Department: Fine and Performing Arts

Code Name Description
AAM 5050 Arts Administr Intrn Arts Administr Intrn
AAM 5050A Arts Administrtn B Arts Administrtn B
AAM 5050B Arts Administrtn B Arts Administrtn B
ART 1000 Introduction to Design and Visual Communication This introductory studio course acquaints students with the terms and procedures essential to aesthetic decision making and analysis. Students learn how to apply principles of color, line, and form to the everyday world, including the business enviro...
ART 1010 Art Survey Art Survey
ART 1011 Art History Survey I This introductory course presents a global view of art history through slide lectures and museum visits, with an emphasis on works of art found in New York City museums. It selectively surveys the visual arts of Europe from prehistory through the Mid...
ART 1011H Honors - Art History Survey I This introductory course presents a global view of art history through slide lectures and museum visits, with an emphasis on works of art found in New York City museums. It selectively surveys the visual arts of Europe from prehistory through the Mid...
ART 1012 Art History Survey II This introductory course presents a global view of art history through slide lectures and museum visits, with an emphasis on works of art found in New York City museums. It selectively surveys the visual arts of Europe from the Renaissance to the twe...
ART 1012H Honors Art History Survey II This introductory course presents a global view of art history through slide lectures and museum visits, with an emphasis on works of art found in New York City museums. It selectively surveys the visual arts of Europe from the Renaissance to the twe...
ART 1020 Principles of Visual Art (2D) See Department for Description.
ART 1021 Basic Drawing Basic Drawing
ART 1025 Oil Painting I Oil Painting I
ART 1026 Watercolor Painting Watercolor Painting
ART 1030 Principles of Visual Art (3D) See Department for Description.
ART 1032 Metal Forming Metal Forming
ART 1040 Art In Education I Art In Education I
ART 1050 Advertising Layout Advertising Layout
ART 1051 Etcing Etcing
ART 1053 Basic Printmaking Basic Printmaking
ART 1070 Basic Ceramic Design Basic Ceramic Design
ART 1071 Bsc Cermc Dsg Whlthw Bsc Cermc Dsg Whlthw
ART 2000 Intro Arts Administ Intro Arts Administ
ART 2021 Basic Drawing See Department for Description.
ART 2025 Basic Painting See Department for Description.
ART 2026 Bsc Watrcolor Paintg Bsc Watrcolor Paintg
ART 2030 Basic Sculpture See Department for Description.
ART 2031 Sculpture/Modeling Sculpture/Modeling
ART 2040 Special Topics in Art History This course explores a variety of issues in art history. The topic, which differs each semester, draws on the expertise of regular or visiting faculty members or on special exhibitions or cultural events in New York City.
ART 2041 Topics In Art Studio Topics In Art Studio
ART 2050 Basic Graphic Communication: Design and Advertising Layout This studio course introduces the graphic design process and methodology. Conceptual and creative thinking is stressed and understood through problem-solving assignments based on research, readings, and classroom demonstrations. The student is introd...
ART 2051 Computer-Based Graphic Design This course teaches students to realize design concepts through current technology. Students explore the creative possibilities of page design, digital typography, electronic imagery, color systems and color manipulation and other graphic design elem...
ART 2052 Graphic Communication: Computer Based Image Making This course teaches students image-making for graphic design applications. Focusing on the development of conceptual thinking and problem-solving through the application of design methodology, the course explores how graphic designers use the compute...
ART 2053 Ctmp Printmkg Methds Ctmp Printmkg Methds
ART 2054 Basic Printmaking This course is an introduction to the three basic printmaking techniques: relief, intaglio, and planographic. Students work in the media of woodcut, linocut, cardboard relief, embossment, etching, aquatint, and monoprint.
ART 2056 Graphic Communication: Illustration Techniques and Applications The course introduces illustration techniques and styles, both traditional and current, utilizing computer programs such as Adobe Illustrator. Assignments promote familiarity with historical European and American illustration as well as knowledge of...
ART 2060 Basic Photography This course introduces the use of the camera and black-and-white darkroom techniques, with emphasis on visual expression and communication. The history and aesthetics of the medium are included. Students must provide their own 35mm cameras. "Point-an...
ART 2070 Basic Ceramic Design: Handbuilding This course is an introduction to the forming, glazing, and firing of the ceramic forms with the emphasis on handbuilding techniques.
ART 2071 Basic Ceramic Design: Wheelthrowing This course course is an introduction to the forming, glazing, and firing of the ceramic forms with the emphasis on wheelthrowing techniques.
ART 2073 Intro To Crafts Intro To Crafts
ART 2205 Greek and Roman Art This course examines the visual arts of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations in cultural context, including interactions with adjacent cultures in West Asia, North Africa, and parts of Europe.
ART 2210 Medieval Art This course surveys the visual arts produced by the cultures of Europe from the rise of Christianity to the Reformation in the sixteenth century.
