Department: Economics and Finance

Code Name Description
ECO 1001 Micro-Economics The theory of pricing and distribution under various marketing conditions. Government intervention in the market. Comparison of free enterprise with alternative, existing economic systems. The department offers special sections of this course to high...
ECO 1001H Honors - Micro Economics The theory of pricing and distribution under various marketing conditions. Government intervention in the market. Comparison of free enterprise with alternative, existing economic systems. The department offers special sections of this course to high...
ECO 1002 Macro-Economics A study of the determinants of aggregate levels of production, employment, and prices. Impact of government spending, taxation, and monetary policy on the level of unemployment and the rate of inflation . Emphasis on the institutional framework withi...
ECO 1002H Honors - Macro Economics A study of the determinants of aggregate levels of production, employment, and prices. Impact of government spending, taxation, and monetary policy on the level of unemployment and the rate of inflation. Emphasis on the institutional framework within...
ECO 1003 Econ Geog Of U.S. & Can Econ Geog Of U.S. & Can
ECO 1004 Comparative Economic Systems See Department for Description.
ECO 1006 Comtpry Amer Capitlm Comtpry Amer Capitlm
ECO 1110 Current Economic Problems This course examines the historic and political backgrounds of economic thought, the concepts and tools of micro-economics, the measurements and policies of macro-economics, their limitations and the evolution of current economic discourses. This cou...
ECO 2001 Ind Org & Publ Pol Ind Org & Publ Pol
ECO 2002 Economics Of Labor Economics Of Labor
ECO 2100 Theo Of Intern Trade Theo Of Intern Trade
ECO 2301 Intro Geograph Princ Intro Geograph Princ
ECO 2302 Eco Geography Europe Eco Geography Europe
ECO 2401 European Eco Develop European Eco Develop
ECO 2500 Urban Economics Urban Economics
ECO 3093 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will...
ECO 3094 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will...
ECO 3100 Intermediate Micro-Economics Intensive examination of the theories of utility and demand, production theory, and cost functions in the short and long run, culminating in the price-output models of perfect competition and monopoly. Problems and applications are heavily used to ac...
ECO 3100H Honors-Intermediate Microeconomics Intensive examination of the theories of utility and demand, production theory, and cost functions in the short and long run, culminating in the price-output models of perfect competition and monopoly. Problems and applications are heavily used to ac...
ECO 3110 Industrial Organization and Public Policy Study of monopoly and competition in U.S. industrial and financial markets. Topics include the sources of monopoly power, the impact of monopoly on economic efficiency, and the effectiveness of government policies to maintain competition.
ECO 3120 Managerial Economics The economic foundations of accounting, production, marketing, and business policy. Designed for students of economics and of the above subjects who wish to strengthen their theoretical and practical knowledge of these areas. Case studies are used to...
ECO 3130 Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development This course is structured to provide the student with a broad appreciation of the economic constraints and opportunities of environmentally sustainable development, ecological preservation and the formulation of attendant policies by the federal and...
ECO 3140 Game Theory This is a course about strategic interaction between individuals. We will assume that individuals are rational: they maximize an objective function (e.g., profit) given their beliefs about the strategies of others. We will extend this assumption to t...
ECO 3150 Eco Of Natl Res Eco Of Natl Res
ECO 3160 Field Study of the Economics of the Environment, Business, Culture and Global Sustainability The objective of this course is to educate students on global economic, financial, international, environmental and business issues and the role each plays in promoting sustainable development. The main feature of this course is a 14 day study abroad...
ECO 3160L Field Study Economic Lecture Field Study Economic Lecture
ECO 3200 Intermediate Macro-Economics A general analysis of the factors determining income, employment, price levels, and interest rates in developed economies. Particular emphasis will be placed on policy problems.
ECO 3200H Honors - Intermediate Macroeconomics A general analysis of the factors determining income, employment, price levels, and interest rates in developed economies. Particular emphasis will be placed on policy problems.
ECO 3220 Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy A survey of the nature of money, its role in economic life, and the ability of the commercial banking system to expand and contract the money supply. Also covered are the functions and powers of the Federal Reserve System and their impact upon the le...
ECO 3220H Honors - Money & Banking A survey of the nature of money, its role in economic life, and the ability of the commercial banking system to expand and contract the money supply. Also covered are the functions and powers of the Federal Reserve System and their impact upon the le...
ECO 3250 International Economics and Finance This course covers theories of international trade, international capital and labor movements, transfer pricing issues in transnational corporation, protection of domestic industries with tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers, balance of payments, fo...
ECO 3250H Honors - International Economics and Finance This course covers theories of international trade, international capital and labor movements, transfer pricing issues in transnational corporation, protection of domestic industries with tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers, balance of payments, fo...
ECO 3300 Economics of Regulation A study of the reasons for an impact of government regulation on economic activity. Emphasis is placed on the relative merits of different regulatory mechanisms and on the attendant deviations from optimal or anticipated performance. Numerous regulat...
ECO 3301 Public Enterprise Economics A study of the interface between public institutions, including the American legal system, and economic activity. Includes discussion of selected topics dealing with basis and rationale of government stimulus in providing the preconditions for a well...
ECO 3310 Principles of Public Finance An analysis of the causes and costs of free-rider behavior and such market failures as pollution, congestion, and discrimination. Governmental and private solutions to these problems are evaluated. Other topics include tax incidence theory, the eff...
ECO 3320 Urban Economics Discussion of the economic reasons for the growth and decline of cities and the economic underpinning of location decisions of people and firms. Analysis of urban fiscal problems, environmental problems, and the problems of poverty, segregation, and...
ECO 3340 Economic Geography and Spatial Theory This course examines the spatial distribution of economic activities and the bearing this has on the development problems of our urban and regional economies, resource utilization, and the structure of industries. It combines both spatial and environ...
ECO 3400 Evolution of Economic Thought Development of economic thought from mercantilism to the end of the nineteenth century, including the English classical doctrines and divergent schools of thought.
