors - Topics in Religion and Culture Courses taught will cover issues in the study of religion and culture. Courses may focus on a single religion, theoretical issues in the study of religion, or contemporary social issues (e.g., race, class, gender) in relation to various religious tra...
REL 3094 Mysticism: A Comparative Approach The course seeks to understand the nature of mysticism, which can be defined as the claim that it is possible for humans to have direct unmediated experience of the divine. It looks at the major religious traditions in Christianity, Judaism, Islam an...
REL 3100 Jesus-An Historical and Critical Approach This course tries to find out what it is possible to know of the life of Jesus and of his time and place. It considers the nature of the New Testament documents and of the communities and individuals that produced them. It looks at the varying interp...
REL 3155 Indian Philosophy This course examines the development of the major schools of Indian philosophy: Vedanta, Samkya, Yoga, and Jainism. The goal of all of these philosophies is liberation. As such, the course will investigate Indian views of the soul, God, and the natur...
REL 3165 Classical Buddhism Classical Buddhism explores the theory and practice of Buddhism as it originatedin India and spread to Tibet and eastern Asia. In addition to examining the life andteachings of the historical Buddha, the course investigates Indian Buddhismafter the t...
REL 3175 The Lives of Hinduism This course provides an introduction to the "lives" of Hinduism? It traces major developments and changes in the greater Hindu tradition from its inception to the present, and the rituals and value systems that have shaped and continue to shape the l...
REL 3180 The Religion of Everyday Life When we think of ‘religion’, we often immediately think of the great World Religions: Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Chinese Religion (Daoism/Confucianism), Sikhism, Shinto, and Jainism. This is because ‘religion’, as a concept a...
REL 3210 Medieval Jewish Thought A study of such authors as Saadia, Crescas, maimonides, and Halevi.
REL 3220 Modern Jewish Thought A study of Jewish thought from Mendelssohn to Rozenzweig.
REL 3310 Christian Thought Major figures in Christian thought from Scholasticism to the Reformation.
REL 3320 Contemporary Christianity This course examines current conflicts, major events, new movements, and thinkers in the Christian communities both here and internationally. Topics may include religion and political alignments, militant religious groups, and new directions in spiri...
REL 3525 The Hebrew Bible This course traces the origins, growth and development of the literature of the Hebrew people. Selections from the Hebrew Bible have been chosen to reflect the different historical periods and the variety of literary forms. An analysis of the texts w...
REL 3530 The Christian New Testament As with other sacred texts, the Christian new testament contains many different kinds of writing, some almost directly taken from liturgical services such as prayers, hymns, confessions of faith, sermons as well as historical accounts, commentaries,...
REL 3531 Religion in the 20th and 21st Centuries This course will examine selected relationships, controversies, and new understandings and expressions of religion in our time. It will also look at some classic studies, a kind of "great books" selection. Some foci: fundamentalism, traditionalism, r...
REL 3540 The Tradition of Islam This course examines Islam as a world religion, with an emphasis on history and culture. Both basic tenets and texts will be examined along with case studies. These ethnographic sources will cover the spread of Islam to Asia, Sufism, popular religiou...
REL 3815 History of African Religions This course explores the historical development of African religions from the ancient past to the present. The class begins by investigating the development of the four major indigenous religious traditions of Africa from 20,000 B.C. and the methodol...
REL 3820 History of Chinese Religion This course examines the historical evolution of the traditions that make up Chinese religion together with the role religion plays in Chinese culture from the earliest recorded history to the present. The major formal (i.e., text-centered) forms of...
REL 3821 South Asian Religion Drawing upon Hindu, Islamic, Sikh, and Buddhist scriptural and ritual sources, this course will explore the interrelated development of these four traditions, the central concepts particular to each tradition, the changing nature of political and rel...
REL 4025H Hon Writers and Their Spiritual Searches: Religious Themes in Contemporary Literature From the ancient period to today, writers have reflected on their own experiences, their tragedies and joys and realizations-their lives-as spiritual journeys. Augustine's Confessions is an early such effort. Those of contemporary authors follow in t...
REL 4050 Religious Worlds of New York This course helps students acquire the analytical tools needed to study the contribution of religious communities to the multifaceted landscape of New York City. Students will explore the definitions of religion, politics, power, and ritual, in conju...
REL 4900 Issues in Religion and Culture This course focuses on a core theme or issue in religion and cultural studies. Examples of these issues include fundamentalism, traditionalism, religious adaptation and innovation, and formation of religious texts. The course will examine the selecte...