ART 2220 Islamic Art This course surveys Islamic architecture, painting, sculpture, and decorative arts from the Mediterranean basin, the Arabian peninsula, and central Asia. It covers the period from the seventh century to the present, with attention to art forms in the...
ART 2225 Renaissance Art This course surveys Western European painting, sculpture, architecture, and the decorative arts from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries, especially in Italy, from Giotto through Michelangelo.
ART 2235 Baroque and Rococo Art This course surveys seventeenth- and eighteenth-century European painting, sculpture, and architecture with emphasis on the work of Caravaggio, Bernini, Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Velazquez, Boucher, and Watteau.
ART 2240 Nineteenth-Century European Art The course surveys the major nineteenth-century movements in Western European art: Neo-Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and Symbolism.
ART 2241 Twentieth-Century Art This course surveys such twentieth-century developments in painting, sculpture, and architecture in Europe and the United States as Cubism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, and Pop Art.
ART 2242 History of Modern Design This course surveys the role of design in society and in the production of marketable commodities. It covers graphic, industrial, interior, furniture, and fashion design and examines various styles in light of changing social forces and new technolog...
ART 2250 Art of the United States This course surveys the art and architecture of the United States from colonial times through the early twentieth century.
ART 2251 Native Art of the Americas This course surveys the art and architecture of the Amerindian cultures, including North America, Mesoamerica (mainly Mexico) and Central America, the Caribbean area, and the Andean region of South America.
ART 2255 Typogrphy His & Appl Typogrphy His & Appl
ART 2260 Far Eastern Art Far Eastern Art
ART 2262 History of Photography This course surveys the history of photography from its development in the early nineteenth century to the present. Imagery, historical movements, theories, and techniques are the major areas of study.
ART 2270 African Art This course surveys the art and architecture of Africa from prehistory to the present. It emphasizes the traditional visual arts of groups south of the Sahara and includes ancient Egypt and north Africa.
ART 3021 Intermediate Drawing See Department for Description.
ART 3025 Inter Oil Painting Inter Oil Painting
ART 3032 Studio Projects Studio Projects
ART 3033 Intermediate Sculpture Advanced projects allow a student to choose among such media as wood, stone, metal and plastics.
ART 3040 Special Topics in Art (History) This course explores a variety of issues in art history. The topic, which differs each semester, draws on the expertise of regular or visiting faculty members or on special exhibitions or cultural events in New York City. See Summer Special Topic(s)...
ART 3040H Honors Special Topics in Art History Hon Spec Top Art His
ART 3041 Special Topics in Art (Studio) Through a combination of studio projects, lectures, and museum and gallery visits, this course explores a variety of specific concepts and approaches in visual communication. The topic, which differs each semester, draws on the expertise of regular o...
ART 3041H Honors-Special Topics in Art (Studio) Through a combination of studio projects, lectures, and museum and gallery visits, this course explores a variety of specific concepts and approaches in visual communication. The topic, which differs each semester, draws on the expertise of regular o...
ART 3050 Intermediate Graphic Communication: Publication Design This intermediate studio graphic design course emphasizes editorial design. Students build on knowledge gained in ART 2050. The class will research and report on the history of publications and publication designers. Current industry trends will be c...
ART 3055 Graphic Communication: Corporate Design This course provides a comprehensive overview of corporate visual communication. Students develop symbols, logos, and their applications: a corporate identity is created. Through research and assignments, students gain expertise in analyzing corporat...
ART 3056 Typography: History and Application This course studies the origins and usage of contemporary typography through lectures and creative assignments in word/image studies. The history of type is reviewed, with emphasis on important period styles, such as Dada, De Stijl, and the Bauhaus,...
ART 3057 Principles of Internet Design This course explores principles and methods of designing for the Internet, from content creation through production. The historical development of the Internet and web design, contemporary practices, theoretical issues, and the relationship between w...
ART 3058 Graphic Communication: Print Production This course examines current standards and practices in print production for graphic communication. Through the emphasis on design as a problem-solving discipline, students will research and explore the various techniques needed to realize their crea...
ART 3059 Animation and Motion Graphics This course explores principles and methods of animation and motion graphics for design and new media arts, from content creation through production and distribution. The historical development of animation and motion graphics, contemporary practices...
ART 3060 Intermediate Photography This is an intermediate course in photography emphasizing the importance of selectivity in presenting a coherent visual statement. The aesthetics, history, and development of the medium are included. Students must provide their own 35mm cameras.
ART 3061 Digital Photography This course builds on the student’s prior experience in ART 2060 and/or NMA 2050 in order to learn the theoretical, creative, and technical elements of digital photography. Through readings, class lectures, critiques, relevant software, and using the...
ART 3061H Honors Digital Photo This course introduces the student to digital photographyand the creative, ethical, and legal issues regarding manipulated images. Working with Macintosh computers andauxiliary peripherals, students work with digital or digitized analog images, inclu...
ART 3064 Photojournalism Students combine skills learned in photography and journalism courses to complete several short photojournalistic essays/assignments as well as a larger final essay. Areas of study include visual imagery, theories, techniques, and the history of the...