ECO 3450 European Economic Development This course examines the industrialization of the Western European and American economies during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with particular stress on the international economic aspects of this process. Topics include the changing composi...
ECO 3470 Amer Eco Development Amer Eco Development
ECO 3501 Economics of Labor A survey covering such topics as human resource development, the allocation and compensation of labor, and the history of trade unionism in the United States.
ECO 3503 Advanced Labor Economics An examination of some of the more important issues and problems in the field of labor economics. Each semester, one or more special topics will be considered.
ECO 3511 Contemporary Economic Development Analytical treatment of the problems of economic growth and development. Emphasis on the interaction of economic theories and the realities of developing countries. Topics include alternative theories of growth, industrialization, capital formation a...
ECO 3512 Cont Intrn Econ Prob Cont Intrn Econ Prob
ECO 3600 Eco An Of Legal Inst Eco An Of Legal Inst
ECO 4000 Statistical Analysis for Economics and Finance The development of quantitative tools and their application to economic and financial models. Emphasis will be placed on multiple regression analysis and the application of regression techniques to problems in finance and economics.
ECO 4000H Honors - Statistics Analysis The development of quantitative tools and their application to economic and financial models. Emphasis will be placed on multiple regression analysis and the application of regression techniques to problems in finance and economics.
ECO 4010 Applied Micro-Econometrics The course extends the use of regression analysis to issues in applied micro-econometrics. The course will focus on recent developments in identification methods to analyze issue related to the economics of health, labor, public finance, and educatio...
ECO 4050 Economic and Business Forecasting This course is concerned with practical forecasting in business and government. The application and theory of different forecasting techniques are discussed. These techniques are the judgmental forecast, extrapolation method, consensus survey, leadin...
ECO 4051 Financial Econometrics This course provides students with a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of time series techniques that can be applied to the analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic variables and financial returns. Topics covered include unconditional modeli...
ECO 4051H Honors - Financial Econometrics This course provides students with a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of time series techniques that can be applied to the analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic variables and financial returns. Topics covered include unconditional modeli...
ECO 4091 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will...
ECO 4092 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will...
ECO 4093 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will...
ECO 4094 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will...
ECO 4100 Advanced Micro-Economics The topics covered are price and production decisions in imperfect competition and oligopoly, the theory of income distribution by factor share, simple intertemporal models of capital accumulation and interest, and an introduction to general equilibr...
ECO 4120 Behavioral Economics Behavioral economics investigates the effect of psychological and cognitive aspects on economic decision-making. The course will focus also on experimental design and its application to identify behavioral regularities related to risk preferences, th...
ECO 4150 The Economics of International Trade This course reviews seminal trade theories and empirical findings on this topic to tackle the following questions: Why do countries trade? What is the effect of international trade on the economic well-being of countries? Does trade liberalization be...
ECO 4200 Advanced Macro-Economics Advanced topics in macro-economics will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on a theoretical understanding and the applications to forecasting cyclical and dynamic movements in the economy.
ECO 4201 Monetary Economics A survey of monetary theory. Forces responsible for the behavior of our monetary and credit system; mechanisms and objectives of monetary activity.
ECO 4300 Mathematical Economics Elementary concepts and techniques of modern mathematical economics are studied. Emphasis centers on the understanding of the concepts and on the appreciation of their usefulness as a body of tools for an efficient formulation and solution of quantit...
ECO 4400 Contemporary Economic Thought This course provides the student with a broad appreciation of the traditions and methodology of economic administration of capitalism enterprise as a context for the technical Economics and Finance curriculum. This course examines the historic backgr...
ECO 4501 Advanced Labor Economics An examination of some of the more important issues and problems in the field of labor economics. Each semester, one or more special topics will be considered. Formerly ECO 3503.
ECO 4501H Honors - Advanced Labor Economics An examination of some of the more important issues and problems in the field of labor economics. Each semester, one or more special topics will be considered. Formerly ECO 3503.
ECO 4504 Economics Of Planng Economics Of Planng
ECO 5000 Independent Research in Economics & Reading in Economics A course open to juniors or seniors majoring in economics who wish to pursue independent research in an area or topic not otherwise covered in the course offerings. The coursework will include a comprehensive term paper. To enroll, a student must obt...
ECO 5010 Internship in Economics I Students work in a supervised internship in economics. Students are required to write a series of reports on their internship duties and progress, and a term report in which they analyze in detail an aspect of their work that relates closely to their...
ECO 5011 Internship in Economics II Students work in a supervised internship in economics. Students are required to write a series of reports on their internship duties and progress, and a term report in which they analyze in detail an aspect of their work that relates closely to their...
ECO 5050 Current Problems in Mathematical Economics Seminar on special topics related to mathematical economics.
ECO 5100 Economic Problems in Linear Regression Analysis A course on econometric methods. Ordinary least squares and generalized least squares models will be applied to a range of economic and financial problems. Specification and estimation of simultaneous equation systems. Class discussion will be augmen...
ECO 5150 Current Problems in Micro-Economics Seminar on special topics related to micro-economics.
ECO 5250 Current Problems in Macro-Economics Seminar on special topics related to macro-economics.
ECO 5350 Current Problems in Public Finance Seminar on special topics related to public finance.
ECO 5500 Invest/Human Capital Invest/Human Capital
ECO 6001 Honors Courses in Economics This sequence enables students with superior academic achievement to work individually with a professor on a major research project. This project encompasses two consecutive terms and is in the student's major field.
ECO 6001H Honors Courses in Economics This sequence of courses offers students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in economics. This project involves in-depth and original research of an empirical and/or theo...
ECO 6002 Honors Courses in Economics This sequence enables students with superior academic achievement to work individually with a professor on a major research project. This project encompasses two consecutive terms and is in the student's major field.
ECO 6002H Honors Courses in Economics This sequence of courses offers students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in economics. This project involves in-depth and original research of an empirical and/or theo...
ECO 6003H Honors Courses in Economics This sequence of courses offers students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in economics. This project involves in-depth and original research of an empirical and/or theo...