REL 5000 Independent Tutorial or Advanced Independent Study Religion I See Department for Description.
REL 5000H Honors - Independent Study Religion I See Department for description.
REL 5001 Independent Study Tutorial or Advanced II See Department for Description.
REL 5002 Independent Study REL III See Department for Description.
REL 5003 Independent Study Tutorial or Advanced IV See Department for Description.
REL 5050 Senior Seminar Students interested in this course should see the program coordinator.
REL 6000 Religion - Honors Students interested in this course should see the program coordinator.
REL 6001 Honors Program Students interested in this course should see the program coordinator.
REL 7000 Religion Elective Religion Elective
REL 7050 Religion Inter Elective Religion Inter Elective
REL 7100 Religion Advan Elect Religion Advan Elect
SOC 1005 Introductory Sociology This course is a survey of sociological perspectives-particularly social interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory. It focuses on the role of culture in shaping behavior patterns; key social institutions, such as the family, work, and religi...
SOC 1005H Honors - Introduction to Sociology This course is a survey of sociological perspectives-particularly social interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory. It focuses on the role of culture in shaping behavior patterns; key social institutions, such as the family, work, and religi...
SOC 3008 Social Problems The study of contemporary social issues that are viewed as problems from such perspectives as social pathology, social disorganization, value conflict, deviant behavior, and labeling. Attention will be given to definitions, causes, consequences, and...
SOC 3014 Social Communc Social Communc
SOC 3015 Cuban Culture and Society This course focuses on the development of Cuban culture and society, with special emphasis on the socialist process initiated in 1959 and itsconsequences in the areas of culture, the economy, political institutions, class, race, gender, and civil soc...
SOC 3020 Anthrop Of Business Anthrop Of Business
SOC 3021 The U.S. and Mexican Border The course examines the US-Mexico borderlines as a political and economicstrategy, and as a racial and cultural construction the course addressesissues of Immigrations, environmental and human rights violations, corporatetransnationalism, and economi...
SOC 3025 People&Culture Haiti People&Culture Haiti
SOC 3030 The Changing Demographics of the City This course focuses on the meaning, causes, and impacts of demographic transforms on socially and spatially defined urban political economies. Students learn how to use demographic and economic data to analyze the present and future shape of cities-...
SOC 3032 Sociology of Bioethics This course will be an introduction to bioethical issues, explored through the perspective of sociology. The course will take as its substantive focus the beginning and end of life issues, the bioethical concerns around birth and death. We will look...
SOC 3035 The remaking of New York: the Immigrant Experience This course will examine immigration and New York City, past present and future.Topics covered will include the intersection of immigration with economics, including entrepreneurial enterprises, as well as religion, race, gender and ethnicity. The co...
SOC 3040 Personality and Social Structure Socialization or how institutions and groups mold individual character. Interaction, role-playing, and theories of personality development. Deviant groups and subcultures and the problem of the relationship between personality needs and social struct...
SOC 3041 Criminology The nature of crime and the factors in crime causation. Foundations of modern criminology. Crime and cultural patterns, the criminal personality. Prediction of criminal tendencies. Penology, justice, and rehabilitation.
SOC 3042 Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice The course focuses on the history of childhood in America and its location in the social structure; the history and development of institutions, law, and a justice system concerned with young people; theories of delinquency and the delinquent; resear...
SOC 3044 Migration in the Americas This course examines the recent literature on contemporary migration processes and international migration flows throughout the Americas. The course focuses on understanding the causes of migration, the migration process, the dynamics of adaptation a...
SOC 3045 The Changing Demographics of the City The course focuses on the meaning, causes, and impacts of demographic transformations on socially and spatially defined urban political economies. Students learn how to use demographic and economic data to analyze the present and future shape of cit...
SOC 3046 Social Welfare Insts Social Welfare Insts
SOC 3047 Soc Of Hlth And Ill Soc Of Hlth And Ill
SOC 3048 Deviant Behavior The course is designed to develop a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of deviance, involving a systematic and critical review of various theories of deviance, rates, and etiology of various forms of deviance, and the definition and measurem...
SOC 3049 Devinc&Soc Control Devinc&Soc Control
SOC 3050 Social Control Social Control
SOC 3051 Urban Sociology Urban Sociology
SOC 3052 Social Stratification The application of various theories of social stratification to studies of societies and communities. The effects of social class on familial, educational, religious, political, and economic behavior.