ART 3071 Inter Cermc Design Inter Cermc Design
ART 3205 Greek and Roman Art This course examines the visual arts of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations in cultural context, including interactions with adjacent cultures in West Asia, North Africa, and parts of Europe.
ART 3210 Medieval Art This course surveys the visual arts produced by the cultures of Europe from the rise of Christianity to the Reformation in the sixteenth century.
ART 3220 Islamic Art This course surveys Islamic architecture, painting, sculpture, and decorative arts from the Mediterranean basin, the Arabian peninsula, and central Asia. It covers the period from the seventh century to the present, with attention to art forms in the...
ART 3225 Renaissance Art This course surveys Western European painting, sculpture, architecture, and the decorative arts from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries, especially in Italy, from Giotto through Michelangelo.
ART 3235 Baroque and Rococo Art This course surveys seventeenth- and eighteenth-century European painting, sculpture, and architecture with emphasis on the work of Caravaggio, Bernini, Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Velazquez, Boucher, and Watteau.
ART 3240 Nineteenth-Century European Art The course surveys the major nineteenth-century movements in Western European art: Neo-Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and Symbolism.
ART 3241 Twentieth-Century Art This course surveys twentieth-century developments in painting, sculpture, and architecture in Europe and the United States, such as Cubism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, and Pop Art.
ART 3242 History of Modern Design This course surveys the role of design in society and in the production of marketable commodities. It covers graphic, industrial, interior, furniture, and fashion design and examines various styles in light of changing social forces and new technolog...
ART 3244 The Influence of Visual Arts on Film This course investigates the relationship of film and set design with painting, sculpture, and still photography by exploring the works of directors who formally studied art, films made by artists, and films about artists.
ART 3250 Art of the United States This course surveys the art and architecture of the United States from Colonial times through the early twentieth century.
ART 3252 Native Art of the Americas This course surveys the art and architecture of the Amer-indian cultures, including North America, Mesoamerica (mainly Mexico) and Central America, the Caribbean area, and the Andean region of South America.
ART 3253 Modern Latin American Art Modern Latin American Art
ART 3254 Architecture and the City This course surveys the design and construction of architecture in the context of the city, particularly New York City. It examines monuments from the past alongside their modern descendants, from skyscrapers, parks, and bridges to religious and civi...
ART 3256 History of Modern Architecture This global survey course traces developments in modern architecture from approximately 1800 to the present. The course will examine the built environment in terms of artistic issues specific to architecture and design, and will also analyze building...
ART 3260 Asian Art This course surveys the architecture, painting, and sculpture of Asian cultures (principally India, China, Central Asia, Tibet, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia) from prehistoric times to the present with an emphasis on cross-cultural and religious i...
ART 3262 History of Photography This course surveys the history of photography from its development in the early nineteenth century to the present. Imagery, historical movements, theories, and techniques are the major areas of study.
ART 3270 African Art This course surveys the art and architecture of Africa from prehistory to the present. It emphasizes the traditional visual arts of groups south of the Sahara and includes ancient Egypt and north Africa.
ART 3280 The Art Market This course investigates the art market in history from the Renaissance to the contemporary United States. It explores the ways in which the marketing of art differs from that of other commodities. Questions of authenticity and rarity in determining...
ART 3282 Museums and Gallery Studies This course surveys the history of art collecting from antiquity to the present. It examines the present-day functioning of organizations devoted to the public exhibition and interpretation of the visual arts, particularly New York City museums and g...
ART 4021 Advanced Drawing Advanced Drawing
ART 4055 Corporate Design II: Design for Non-Profit Organizations In this studio course, students design the graphic identity for an actual client in government, the arts, or other social institutions. A different client is chosen each semester. Its functions and needs are analyzed critically and a visual identity...
ART 41 Art In Education Art In Education
ART 4900 Design And Photography In Theaory And Practice In this course students pursue a project in photography or graphic communication that reflects a topic related to the contemporary social environment. Students work in their individual discipline to create a personal portfolio reflecting their vision...
ART 5000 Independent Study Art I This course enables students to pursue a project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor. A description of th...
ART 5000H Independent Study Art I This course enables students to pursue a project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor. A description of th...
ART 5001 Independent Study Art II This course enables students to pursue a project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor. A description of th...
ART 5002 Independent Study Art III This course enables students to pursue a project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor. A description of th...
ART 5003 Independent Study Art IV This course enables students to pursue a project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor. A description of th...
ART 5004 Independent Study Art V This course enables students to pursue a project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor. A description of th...
ART 5010 Graphic Communication Internship This course is a work-study program for students interested in graphic communication. Interns put their graphic training to practical use by working for a semester in the design department of a New York-based corporation, cultural institution, advert...
ART 5011 Graphic Communication Internship This course is a work-study program for students interested in graphic communication. Interns put their graphic training to practical use by working for a semester in the design department of a New York-based corporation, cultural institution, advert...