ECO 7000 Economics Elective Economics Elective
ECO 703 Microeconomics Microeconomics
ECO 703U Micro-Eco Theory I Micro-Eco Theory I
ECO 7050 Economics Interm Elective Economics Interm Elective
ECO 7100 Economics Advanc Ele Economics Advanc Ele
ECO 712 Intro Macro Thry Ii Intro Macro Thry Ii
ECO 725 Math For Economists Math For Economists
ECO 7350 Econ Gen Ed Req Met Econ Gen Ed Req Met
ECO 7450 Econ Gen Ed Req Met Econ Gen Ed Req Met
ECO 8000 Macroeconomics Study of the determinants of aggregate levels of production, employment, and prices. The impact of government spending, taxation, and monetary policy on the level of unemployment and the rate of inflation is examined. There is emphasis on the institu...
ECO 808U Macro-Eco Theory Ii Macro-Eco Theory Ii
ECO 8100 Basic Economics Basic Economics
ECO 820U Econometric Theory Econometric Theory
ECO 821 Econometrics I Econometrics I
ECO 822 Econometrics Ii Econometrics Ii
ECO 830 Econ Of Uncertainty Econ Of Uncertainty
ECO 836 Fin Theo & Engineer Fin Theo & Engineer
ECO 9250 Hca Economics & FIN Hca Economics & FIN
ECO 9296 Urban Economics Urban Economics
ECO 9324 Mortgage Banking Mortgage Banking
ECO 9363 Security Analysis Security Analysis
ECO 9700 Economic Analysis Supply and demand analysis, the economics of households and firms, the determination of product and factor prices under varying market structures, and capital theory and welfare economics. Required of economics majors.
ECO 9701 Economic Analysis Ii Economic Analysis Ii
ECO 9703 History Of Cons Econ History Of Cons Econ
ECO 9704 Economic Analysis for Business Decision Economic tools and analyses essential to optimum business decisions. Microeconomic elements, such as the analysis of consumer behavior and a firm's production and price decisions, are covered. Macroeconomic topics, such as national income analysis an...
ECO 9705 Managerial Economics Application of basic economic concepts to the decision problems of the firm. Demand, supply, cost and profit functions, and capital budgeting are analyzed conceptually and with the use of quantitative tools to give them empirical content.
ECO 9705L Eco 9705 Lecture Eco 9705 Lecture
ECO 9707 Economic Fluctuations and Forecasting Study of practical forecasting in business and government. Concepts, reality, and adequacy of leading bodies of forecasting data; criteria for appraising forecasting methods; and discussion of experimental techniques. The relation of practical foreca...
ECO 9708 Microeconomics for Managers Today's managers face increasing complexities in the economic environment within which they have to make decisions. Managerial decisions involving international competitiveness, mergers and acquisitions (M & A), corporate downsizing, automation, and...
ECO 9709 Macroeconomics This course will provide managers with an essential understanding of the basic forces and institutions that determine national income, employment, price levels, and interest rates in developed countries.
ECO 9710 Income Determination Factors determining the level of national income, output, and employment, including private policies set to stabilize employment and prices.
ECO 9711 Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development This course is structured to provide the student with a broad appreciation of the economic constraints and opportunities of environmentally sustainable development, ecological preservation, and the formulation of attendant economic policies by the fe...
ECO 9712 National Income Analysis and Fluctuations Concepts, statistical sources, and uses of the national income and wealth accounts; relationships to input-output and money-flow analysis; and behavior of these accounts over time. Required of all economics majors.
ECO 9713 Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy Descriptive and analytical discussion of money, commercial banking and other financial intermediaries, the Federal Reserve System, bank regulation and deregulation, the supply of and demand for money, the determination of interest rates, and the impa...
ECO 9714 Public Finance I Development of the rationale of the public sector and the criteria used in evaluation of its expenditures and taxation. Special attention is given to intergovernmental fiscal relationships and to problems of urban public finance.
ECO 9715 Public Finance II Evaluation of the tax structure in terms of the criteria of allocative efficiency and distributional equity. The incidence and effects of taxation are explored, and the topic of tax reform is considered in detail. Income security programs, which use...
ECO 9720 Eco Statistics Eco Statistics
ECO 9722 Operations Research Operations Research
ECO 9723 Econometrics - Theory and Applications I Construction and testing of economic models; measurement of economic parameters; and applications to supply, demand, and consumption functions. Required of all economics majors.
ECO 9724 Econometrics-Theory and Applications II Advanced topics in econometrics, including linear regression with stochastic regressors, special problems in single equation models-multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, lagged variables, and methods of just-identified and over-identified systems, r...
ECO 9726 Mathematical Econom Mathematical Econom
ECO 9730 Firms in the Global Economy An essential task of corporate managers is to understand the economic environment in which firms operate. This environment is composed of several agents: consumers, competitors, government agencies, and markets. The course addresses both the microeco...
ECO 9730H Fundamentals of Microeconomics Given the complexities of management decision-making in the economic environment the course is structured to provide the student with a broad appreciation of howscarce resources are allocated in a properly functioning economy. The course leads the st...
ECO 9731 Economic Development Basic issues of economic development. These include the pursuit of rapid growth and the reduction of poverty and inequality, the interactions between development strategies and population change, and reforms in the international economic order in the...
ECO 9740 Fundamentals of Macroeconomics This course in macroeconomics provides the student with a broadappreciation of the concepts and methodology of macroeconomics as a context for the technical managerial curriculum. This course examines national output and income; equilibrium in the ec...
ECO 9741 International Economics Examination of the functioning of the international economy. Topics include balance of payments, exchange rate determination, problems of world trade and capital flows, government foreign economic policies, regional integration, Eurocurrency markets,...
ECO 9750 Industrial Organization and Control I Structure of the American economy, government policies aiming at the preservation of competition in industrial markets, and regulations of trade practices.
ECO 9757 Electronic Comp Appl Electronic Comp Appl
ECO 9760 Labor Economics Problems and issues in labor economics, including wages, hours, and working conditions; wage policy; and the relation of labor organizations to management decisions and economic change.