SOC 3053 Minority Groups Minority Groups
SOC 3054 Community Organization An introduction to the major forms of community organization, their characteristics and special problems. Materials illustrating both successes and failures of urban voluntary associations will be used, and attention will be directed to such contempo...
SOC 3055 Population and Society The basic demographic variables of birth rate, death rate, and migration will be discussed in relation to various sociocultural factors. Class projects will include such exercises as a projection of population, space, and food production trends in th...
SOC 3056 Soc Change In Blk Cm Soc Change In Blk Cm
SOC 3057 Collective Behavior and Social Movements The analysis of human group behavior in unstructured situations: fads, fashions, rumors, mobs and riots, demonstrations, and spontaneous violence. Detailed examination of selected contemporary examples and consideration of their implications for the...
SOC 3062 Political Sociology A cross-disciplinary course focusing on the substantive concerns of political science and employing theoretical perspectives developed in sociology, including the analysis of political movements, political structures, political behavior, and contempo...
SOC 3063 Social Change Social Change
SOC 3064 Modern Organizations This course is intended to develop a broad perspective on organizations, their fundamental characteristics and dynamics. Topics include theories of organizations; control, communication, and technology in organizations; and the relationships between...
SOC 3065 Sociology Of Science Sociology Of Science
SOC 3066 Soc Of The Family Soc Of The Family
SOC 3067 Sociol Of Religion Sociol Of Religion
SOC 3068 Soc Of Am Jewish Com Soc Of Am Jewish Com
SOC 3082 Small Groups An exploration of research and theory in the study of small group dynamics and structure. Group influence on individual perception, informal sanctions, leadership, triadic relationship, and the evolution of group structures are among the topics to be...
SOC 3085 Selected Topics in Sociology and Anthropology This course focuses on theoretical or contemporary issues. The specific topic will be announced prior to preregistration. Future offerings will include courses on globalization, multiculturalism, contemporary institutions, immigration, and American s...
SOC 3085H Honors - Selected Topics in Sociology and Anthropology This course focuses on theoretical or contemporary issues. The specific topic will be announced prior to pre-registration. Future offerings will include courses on globalization, multiculturalism, contemporary institutions, immigration, and American...
SOC 3110 Women, Culture, and Society This course examines the evolution of human sexual differences, the symbolic nature of gender differences, women's roles, women in economic development and social change, and anthropological theories of women's subordination. This course is equivale...
SOC 3112 Peoples and Cultures of Mediterranean Europe A survey of culture and society in Mediterranean Europe (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, etc.). The focus is on recent community studies, with particular attention to ecology, social organization, industrialization, immigration, and politics on both...
SOC 3113 Cultures and Peoples of India An intensive review of historical and contemporary research on different aspects of Indian life and social structure, with particular attention to the influence of religion, migration, colonization, and modernization upon the people of the subcontine...
SOC 3115 People and Culture of Haiti This course is a survey of the sociopolitical, cultural, racial, and economic processes that have shaped the formation of modern Haiti. Particular focus will be on the role of St. Domingue in the emerging world capitalist economy during the 17th cent...
SOC 3120 Passing, Covering, and Social Stigma in Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality Passing is most often thought of as a "strategy of creative deception" whereby racial minorities feign "whiteness" in order to overcome stigma and receive privileges denied them due to racism and discrimination. The aim of the course is to dispassion...
SOC 3125 Race and Ethnic Relation The study and analysis of relations among ethnic groups in society from social-structural and social-psychological standpoints. Analysis of prejudice and discrimination and their consequences for both minority and majority group members. Theoretical,...
SOC 3125H Race and Ethnic Relations The study and analysis of relations among ethnic groups in society from social-structural and social-psychological standpoints. Analysis of prejudice and discrimination and their consequences for both minority and majority group members. Theoretical,...
SOC 3130H Honors - The City That Care Forgot: The Roots, Ruin, and Rebirth of New Orleans This is an interdisciplinary honors course taught from historical, cultural, and sociological perspectives. It will revisit the week of August 29, 2005, when Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans and the wider Gulf Coast region. Our g...
SOC 3131 Sociology of the Family This course examines the family as a social, political, and economic institution. The development of family forms and familial roles is studied in relation to types of societal organization. Topics to be investigated with regard to contemporary Ameri...