ART 5900 Senior Seminar This course will assist the advanced graphic communications student in the transition from school to professional life. Course content includes the development and design of a professional portfolio, study of professional practices, and a senior proj...
ART 6000 Honors Seminar :Art Honors Seminar :Art
ART 6001 Honors See Department for Description.
ART 6001H Honors in Art I This course offers outstanding students the opportunity to conduct original, in-depth research with a focus in art history, fine art, photography, or graphic communication, and to work closely with a faculty advisor on a major project in art that is...
ART 6002 Honors See Department for Description.
ART 6002H Honors Art II This course offers outstanding students the opportunity to conduct original, in-depth research with a focus in art history, fine art, photography, or graphic communication, and to work closely with a faculty advisor on a major project in art that is...
ART 6003H Art Honors III See Department for Description.
ART 7000 Art Elective Art Elective
ART 7050 Art Intermediate Elective Art Intermediate Elective
ART 7100 Art Studio Elective Art Studio Elective
ART 7200 Art History Elective Art History Elective
ART 7300 Art Humanities Elect Art Humanities Elect
ART 7350 Art General Edu Req Art General Edu Req
ART 7400 Art Advanced Elec Art Advanced Elec
ART 7500 Art Theory Elective Art Theory Elective
FPA 2000 Introduction to Arts Administration This course offers a general introduction to arts administration as a field of study and as a career choice. It surveys the roles of administrators in arts organizations dedicated to art, music, and theatre. It also explores aesthetic bases of creati...
FPA 3000 The Arts in New York City Today This interdisciplinary course explores the intersection of art, music, and theatre within the context of landmark cultural institutions in New York City. The focus is on institutions that serve all three disciplines (e.g., the Metropolitan Museum of...
FPA 3000H Honors - Arts in New York City Course became FPA 4900H
FPA 3041 Special Topics in New Media and Interdisciplinary Art This course uses a combination of studio projects, lectures, and museum and gallery visits to explore a variety of specific concepts and approaches in New Media and interdisciplinary art. The topic, which differs each semester, draws on the expertise...
FPA 4900 The Arts in New York City (1900- Present) (Formerly 3000) This interdisciplinary course explores the intersection of art, music, and theatre within the context of landmark cultural institutions in New York City that serve all three disciplines (e.g., the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Lincoln Center, the Brook...
FPA 4900H Honors - Capstone: Arts in New York City This interdisciplinary course explores the intersection of art, music, and theater within the context of landmark cultural institutions in New York City that serve all three disciplines (e.g., the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Lincoln Center, the Brook...
FPA 5000 Independent Study FPA I This course enables students to pursue an interdisciplinary project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor....
FPA 5001 Independent Study FPA II This course enables students to pursue an interdisciplinary project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor....
FPA 5002 Independent Study FPA III This course enables students to pursue an interdisciplinary project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor....
FPA 5003 Independent Study FPA IV This course enables students to pursue an interdisciplinary project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor....
FPA 5070 Arts Administration Internship This course offers firsthand experience in a professional arts administration setting. Students work a minimum of 10 hours per week as interns in an arts organization under the supervision of a site mentor. Their assignments will relate to one or mor...
FPA 5071 Arts Administration Internship This course offers firsthand experience in a professional arts administration setting. Students work a minimum of 10 hours per week as interns in an arts organization under the supervision of a site mentor. Their assignments will relate to one or mor...
FPA 6001 FPA Honors I FPA Honors I
FPA 6001H Fine and Performing Arts Honors I The honors program in natural sciences is intended for the outstanding student. Each student conducts an experimental (laboratory/field) or theoretical project under the close supervision of a faculty mentor. The data collected will be used to write...
FPA 6002 Fine and Performing Arts Honors II Fine and Performing Arts Honors II
FPA 6003 FPA Honors III FPA Honors III
FPA 7000 Fine and Performing Arts Elec Fine and Performing Arts Elec
FPA 7350 FIN/Per Gen Ed Req M FIN/Per Gen Ed Req M
FPA 7450 FIN/Per Arts Req Met FIN/Per Arts Req Met
FPA 9100 Arts, Culture, and the Civic Environment This course provides an overview of the diverse range of arts businesses in New York, from small to large, commercial to non-profit, and encompassing art, music, and theatre organizations. This preparatory course includes an introduction to all facet...
FPA 9101 Independent Study in Arts Administration Students may apply to the program director for permission to enroll in an independent study with a member of the faculty, in order to explore a specific Arts Administration topic in more depth and to draw on the expertise of the faculty adviser.
FPA 9120 Development and Management of Arts Education Programs Arts education programs play an important role in serving community needs, developing arts audiences, and in many cases, can be an important source of grant funding or ancillary income. This course addresses how to develop and manage arts education p...
FPA 9130 Managing in Arts Environments This course provides perspective on strategic decision making for arts businesses. Through review and discussion of case studies, students will become familiar with contemporary opportunities and challenges facing businesses in the arts sector and ho...