ECO 9766 Health Care Economics This is a course in the use of economic principles in understanding health behaviors, and analyzing markets for health, health insurance, and health care. The course covers basic microeconomic principles and their applications in examining how consum...
ECO 9766L Eco 9766 Lecture Eco 9766 Lecture
ECO 9774 Economics of Urban Areas Study of the economic factors behind the size, functions, and location of cities to provide a better understanding of urban growth and stagnation. Within the individual city, this course is concerned with the economic externalities of urban living, l...
ECO 9790 Seminar in Economics Special topics in economics.
ECO 9791 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are notcovered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by theinstructor offering the course. The course topics and pre- or corequisites will be ann...
ECO 9792 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are notcovered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by theinstructor offering the course. The course topics and pre- or corequisites will be ann...
ECO 9793 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are notcovered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by theinstructor offering the course. The course topics and pre- or corequisites will be ann...
ECO 9794 Special Topics in Economics This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in economics that are notcovered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by theinstructor offering the course. The course topics and pre- or corequisites will be ann...
ECO 99001 Research Methodology in Economics (Research I) Research in areas of economics. Students will select, research, outline, and present a proposed paper on an economic topic within the subject area covered by the research seminar. Designed primarily to assist students engaged in meeting the requireme...
ECO 99002 Research Seminar in Economics (Research Seminar II) Research in areas of economics. Students will complete and present a research paper on an economic topic within the subject area covered by the research seminar, which they commenced in Economics Research Methodology 99001 or Research Methodology 993...
ECO 99301 Research Methodology (Thesis I) Designed primarily to assist students engaged in meeting the thesis requirements for the master's degree. Each candidate will begin the preparation of a thesis under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Required of all candidates for the MBA degree enr...
ECO 99302 Thesis (Thesis II) Open only to those who have successfully completed Research Methodology or Research Methodology in Economics 99001 (with the permission of the thesis advisor and the department chair). A continuation of Research Methodology designed primarily to assi...
ECO 993I Econ Th Sem I Econ Th Sem I
ECO 993II Econ Th Sem Ii Econ Th Sem Ii
ECO U700 Micro Economics Micro Economics
ECO U701 Microeco Thry 1 Microeco Thry 1
ECO U702 Microeco Thry 11 Microeco Thry 11
ECO U703 Microecon Theory 1 Microecon Theory 1
ECO U708 Macro Eco Thry I Macro Eco Thry I
ECO U710 Macro Economics Macro Economics
ECO U711 Intro Macro Thery 1 Intro Macro Thery 1
ECO U821 Applied Economet Applied Economet
FIN 105 Dummy Fin Dummy Fin
FIN 15 Exec Ms In Finance Exec Ms In Finance
FIN 1600 Principles Finance Principles Finance
FIN 1601 Personal Finance Discusses the problems involved in efficient handling of personal finance and consumption expenditure, including consumer protection, taxation, insurance, home financing, and methods of borrowing and investing money. Not acceptable as elective for ma...
FIN 2000 Principles of Financial Planning and Individual Investing The course introduces the fundamental tools and concepts necessary to manage one’s finances effectively. Students learn about the importance of saving and investing; planning for future consumption; financial institutions such as banks, broker-dealer...
FIN 2600 Prin Of Finance Prin Of Finance
FIN 3000 Principles of Finance This course provides students with a rigorous introduction to the fundamental principles of finance. The primary concepts covered include the time value of money, principles of valuation and risk, and the nature and characteristics of domestic and in...
FIN 3000H Honors - Principles of Finance This course provides students with a rigorous introduction to the fundamental principles of finance. The primary concepts covered include the time value of money, principles of valuation and risk, and the nature and characteristics of domestic and in...
FIN 3093 Special Topics in Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in finance that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will b...
FIN 3094 Special Topics in Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in finance that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will b...
FIN 3200 Life and Health Institute Life and Health Institute
FIN 3300 Property and Liability Property and Liability
FIN 3600 Corp Finance Corp Finance
FIN 3601 Prpls Of Invest Prpls Of Invest
FIN 3602 Prin Of Public Fin Prin Of Public Fin
FIN 3610 Corporate Finance This course introduces students to the fundamental financial issues of the corporation. It covers basic concepts of debt and equity sources of financing and valuation; capital budgeting methods; cash flow forecasting and risk analysis; and the cost o...
FIN 3610H Honors Corporate Finance This course introduces students to the fundamental financial issues of the corporation. It covers basic concepts of debt and equity sources of financing and valuation; capital budgeting methods; cash flow forecasting and risk analysis; and the cost o...
FIN 3620 Financial Management for Small Business and Entrepreneurs This course will provide an understanding of the basic financial tools available for the small entrepreneur. The course content will cover the preparation of financial statements: balance sheets, income statements, net cash flow, etc. forms of busin...
FIN 3700 Fin Institutions Fin Institutions
FIN 3710 Investment Analysis This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and theories of financial asset pricing and valuation. It provides students with a rigorous analysis of modern portfolio theory, the capital asset pricing model, and the valuation of commo...
FIN 3710H Honors - Investments and Analysis This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and theories of financial asset pricing and valuation. It provides students with a rigorous analysis of modern portfolio theory, the capital asset pricing model, and the valuation of commo...
FIN 3801 Curr Prbs In Investm Curr Prbs In Investm
FIN 3810 Management of Financial Institutions Consideration of specific management problems facing financial institutions such as commercial banks, savings institutions, and insurance companies. Management of asset and liability structures, control of financial operations, and the impact of the...
FIN 3820 Financial Markets and Intermediaries The role of financial markets and intermediaries in the savings-investment process. Overview of the structure of wealth holding, financial flows, and capital market institutions. The theory of financial intermediation and its relationship to economic...
FIN 3900 Commodity Futurs Mkt Commodity Futurs Mkt
FIN 4091 Special Topics in Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in finance that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will b...
FIN 4092 Special Topics in Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in finance that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will b...
FIN 4093 Special Topics in Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in finance that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will b...
FIN 4094 Special Topics in Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in finance that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre-requisites will b...