SOC 3136 Social Welfare Institutions This course reviews the historical development of social welfare institutions, noting why the U.S. lagged behind other modern industrialized societies, and examines the role of various cultural and social forces in the development and, more recently,...
SOC 3137 Sociology of Health and Illness The course is designed to introduce students to the social scientific and cross-cultural study of health and illness (including the conceptual differences among illness, sickness, and disease): health and illness are universal features of human exper...
SOC 3138 Sociology of Complex Organizations This course is a survey of various theoretical perspectives on formal organizations and an application of these perspectives to specific organizational types. These include classic theoretical perspectives on bureaucracy as well as more recent develo...
SOC 3141 Sociology of Religion This course is a historical and sociological examination of the significance of religious traditions as part of a pattern of multiculturalism in American life. Links between religion and social inequality, ethnicity, politics, and the family will be...
SOC 3148 Cult&People So.Pacif Cult&People So.Pacif
SOC 3151 Social Issues And Social Policy This course is a study of selected contemporary social issues and social inventions that have been designed to prevent, reduce, or eliminate these social problems. The course focuses on a number of theoretical perspectives, including social pathology...
SOC 3152 Social Communication The social context and functions of folktales, myths, movies, magazines, TV, and the press. Formal and informal communication. The language of symbols, gestures, and facial expressions. The language of groups: classes, subcultures, and occupations. T...
SOC 3154 Crime And Justice In Sociological Perspective This course is a review of deviance, crime, and institutions of social control. It examines theoretical approaches to deviant behavior and criminal behavior, including psychological, institutional, economic, and political perspectives. It examines th...
SOC 3155 Urban Sociology This course is a survey of urbanization in a global perspective and changes in settlement patterns as societies like the United States move into a postindustrial age. The course reviews the relationship between quality of life and types of settlement...
SOC 3156 Social Inequality This course examines individual and structural explanations for the generation and maintenance of inequality in the United States and the impact of stratification on the social mobility of groups and individuals. It looks as patterns of allocation o...
SOC 3157 Civil Society And Community Organizations This course focuses on the role of nongovernmental organizations in promoting social cohesion and also stimulating social change. Drawing on classic and contemporary discussions of civil society as well as several perspectives in organizational theor...
SOC 3158 Social Demography This course is a survey of sources of demographic change and their historical and contemporary impact. Topics include the demographic transition, trends in births and deaths and their relation to cultural and institutional changes, the impact of chan...
SOC 3159 Social Change in the Black Community Application of selected sociological and social psychological perspectives to the history and current character of Black Americans as a distinctive and self-conscious component of American society. Particular attention will be focused upon the effect...
SOC 3165 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion This course examines magic, witchcraft, and religion in a cross-cultural and historical framework. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of religion as symbolic thought and action in both Western and non-Western societies and to the connection...
SOC 3168 Social Change Theories of social change (cyclic, progressive, evolutionary) will be taken up in the context of what is known now about humankind's entire history. Problems of defining and measuring social change. The roles of technology, ideology, conflict, and cr...
SOC 3170 Social Movements This course explores the origins, dynamics, and consequences of social movements as a particular from of particular form of collective behavior. It examines a wide range of topics, including the emergence of movements; recruitment and leadership; int...
SOC 3175 The Lives of Hinduism This course provides an introduction to the "lives" of Hinduism; it traces major developments and changes in the greater Hindu tradition from its inception to the present and the rituals and value systems that have shaped and continue to shape the li...
SOC 3180 The Religion of Everyday Life When we think of ‘religion’, we often immediately think of the great World Religions: Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Chinese Religion (Daoism/Confucianism), Sikhism, Shinto, and Jainism. This is because ‘religion’, as a concept a...
SOC 3185 Internship in Human Service and Community Organization I Students are placed in social agencies for 3 to 12 hours per week plus 1 hour of seminar. Under the joint supervision of the instructor and agency staff, students gain an understanding of the field of social welfare and the role of staff in assisting...
SOC 3186 Internship in Human Service and Communty Organizations II Students are placed in social agencies for 3 to 12 hours per week plus 1 hour of seminar. Under the joint supervision of the instructor and agency staff, students gain an understanding of the field of social welfare and the role of staff in assisting...
SOC 3540 The Tradition of Islam This course examines Islam as a world religion, with an emphasis on history and culture. Both basic tenets and texts will be examined along with ethnographic case studies. These ethnographic sources will cover the spread of Islam to Asia, Sufism, pop...