FPA 9140 Marketing the Arts This course will provide an overview of techniques utilized by arts businesses to increase sales, develop and retain audiences, and create awareness. Students will learn to select marketing tools to suit strategic goals and budget limitations, develo...
FPA 9150 Advanced Practicum in Resource Development for the Arts Arts ventures, both non-profit and commercial, require leaders who can successfully solicit funds to secure the venture¿s success. In this course, students will employ standard techniques for raising funds and will learn how to apply those technique...
FPA 9155 Touring and Presentation of Arts Organizations This course provides an overview of the touring and presenting industry in the arts. It is designed to expose future artists, managers, concert promoters, those who book concerts for venues, and leaders of performing centers to the current climate fo...
FPA 9160 Audience Development and Member Services This course concentrates on the necessity of building and servicing audiences, including how to monetize the outcomes of outreach. Topics include examination of audience trends and purchasing patterns, retaining core audiences while expanding audienc...
FPA 9170 Professional Internship in Arts Administration Internships with professional arts organizations provide mentoring and structured learning experiences that provide students in the M.A. program in Arts Administration the opportunity to gain valuable skills and insights that can only come through...
FPA 9180 Professional Consultancy/ Thesis in Arts Administration As the culmination of his/her work in the program, each student will serve as a consultant to a New York-based arts business. The student will assist the organization in addressing a real challenge or opportunity by developing strategies that work wi...
FPA 9190 Cultural Policy and the Arts This course explores the development of cultural policy institutions and processes in the United States and abroad, with a strong emphasis on understanding the context and issues of contemporary American cultural policy. The course shifts during the...
FPA 9197 Special Topics in Museum and Gallery Management: Museum Administration This course considers how museums reveal the social and cultural ideologies of those who build, pay for, work in, and visit them. We will study the ways in which history is (and has been) constructed by museum administration, acquisitions, exhibition...
FPA 9198 Selected Topics in Arts Administration In pursuing knowledge and skills relevant to arts management, students explore topics such as leadership challenges, public controversies, the creation of new facilities and organizations, and changing philanthropic priorities. They also develop insi...
FPA 9199 Special Topics in Theatre Management: Current Issues in Performing Arts Leadership This course examines the ways performing arts leadership adapts to variable financial and artistic challenges with new approaches of structuring management and programming to make innovative spaces for nonprofit theatre. Students study select off and...
MSC 1001 Introduction to Music See Department for Description.
MSC 1002 The Art of Music See Department for Description.
MSC 1003 Music in Civilization An introductory survey of music in cultural and social history. The course proceeds chronologically through historical style periods to consider the development of Western classical music in relation to the cultural background with some inclusion of...
MSC 1005 Principles of Music An introductory music course in which musical elements, structures, and styles are studied. Development of analytical abilities will be emphasized through consideration of major musical works by diverse composers. A wide variety of types and forms of...
MSC 1005H Honors Principles of Music An introductory music course in which musical elements, structures, and styles are studied. Development of analytical abilities will be emphasized through consideration of major musical works by diverse composers. A wide variety of types and forms of...
MSC 1038 Basic Music Theory I See Department for Description.
MSC 1039 Basic Music Theory II See Department for Description.
MSC 2016L Msc 2016 Lecture Msc 2016 Lecture
MSC 2026 Ear Training I See Department for Description.
MSC 2027 Ear Training II See Department for Description.
MSC 2028 Ear Training III See Department for Description.
MSC 2029 Ear Training IV See Department for Description.
MSC 2041 Ensemble See Department for Description.
MSC 2042 Ensemble II See Department for Description.
MSC 2043 Ensemble III See Department for Description.
MSC 2044 Ensemble IV See Department for Description.
MSC 2051 Band See Department for Description.
MSC 2052 Band II See Department for Description.
MSC 2053 Band III See Department for Description.
MSC 2054 Band IV See Department for Description.
MSC 2061 Chorus Study and performance of music literature written for mixed chorus.
MSC 2061L Msc 2016 Lecture Msc 2016 Lecture
MSC 2062 Chorus II Study and performance of literature written for mixed chorus. A public concert is given each term.
MSC 2063 Chorus III Study and performance of literature written for mixed chorus. A public concert is given each term.
MSC 2064 Chorus IV Study and performance of literature written for mixed chorus. A public concert is given each term.
MSC 2081 Orchestra See Department for Description.
MSC 2082 Orchestra See Department for Description.
MSC 2083 Orchestra See Department for Description.
MSC 2084 Orchestra See Department for Description.
MSC 2090 Fundamentals of Music I The course covers the basic elements of music (staff notation, rhythm and meter, scales, keys, clefs, intervals, and chord construction) and introduces the techniques of Kodaly, Orff, and Dalcroze. Students learn basic keyboard technique, including m...
MSC 2091 Fundamentals Musc Ii Fundamentals Musc Ii
MSC 3002 Music of the Baroque Period The course surveys Baroque music and music theory (time period approximately 1580-1750) by first considering the innovations in musical styles from the point of view of genre and national (Italian, French, and German) schools. Topics include the deve...