FIN 4600 Corp Fin II Corp Fin II
FIN 4601 Adv Invest Analysis Adv Invest Analysis
FIN 4610 Advanced Corporate Finance This course provides intensive analysis of several major types of decisions faced by corporate managers. It includes a rigorous theoretical analysis of firm's capital structure and dividend policies, and supplements this with an overview of the real-...
FIN 4610H Honor - Advance Corporate Finance This course provides intensive analysis of several major types of decisions faced by corporate managers. It includes a rigorous theoretical analysis of firm's capital structure and dividend policies, and supplements this with an overview of the real-...
FIN 4710 Advanced Investment Analysis This course provides an intensive analysis of several advanced topics in investments. It covers bond valuation and analysis in depth, with special emphasis on risk analysis, securitization, and innovation in the fixed-income markets. It covers invest...
FIN 4720 Futures Markets This course provides a detailed analysis of futures markets and related forward markets, and emphasizes the valuation and uses of financial futures. It examines their institutional setting and provides an analytical foundation for pricing and valuati...
FIN 4730 Equity Markets: Trading and Structure The course is designed to give students a broad understanding of the operations of equity markets, and an in depth knowledge of liquidity, market structure and trading. In equity markets around the world, investors are increasingly concerned with con...
FIN 4750 Options This course introduces students to the options market. Its broad objectives are to link the underlying financial and real markets to their derived option markets, and to present students with a variety of possible trading strategies and pricing mecha...
FIN 4760 Fin&Stock Index Futr Fin&Stock Index Futr
FIN 4770 Metal and Agricultural Futures Metal and Agricultural Futures
FIN 4775 Technical Analysis This course introduces students to the fundamentals of technical analysis, one of the oldest forms of security analysis. It first covers the history of technical analysis and its underlying logic and rationale. Students then learn the basics of chart...
FIN 4777 Special Topics in Finance This course exposes students to evolving techniques and theories in finance and to current applications in the real world. Students read journal articles and relevant texts, do independent library research, write papers, and make oral presentations....
FIN 4777H Honors - Special Topics in Finance This course exposes students to evolving techniques and theories in finance and to current applications in the real world. Students read journal articles and relevant texts, do independent library research, write papers, and make oral presentations....
FIN 4780 Introduction to Microfinance This course will provide students with an understanding of the structure and theevolution of the microfinance industry, the products and services offered in the industry, how capital markets and non-traditional capital sources fund microfinance insti...
FIN 4808 Risk Management in Financial Institutions I This course provides students with a rigorous introduction to the complex problems of risk measurement and management in financial institutions. The course surveys the major types of financial institutions and analyzes in depth the major risks facing...
FIN 4810 Risk Management in Financial Institutions II This course offers students a thorough analysis of a wide range of risk management problems faced by financial institutions. It extends the analysis of risk measurement and management covered in FIN 4808, Risk Management in Financial Institutions I....
FIN 4910 International Financial Markets This course explores the fundamentals of international financial markets. The primary focus is on key institutional and organizational features of the international marketplace, including the capital and money markets, as well as the futures, forward...
FIN 4910H Hon Int'L Fin Market Hon Int'L Fin Market
FIN 4920 International Corporate Finance This course covers concepts and applications of corporate finance in an international context, with specific emphasis on the international financial decisions of multinational corporations (MNCs). It examines different types of foreign-exchange risk...
FIN 4930 Mergers and Acquisitions This course introduces students to the fundamental financial issues concerning mergers and acquisitions. It covers a background on mergers and acquisitions; the valuation of M&A transactions; tax and accounting for M&A transactions; analyzing the typ...
FIN 5000 Independent Research in Finance I A course open to juniors or seniors majoring in finance who wish to pursue independent research in an area or topic not otherwise covered in the course offerings. The coursework will include a comprehensive term paper. To enroll, a student must obtai...
FIN 5001 Independent Study Finance II Independent Study Finance II
FIN 5600 Current Problems in Corporate Finance Seminar on special topics in corporate finance.
FIN 5610 Internship in Finance I Students work in a supervised internship in finance. Students are required to write a series of reports on their internship duties and progress, and a term report in which they analyze in detail an aspect of their work that relates closely to their a...
FIN 5611 Internship in Finance II Students work in a supervised internship in finance. Students are required to write a series of reports on their internship duties and progress, and a term report in which they analyze in detail an aspect of their work that relates closely to their a...
FIN 5700 Current Problems in Investments Seminar on special topics in investment analysis.
FIN 5720 Special Topics in Futures and Options The course covers new developments in futures and options and/or topics not covered in related courses offered by the department. Topics vary according to recent events in these markets as well as the special expertise of the instructor.
FIN 5800 Current Problems in Capital Markets and Institutions Seminar on special topics in capital markets and institutions.
FIN 6 Ms Finance Ms Finance
FIN 6000 Honors In Finance I Honors In Finance I
FIN 6001 Honors Courses in Finance The sequence enables students with superior academic achievement to work individually with a professor on a major research project. This project encompasses two consecutive terms and is in the student's major field.
FIN 6001H Honors Course in Finance This sequence of courses offers students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in finance. This project involves in-depth and original research of an empirical and/or theore...
FIN 6002 Honors Courses in Finance The sequence enables students with superior academic achievement to work individually with a professor on a major research project. This project encompasses two consecutive terms and is in the student's major field. There are no formal classes. Stude...
FIN 6002H Honors Course in Finance II This sequence of courses offers students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in finance.This project involves in-depth and original research of an empirical and/or theoret...