SOC 4010 Chinese Immigration in Global Perspective This course focuses on the Chinese immigrant experience in New York City, while placing it in the context of Chinese migration to the United States and the history of Chinese migration globally. The course utilizes historical texts, ethnographies, le...
SOC 4015 The Globalization of English This course analyzes how the English language aids globalization and how globalization changes English. After studying the historical and geographical bases for the rise of English, we explore the implications of decolonization, diaspora communities,...
SOC 4025H Hon Writers and Their Spiritual Searches: Religious Themes in Contemporary Literature From the ancient period to today, writers have reflected on their own experiences, their tragedies and joys and realizations-their lives-as spiritual journeys. Augustine's Confessions is an early such effort. Those of contemporary authors follow in t...
SOC 4031 Sociological Statist Sociological Statist
SOC 4032 Methods of Sociological Research This course presents the logic of research in sociology, reviewing historical perspectives, current orientations, and methods of social research. Students will learn the concepts, assumptions, and techniques of research, including the following resea...
SOC 4037 Classical Sociological Theories The roots of modern sociological theory are traced in the social thought of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries. Particular emphasis is given to the works of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Other theorists studied include G.H. Mead a...
SOC 4038 Cont Sociologic Theo Cont Sociologic Theo
SOC 4044 Intro To Clin Soclgy Intro To Clin Soclgy
SOC 4050 Religious Worlds of New York This course helps students acquire the analytical tools needed to study the contribution of religious communities to the multifaceted landscape of New York City. Students will explore the definitions of religion, politics, power, and ritual, in conju...
SOC 4060 Spe Problems In Soc Spe Problems In Soc
SOC 4070 Soc Of Pol Action Soc Of Pol Action
SOC 4075 Sp Prob: Aged In Soc Sp Prob: Aged In Soc
SOC 4085 Field Work in Social Agencies I Students are placed in social agencies for 3 to 12 hours per week plus 1 hour of seminar. Under the joint supervision of the instructor and agency staff, students gain an understanding of the field of social welfare and the role of staff in assisting...
SOC 4086 Field Work in Social Agencies II Students are placed in social agencies for 3 to 12 hours per week plus 1 hour of seminar. Under the joint supervision of the instructor and agency staff, students gain an understanding of the field of social welfare and the role of staff in assisting...
SOC 4100 Sociological Theory This course is an overview of major theoretical perspectives in sociology, beginning with the roots of modern theory in the 18th and 19th centuries and continuing through contemporary theoretical debates. Major theorists whose work will be covered in...
SOC 4110 Research Methods In Sociology And Anthropology This course is an introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis used by sociologists and anthropologists as well as other social scientists.The course introduces the research process, examines the interplay betw...
SOC 4111 Social Statistics This course provides an introduction to statistics as a tool for analyzing and understanding data related to social life. It covers the application of elementary statistical techniques and introduces statistical inference and sampling theory.
SOC 4400 New York: The Global City This course deploys social scientific research strategies and analytical frameworks to explore the forces shaping New York City—including migration, finance, real estate, small businesses, natural environment, religious communities, social movements,...
SOC 4900 Sociological Analysis This course is a survey of how sociological research and theorizing shed light on the social institutions, processes, and problems of our time through careful analysis and extensive discussion of long-standing and recent great works in the field. The...
SOC 5000 Independent Study Sociology I See Department for Description.
SOC 5000H Honors - Independent Study Sociology I See Department for description.
SOC 5001 Independent Study Sociology II See Department for Description.
SOC 5001H Honors - Independent Study Sociology II See Department for description.
SOC 5002 Independent Study Sociology III See Department for Description.
SOC 5003 Independent Study Sociology IV See Department for Description.
SOC 5300 Senior Seminar Senior Seminar
SOC 6001 Honors Reading and Research These courses offer students of superior academic achievement an opportunity to work on a major research project in the field of Sociology. Projects will be determined jointly by the instructor and students and may involve concentrated reading in a p...
SOC 6001H Honors Sociology I Honors Sociology I
SOC 6002 Honors Reading and Research Individual and group projects as determined jointly by the instructor and students. May involve concentrated reading in a particular area, participation in an ongoing research project, or both.
SOC 6002H Honors Thesis II Honors Thesis II
SOC 7000 Sociology Elective Sociology Elective
SOC 7050 Sociology Interm Elective Sociology Interm Elective
SOC 7100 Sociology Advanc Ele Sociology Advanc Ele
SOC 7200 Social Science Requi Social Science Requi