MSC 3003 Music of the Classic Period The course surveys classic music of the eighteenth century by considering the development of the style and examining the principal genres, with emphasis on the music of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Topics include the principal forms (sonata-allegro,...
MSC 3004 Music of the Romantic Period The course offers a chronological survey of nineteenth-century European composers and western musical style. It includes representative examples of the art song, the piano character piece, chamber music, the concerto, the symphony, the opera, and the...
MSC 3005 World Music In this course, students explore a number of traditional and contemporary music styles from different parts of the world. All music is considered in relation to its region's sociocultural, economic, geographical, and political systems.
MSC 3006 Choral Mstrpieces Choral Mstrpieces
MSC 3007 Folk Mus In Americas Folk Mus In Americas
MSC 3008 Folk Msc Of World Folk Msc Of World
MSC 3009 Music in America See Department for Description.
MSC 3011 Appreciation Appreciation
MSC 3012 Romantic Orch Music Romantic Orch Music
MSC 3013 Music Today Music Today
MSC 3014 The Opera This course is a historical study of the development of opera from its origins to the present with emphasis on the impact of music on drama as well as changing forms and styles. Related literary, aesthetic, and social issues are considered. Works by...
MSC 3015 Opera In 19th Cent Opera In 19th Cent
MSC 3016 Music of the Twentieth Century The course is a chronological survey of musical styles and trends within the historical and cultural context of the 20th century. It examines technical and stylistic developments in contemporary music, specifically, Impressionism, Neoclassicism, Exp...
MSC 3017 Opera In 20th Cent Opera In 20th Cent
MSC 3018 Music In The City Music In The City
MSC 3019 The American Musical Theatre This course explores the American musical from nineteenth-century minstrelsy, vaudeville, operetta, and burlesque, through its golden age (1930-1950). Attention then turns to the stylistic and sociopolitical development of the genre since World War I...
MSC 3020 Emergence-Jazz To'35 Emergence-Jazz To'35
MSC 3021 Jazz Today Jazz Today
MSC 3022 Popular Song in America This course examines the stylistic and technological developments as well as socio-cultural influences that have shaped popular music in the US since the 17th century, with emphasis on the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Styles discussed include psal...
MSC 3024 Jazz: From Its Origins to the Present This course traces the history of jazz from its beginnings to the present day. Social and commercial factors are discussed in tracing the development of this truly American music from European and West African influences. Listening examples are drawn...
MSC 3024H Honors-Jazz: Origin to Present This course traces the history of jazz from its beginnings to the present day. Social and commercial factors are discussed in tracing the development of this truly American music from European and West African influences. Listening examples are drawn...
MSC 3025 Music in the Light Theatre Comic opera, operetta, and musical comedy are here subject to close investigation. Emergence of intermezzi in the late eighteenth century inaugurates the study. Subsequently, concern centers on the rise of German singspiel, French opera comique, Engl...
MSC 3026 Harmony I This music theory course is a study of the rudiments of music and basic principles of harmony. Topics include rhythm, musical notation, scales, key signatures, intervals, triads, seventh chords, harmonic function, harmonic progression, and elementary...
MSC 3027 Harmony II This course extends the study of harmony to encompass harmonic progressions between triads on all scale degrees and techniques of modulation to the dominant or relative major. Studies in counterpoint extend to second, third, and fourth species. Activ...
MSC 3029 Harmony IV The topics of harmonic study in this course include modulation to chromatically related keys, all uses of applied chords, modal mixture, and chromatic dominant preparation, with particular emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of large complete...
MSC 3031 Music of Latin America and the Caribbean This course explores the vast world of music centered in and around South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. It traces the influence of early American rhythms, forms, and culture upon those of the Latin neighbors, as well as present...
MSC 3032 Electronic Music Survey of modes of production and literature of electronic music. Basic acoustical theory. Study of studio equipment, synthesizers, amplified instruments, computers. History of electronic music. Listening examples from electronic literature including...
MSC 3033 Music and Society An exploration of music in its interaction with social, technological, economic, and commercial factors in Europe and in America. Extra-musical organizations (court, church, private commission, publishing house, and foundation) as well as biographica...
MSC 3034 Music in Films This course explores the uses of music in film since 1895. Excerpts from commercial films are studied, both to demonstrate film music development and to explore the cinematic relationship between the visual and aural. Topics for discussion include th...
MSC 3036 Commercial Music and the Media A study of music utilized in the television, radio, corporate, and industrial markets, emphasizing the connection between compositional procedures and commercial objectives. The aesthetics of commercial/functional music written or used to advertise a...
MSC 3043 The History of Music from Antiquity Through the Baroque (1750) Historical study of music, musical thought, and practice in Western civilization. The course includes detailed consideration of the development of vocal and instrumental music within sacred and secular traditions in the Medieval, Renaissance, and Bar...