FIN 6003 Finance Honors III Finance Honors III
FIN 7000 Finance Elective Finance Elective
FIN 700U Intro To Theory Fin Intro To Theory Fin
FIN 7050 Intermed Finance Elective Intermed Finance Elective
FIN 7100 Finance Advanced Elective Finance Advanced Elective
FIN 755 Fin Mrkt/Stoch Proc Fin Mrkt/Stoch Proc
FIN 8020 Essen Banking & Finc Essen Banking & Finc
FIN 810 Corporate Finance Corporate Finance
FIN 811 Adv Corporation Fin Adv Corporation Fin
FIN 821 Appl Fin Econometric Appl Fin Econometric
FIN 830 Capital Markets Capital Markets
FIN 830U Captl Mkts & Portfol Captl Mkts & Portfol
FIN 831 Adv Topc Capit Mkts Adv Topc Capit Mkts
FIN 832 Adv Cap Mkt Term Str Adv Cap Mkt Term Str
FIN 857 Financ Institutions Financ Institutions
FIN 889U Seminar In Finance Seminar In Finance
FIN 895U Doctoral Seminar Doctoral Seminar
FIN 9332 Sem Hca Finance Mgt Sem Hca Finance Mgt
FIN 9711 Money & Capital Mkts Money & Capital Mkts
FIN 9714 Public Finance I Public Finance I
FIN 9715 Public Finance II Public Finance II
FIN 9740 Technical Analysis This course introduces students to the fundamentals of technical analysis, one of the oldest forms of security analysis. It first covers the history of technical analysis and its underlying logic and rationale. Students learn the basics of chart cons...
FIN 9741 Corporate Restructuring and Turnaround Management During the past 24 months, corporate default rates have increased significantly as the performance of many companies has come under pressure from the deteriorating global economy and limited availability of external liquidity (bank debt or the capita...
FIN 9753 Financial Institutions: Structure, Competition, and Public Policy Analysis of the structure and performance of industries providing financial services, including securities brokerage, banking, and life insurance. Emphasis will be placed on efficiency of competition and the role of government regulation and anti-tr...
FIN 9758 Mergers The course focuses on analyzing and applying financial strategies aimed at creating corporate value through mergers, acquisitions and other restructuring activity. The course will help students learn how and why companies grow through mergers, provi...
FIN 9759 Mergers and Acquisitions Why and how firms merge and restructure and the effects on stock prices, capital structure (debt versus equity), and market power. The legal, ethical, and regulatory aspects of mergers will also be considered.
FIN 9762 Introduction to Quantitative Tools for Finance This course introduces quantitative tools used extensively in finance. Topics covered include random variables, probability concepts, probability distributions typical for financial data, expected value, variance, standard deviation, skewness, kurtos...
FIN 9763 Role Govt Indust Rel Role Govt Indust Rel
FIN 9770 Corporate Finance This course provides students with a survey and analysis of problems facing the financial manager, with an emphasis on the role of finance in the creation of value in corporations. Although it focusses on for-profit corporations, these lessons are al...
FIN 9770H Financial Decision Making Survey and analysis of problems facing the financial manager. Topics include basic risk and return concepts, security pricing and analysis, capital budgeting, the cost of capital, and the financing decisions of corporations. The course will introduce...
FIN 9770L Fin 9770 Lecture Fin 9770 Lecture
FIN 9771 Corporate Financial Theory and Applications This course offers an introduction to corporate finance, with a strong emphasis on fundamental principles. Topics include capital budgeting under certainty and uncertainty, capital structure, dividend policy, external financing, financial distress, a...
FIN 9772 Quantitative Tools for Finance This is a course in applied financial econometrics. The course will familiarize students with a number of tools needed to statistically analyze financial data and expose students to a number of important financial databases. The use of spreadsheets t...
FIN 9773 Investment Theory and Applications A variety of financial instruments and their valuation will be explored. Topics include the basis of financial engineering, dividend discount models, modern portfolio theory, bond valuation, and the management of interest rate risk. Concepts such as...
FIN 9774 Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Finance This course introduces students to the major concepts, models, theories, and research in the field of entrepreneurial finance. The course theme is how the entrepreneur can create value in setting up a new venture through financial, strategic, and ope...
FIN 9775 E-Finance This course will examine how the Internet has torn down borders between markets, facilitated increased competition among markets and financial service providers, disinter mediated traditional financial service providers, and allowed the creation of n...
FIN 9776 Real Estate Finance Course inactivated in the January 2017 Chancellor's ReportThis course is an introduction to the major concepts, principles, analytical methods and tools useful for making investment and finance decisions regarding commercial real estate assets. The f...
FIN 9780 Managerial Finance I Managerial Finance I
FIN 9781 Intermediate Corporate Finance Formal modeling and practical applications of the major decision problems confronting the financial manager. Particular emphasis on capital budgeting, financing, and dividend decisions. Applicable problems and cases will be assigned. Required for all...
FIN 9782 Futures and Forward Markets Study of derivative securities: interest, foreign currency, and equity swaps; the spot and futures markets; caps, floors, collars, and corridors; forward rate agreements (FRAs), and program trading. Market structure and valuation methods are examined...
FIN 9783 Investment Analysis General analysis of the different types of securities, the markets in which they are traded, the different security valuation models, and the basic portfolio analysis, and valuation models. Applicable cases and problems will be assigned. Required for...
FIN 9784 Management of Financial Institutions Consideration of specific management problems facing financial institutions, such as commercial banks, savings institutions, and insurance companies. Management of asset and liability structures, control of financial operations, and the impact of th...
FIN 9785 Financial Markets and Intermediaries Role of financial markets and intermediaries in the savings-investment process. Overview of the structure of wealth holding, financial flows, and capital market institutions. The theory of financial intermediation and its relationship to economic eff...
FIN 9786 International Financial Markets Covers such topics as foreign exchange markets and their role in international movements of funds; Eurocurrency; Eurobonds; international stock markets, interaction among and integration of national and international money and stock markets; and regu...
FIN 9787 Elc Cmp Appl Fin&Inv Elc Cmp Appl Fin&Inv
FIN 9788 International Corporate Finance Study of the international financial decisions of multinational corporations (MNCs). Definitions of exposure to foreign exchange risk of the MNC are examined. Available methods dealing with foreign exchange risk, reasons for foreign direct investment...
FIN 9789 Equity Markets: Trading and Structure The course is designed to give you a broad understanding of the operations of equity markets, and an in depth knowledge of liquidity, market structure and trading that will enable you to operate more effectively as an industry professional or to be a...