MSC 3044 The History of Music from Classicism (c. 1750) to Modern Times Historical study of music, musical thought, and practice in Western civilization from the mid-eighteenth century to the twentieth century. The course includes consideration of sonata, symphony, concerto, opera, and song, particularly in the eighteent...
MSC 3044H Honors - Classicism to Modern Historical study of music, musical thought, and practice in Western civilization from the mid-eighteenth century to the twentieth century. The course includes consideration of sonata, symphony, concerto, opera, and song, particularly in the eighteent...
MSC 4003 History Of Music I History Of Music I
MSC 4004 Hist Of Music II Hist Of Music II
MSC 4035 Orchestration I Orchestration I
MSC 4036 Orchestration II Orchestration II
MSC 4900 Music and Society This course considers music in its interaction with social, technological, economic, and commercial factors. Extra-musical organizations-court, religious institution, private commission, publishing house, foundation-as well as biographical data such...
MSC 4905 Harmony III This course advances the study of harmony to include applied chords, modal mixture, modulation to distantly related keys, and chromatic dominant preparation. Contrapuntal study includes 16th- and 18th-century forms and techniques. Students demonstrat...
MSC 5000 Independent Study Music I See Department for Description.
MSC 5001 Independent Study Music II See Department for Description.
MSC 5002 Independent Study Music III See Department for Description.
MSC 5003 Independent Study Music IV See Department for Description.
MSC 5050 Internship in Music Management The internships provide students with an in-depth experience of the music management profession. Interns spend at least 10 hours per week in an organization, working under the supervision of one or more senior managers in the firm. The student perfor...
MSC 5050L Msc 5050 Lecture Msc 5050 Lecture
MSC 5051 Internship in Music Management The internships provide students with an in-depth experience of the music management profession. Interns spend at least 10 hours per week in an organization, working under the supervision of one or more senior managers in the firm. The student perfor...
MSC 6001 Honors Program This course offers outstanding individuals the opportunity to work with a professor on an original research project that is historical, critical, or analytic in nature focusing on music or the music industry. The degree with honors is conferred upon...
MSC 6001H Honors - Music I This course offers outstanding individuals the opportunity to work with a professor on an original research project that is historical, critical, or analytic in nature focusing on music or the music industry. The degree with honors is conferred upon...
MSC 6002 Honors Program This course offers outstanding individuals the opportunity to work with a professor on an original research project that is historical, critical, or analytic in nature focusing on music or the music industry. The degree with honors is conferred upon...
MSC 6002H Honors - Music II This course offers outstanding individuals the opportunity to work with a professor on an original research project that is historical, critical, or analytic in nature focusing on music or the music industry. The degree with honors is conferred upon...
MSC 7000 Music Elective Music Elective
MSC 7050 Music Intermed Elective Music Intermed Elective
MSC 7100 Music History Elect Music History Elect
MSC 7200 Music Humanit Elect Music Humanit Elect
MSC 7300 Music Studio Electiv Music Studio Electiv
MSC 7400 Music Advanced Elect Music Advanced Elect
MSC 7500 Music Theory Electve Music Theory Electve
NMA 2050 Introduction to New Media Arts This studio course introduces theories and practices of new media art. Assignments based on lectures, screenings, research, classroom demonstrations, discussions and readings provide hands-on experience in a variety of media, which may include digita...
NMA 3010 Video I This hands-on introduction to digital video art examines the moving image as a form of personal expression and communication. Through projects, lectures, screenings, and field trips, the course will explore both how video works and how it can be used...
NMA 3012 Digital Interactivity User input can affect a wide range of new media artworks that may include animation, sound, web projects, and robotics. In this hands-on introduction, students will learn techniques for harnessing analog and digital inputs to create responsive, inter...
NMA 3021 Performing with New Media This course offers students practice-based methods that combine new media arts and performing. Students will study contemporary models of performance that use multimedia and video technologies to provide context for class projects. Through exercises...
NMA 3022 Art Games and Virtual Worlds Art Games are interactive experiences set within virtual worlds that are designed by an artist, but that are activated by the live input of participants. Unlike commercial videogames that focus on entertainment, action, or combat, art games highlight...
NMA 3041 Special Topics in Media and Arts This course uses a combination of studio projects, lectures, and museum and gallery visits to explore a variety of specific concepts and approaches in New Media and interdisciplinary art. The topic, which differs each semester, draws on the expertise...
NMA 3059 Animation and Motion Graphics This course explores principles and methods of animation and motion graphics for design and new media arts, from content creation through production and distribution. The historical development of animation and motion graphics, contemporary practices...
NMA 3061 Digital Photography This course builds on the student’s prior experience in ART 2060 and/or NMA 2050 in order to learn the theoretical, creative, and technical elements of digital photography. Through readings, class lectures, critiques, relevant software, and using the...
NMA 4900 New Media Arts in Theory and Practice In this course students pursue a project in new media art that reflects a topic related to the contemporary social environment. Students work within their individual concentrations to create a personal portfolio reflecting their vision of a particula...
NMA 7000 New Media Arts Elec New Media Arts Elec
NMA 7050 New Media Art Int Elective New Media Art Int Elective
NMA 7100 New Media Art Adv El New Media Art Adv El
THE 1041 Introduction to the Theatre Arts By examining how the creative arts of the playwright, director, actor, and designer contribute to the form of the play that ultimately appears on stage, the course provides a basic understanding and critical appreciation of the arts of the theatre. S...
THE 1041C Introduction to the Theatre Arts By examining how the creative arts of the playwright, director, actor, and designer contribute to the form of the play that ultimately appears on stage, the course provides a basic understanding and critical appreciation of the arts of the theatre. S...
THE 1041H Honors - Introduction to the Arts By examining how the creative arts of the playwright, director, actor, and designer contribute to the form of the play that ultimately appears on stage, the course provides a basic understanding and critical appreciation of the arts of the theatre. S...
THE 1042 Hist Of Theatre Hist Of Theatre
THE 1043 Introduction to Acting This course introduces the student to the essential techniques and methods of acting. Students are introduced to selected plays both through literary analysis and attendance at current productions.
THE 1051 Stagecraft See Department for Description.
THE 3010 Workshop in Children's Theatre By considering the role of drama in the elementary and junior high school classroom and the practical problems generally met in elementary and junior high school play production, this course offers a learning and testing ground for the skills requisi...
THE 3020 Applied Theatre Workshop This course is an introduction to applied theatre, a field that uses theatre as amedium for real-world education, activism, therapy, and civic engagement. Wewill study key forms of applied theatre including educational theatre, Playback,Theatre of th...
THE 3033 Oral Int Shakespear Oral Int Shakespear
THE 3042 History of Theatre This course offers the student an exploration of the origins of theatre and overviews of major world theatre production practices and dramatic literature drawn from Western, African, and Asian traditions. The place of theatre in society and its poten...
THE 3043 Theatre of Color in the United States This course introduces students to the essential historical roots of the leading theatres of color in the United States: African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American, and Native American. Selected texts of both classic and contemporary plays r...
THE 3044 Advanced Acting Through the analysis of play and character and the performance of scenes, students learn to polish those skills developed in THE 1043.
THE 3045 Principles of Directing Working with acting students from THE 3044 or THE 1043, students learn the principles and practices of directing a play.
THE 3046 Play Production This course offers a comprehensive overview of all production aspects of thetheatre. Students will study and execute projects on scenic construction, lighting,painting, costume, stage properties, sound design, and stage management. Students will be e...
THE 3050 Performing with New Media This course offers students practice-based methods that combine new media arts and performing. Students will study contemporary models of performance that use multimedia and video technologies to provide context for class projects. Through exercises...
THE 3052 Workshop in Playwriting This course provides beginning and advanced playwrights with practical techniques for developing works for the stage. Concentrating on the dynamics of live human interaction as the substance of drama, the course emphasizes the structure of action and...
THE 3052H Honors-Playwriting This course provides beginning and advanced playwrights with practical techniques for developing works for the stage. Concentrating on the dynamics of live human interaction as the substance of drama, the course emphasizes the structure of action and...
THE 3054 Stage Design: Principles and Practice This course introduces students to the theory and practice of perspective, principles of design and color for three dimensions, computer applications, such as autoCAD, and production work, as they relate to scene design. The culmination of the course...
THE 3055 Thetr Costume&Makeup Thetr Costume&Makeup
THE 3056 Theatre Organization and Management This course introduces students to professional skills, concepts, and bestpractices required for the successful management and leadership of modern daytheatre organizations. Topics include: budgeting; marketing; fundraising; audience development; bra...
THE 3060 Immigration on Stage and Screen What impact have immigrants had on the development of American theater, television, film, and performance art? How do these performances help us to understand how immigrants form new identities onstage and off? This course considers the immigrant the...
THE 4053 Playwriting II This is the second course in the playwriting sequence. Students write two- and three-act plays. There are staged readings of all student plays. Not open to students who have completed SPE 3053 or SPE 4053.
THE 4101 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4102 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4103 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4104 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4105 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4106 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4107 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4108 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4109 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 4110 Selected Topics Students do advanced study in theatre with emphasis on aspects not treated in regular courses.
THE 5000 Independent Study Theater I See Department for Description.
THE 5001 Independent Study Theater II See Department for Description.
THE 5001H Hon Independent Study THE II See Department for description.
THE 6001 Honors I Outstanding students have the opportunity to work individually with a faculty advisor on an in-depth written research or creative project in theatre. The project involves either original scholarly research on a topic of historical, theoretical, or co...
THE 6002 Honors II Outstanding students have the opportunity to work individually with a faculty advisor on an in-depth written research or creative project in theatre. The project involves either original scholarly research on a topic of historical, theoretical, or co...
THE 7000 Theatre Elective Theatre Elective
THE 7050 Theatre Intermed Elc Theatre Intermed Elc
THE 7100 Theatre Advanced Elc Theatre Advanced Elc