FIN 9790 Seminar in Finance Selected topics to be chosen by the department. In occasional semesters, the topic will be fixed income securities. The innovative instruments such as zero coupons, strip bond swaps, mortgage-backed securities, and others will be analyzed along with...
FIN 9791 Fin Aspt Pensn&Trust Fin Aspt Pensn&Trust
FIN 9792 Advanced Corporate Finance Advanced analysis of special problems of financial management with particular emphasis on decision making under uncertainty. Applicable articles, problems, and cases will be assigned.
FIN 9793 Advanced Investment Analysis Security valuation and portfolio management and analysis, empirical evidence, imperfections, and institutional implications. Applicable articles, cases, and problems will be assigned.
FIN 9794 Mortgage Banking Mortgage Banking
FIN 9795 Debt Instruments and Markets This course analyzes debt instruments and their markets. The course begins with a survey of the various types of securities, their associated cash flow and risk characteristics. The term structure of interest rates as embodied by spot, coupon and for...
FIN 9797 Options Markets Study of options, including the following topics: the structure and operation of organized exchanges, investment strategies under different market scenarios, arbitrage pricing, the valuation of options as a mechanism to price corporate securities, po...
FIN 9798 Analysis of Industrial Securities This course will explore the valuation of publicly traded firms, private firms going public, and corporate divisions for sale or purchase. Topics include equity management styles, the analysis of financial ratios, valuing private firms, value enhanci...
FIN 9799 Analysis of Municipal and State Securities Analysis of the structuring, underwriting, and distribution of state and local securities. Securitization of municipal assets, guarantees and commitments, and credit enhancements will be covered in depth. The impact of municipal or other local and st...
FIN 9851 The Classical Foundations of Risk Management This course focuses on knowledge of, identification with, and assimilation of thefunctional, personal, and business competencies associated with professional accountancy careers.Development of these competencies is important for successful practice i...
FIN 9852 The Measurement and Management of Market Risk I This is the first in a sequence of two courses on financial market risk. This course coverskey aspects of market risk, with a special emphasis on the concept, measurement, and control of marketrisks by financial institutions in their risk management...
FIN 9853 The Measurement and Management of Market Risk II This course is a continuation of Finance 9852, The Measurement and Management of Market Risk I, and extends students' knowledge of the concepts and measures of market risk. From this foundation, students will learn how financial institutions actively...
FIN 9854 The Measurement and Management of Credit Risk I This is the first in a sequence of two courses on modern credit analysis andmanagement. This course focusses on the analysis of the risks of individual loans and borrowers. It coversseveral analytical models of credit risk, including both structural...
FIN 9855 The Measurement and Management of Credit Risk II This course is a continuation of Finance 9855, The Measurement and Management ofCredit Risk I. It extends the analysis of individual loans and borrowers to issues of the measurement andanalysis of groups and portfolios of loans. It covers loan concen...
FIN 9856 The Measurement and Management of Risks in Operations and Information Technology This course introduces students to the nature of operational and information technology,and the risks inherent in these operations. These reflect risks to a firm associated with technical and humanproblems, as well as more specific problems associate...
FIN 9857 The Measurement and Management of Risks in Investments This course covers risks inherent in the management of investments by majorinstitutional investors, including mutual funds, pension funds, hedge-funds, and private equity firms. Againstthe background of classical portfolio theory, this course examine...
FIN 9858 Implications of Corporate Governance, Regulation, and Ethics for Risk Management The course is devoted to issues of corporate governance, and helps students develop adeep understanding of their legal and ethical responsibilities as individuals, managers, and corporateofficers. This course is largely based on cases. Specific issue...
FIN 9880 International Financial Markets This course extends the principles of Finance to an international context. In an international context, aside from asset risk, firms face the additional component of exchange rate risk management in their investment and financing decisions. This cour...
FIN 9881 Debt Securities This course analyzes debt instruments and their markets. The course begins with a discussion of fixed and floating rate bonds and their pricing. The course then addresses the risks of these securities and discusses concepts such as duration and conve...
FIN 9882 Futures and Forwards The course provides an introduction to futures, forwards, and swaps, which are among the primary derivative securities, and their use for risk management, arbitrage, and speculation. Market structure and valuation methods are examined. The course als...
FIN 9883 Options The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the stock options market. Topics include the mechanics of the options markets, stylized behaviors of stock options, basic trading strategies involving options, and the...
FIN 9884 Venture Capital This course introduces students to the major concepts, theories, and research in the field of entrepreneurial finance and particularly, venture capital (VC). The course develops the analytical and practical tools essential to an entrepreneur and VC f...
FIN 9890 Special Topics in Investments This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in investments that are notcovered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by theinstructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre- or corequisite...
FIN 9891 Special Topics in Investments This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in investments that are notcovered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre- or corequisit...
FIN 9892 Special Topics in Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in Finance that are not covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and any additional pre- or co-requis...
FIN 9893 Special Topics in Investments This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in investments that are notcovered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by theinstructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre- or corequisite...
FIN 9894 Special Topics in Corporate Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in corporate finance that arenot covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre- or core...
FIN 9895 Special Topics in Corporate Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in corporate finance that arenot covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by the instructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre- or core...
FIN 9896 Special Topics in Corporate Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in corporate finance that arenot covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by theinstructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre- or coreq...
FIN 9897 Special Topics in Corporate Finance This course focuses on timely and relevant topics in corporate finance that arenot covered in the regular curriculum. The areas of study are determined each semester by theinstructor offering the course. The course topics and additional pre- or coreq...
FIN 99001 Research Methodology in Investments (Research I) Research Methodology in Investments (Research I)
FIN 99002 Research Seminar in Investments (Research II) Research in specified areas of finance. Students will complete and present the research paper on a finance topic within the subject area covered by each research seminar that they commenced in Finance Research Methodology. Designed primarily to assi...
FIN 99011 Res Sem Corp Fin I Res Sem Corp Fin I
FIN 99012 Res Sem Corp Fin II Res Sem Corp Fin II
FIN 9901L Fin 99001/2 Lecture Fin 99001/2 Lecture
FIN 99021 Res Sem Intnl Fin I Res Sem Intnl Fin I
FIN 99022 Res Sem Intnl Fin II Res Sem Intnl Fin II
FIN 99041 Res Sem Fin Inst I Res Sem Fin Inst I
FIN 99042 Res Sem Fin Inst II Res Sem Fin Inst II
FIN 99301 Research Methodology (Thesis I) Designed primarily to assist students engaged in meeting the thesis requirements for the master's degree. Each candidate will begin the preparation of a thesis under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Required of all candidates for the MBA degree enr...
FIN 99302 Thesis (Thesis II) Open only to those who have successfully completed Research Methodology 99301 or Research Methodology for Research Seminar (with the permission of the thesis advisor and department chair). A continuation of Research Methodology designed primarily to...
FIN 993I Th Sem I Fin & Inv Th Sem I Fin & Inv
FIN 993II Th Sem Ii Fin & Inv Th Sem Ii Fin & Inv
FIN 9981 Selected Topics in Corporate Finance This course covers topics of current interest in corporate finance, such as developments in long-term financing, corporate risk management, mergers and acquisitions, international finance, financial restructuring, and ethics in the practice of corpor...
FIN 9983 Selected Topics in Investments The course covers topics of current interest in investments, such as recent questions concerning the efficiency of markets; current practices in investment management; institutional, legal, and tax constraints on portfolio management; evaluation of i...
FIN 9985 Risk Management in Financial Institutions Students will develop an in-depth knowledge of the risks facing financialinstitutions, and of the key financial models and techniques by which they manage and control these risks. The major risks include several forms of interest rate, market, and cr...
FIN U700 Financial Theory Financial Theory
FIN U770 Internat Mrkts Internat Mrkts
FIN U830 Capitl Mrkt/Portfol Capitl Mrkt/Portfol
FIN U830L Fin U830 Lecture Fin U830 Lecture
FIN U831 Adv Topics Cap Mkts Adv Topics Cap Mkts
FIN U890L Fin U890 Lecture Fin U890 Lecture
INS 1300 Ins Fire,Marine,Bond Ins Fire,Marine,Bond
INS 1310 Ins Casualty Auto Ms Ins Casualty Auto Ms
INS 1320 Prpls & Prac Of Ins Prpls & Prac Of Ins
INS 1330 Pers Acc Health Ins Pers Acc Health Ins
INS 1340 Princpls Of Life Ins Princpls Of Life Ins
INS 2300 Ins Fire,Marine,Bond Ins Fire,Marine,Bond
INS 2310 Ins Casualty Auto Ms Ins Casualty Auto Ms
INS 2330 Per Acc Health Ins Per Acc Health Ins
INS 2340 Princpls Of Life Ins Princpls Of Life Ins
INS 3000 Fundamental of Insurance This course serves as an introduction to the discipline of risk and insurance. The focus is on insurance as a method of managing risk. Among the major topics discussed are the nature of the insurance industry, the legal environment, and insurance con...
INS 3050 Risk and Risk Management An analysis of the risks facing various organizations (business, families, and government) and a study of the techniques for managing these risks. This course considers both speculative risk (where gains or losses are possible and pure risk (where on...
INS 3100 Emp Benefit Plans Emp Benefit Plans
INS 3200 Life and Health Insurance This course covers the nature and scope of life and health insurance. Principal topics include basic types and forms of life and health insurance; life and health insurance policy provisions; actuarial, economic, and legal views of cash-value life in...
INS 3300 Property and Liability Insurance This course covers policy forms used to protect businesses and other institutions against financial loss arising from physical damage to their assets; loss of income from damaged or destroyed property until restored; intangible losses from such peril...
INS 3320 Fire Ins&Allied Line Fire Ins&Allied Line
INS 3340 Casualty Ins Surety Casualty Ins Surety
INS 3350 Group Ins & Pen Plan Group Ins & Pen Plan
INS 3360 Wkman Comp & Dis Ins Wkman Comp & Dis Ins
INS 3380 Inland Marine Insurn Inland Marine Insurn
INS 4200 Sem In Life&Hlth Ins Sem In Life&Hlth Ins
INS 4300 Prop & Liability Ins Prop & Liability Ins
INS 4360 Wkman Comp & Dis Ins Wkman Comp & Dis Ins
INS 5000 Independent Study Insurance I Independent Study Insurance I
INS 5001 Independent Study Insurance II Independent Study Insurance II
INS 5002 Independent Study Insurance III Independent Study Insurance III
INS 5300 Ins Trnng I Ins Trnng I
INS 7000 Insurance Elective Insurance Elective
INS 9700 Principles Of Insur Principles Of Insur
INS 9710 Life Ins Theo & Prac Life Ins Theo & Prac
INS 9720 Risk Management and Control This course analyzes the risk management function of businesses and other institutions with emphasis on methodology for risk analysis, techniques for risks and loss control, models for risk management policy relating primarily, though not exclusively...
INS 9790 Seminar In Insurance Seminar In Insurance
INS 99301 Research Methodology Research Methodology
INS 99302 Thesis Thesis
REF 3000 Principles of Real Estate Finance This course offers students a thorough orientation in the fields of real estate and real estate finance. It covers the basics of the real estate markets, real estate transactions law, and the financing of residential and commercial properties. The to...
REF 4100 Valuation, Market Analysis, and Appraisal This course provides an in-depth analysis of the major valuation models used to price, value and analyze real estate assets. The class emphasizes the importance of market analysis in the valuation and appraisal process. It provides students with a th...
REF 4200 Finance and Investments in Real Estate This course introduces students to the major concepts, principles, analytical methods, and tools used for making investment decisions regarding commercial real estate assets. The course covers "micro-level" analysis that pertains to individual prope...
REF 4300 Real Estate Capital Markets This course examines the creation and evolution of mortgage pass-through securities, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBSs). These developments have had profound effects on the real estate markets, inc...