Department: Political Science

Code Name Description
POL 1101 American Government: Practices and Values An analysis of democratic ideas and practices, with special reference to the American Constitution and the democratic process in the United States.
POL 1101H Honors - American Government Practices This course presents an analysis of democratic ideas and practices, with special reference to the American Constitution and the democratic process in the United States.
POL 1240 Intro Internat Relat Intro Internat Relat
POL 1310 Polit Opn & Propgnda Polit Opn & Propgnda
POL 1330 Political Thought Political Thought
POL 1331 Cont Politcal Theory Cont Politcal Theory
POL 1332 Amer Politicl Thougt Amer Politicl Thougt
POL 1341 Intl Pol Selt Areas Intl Pol Selt Areas
POL 1353 Formatn Public Polcy Formatn Public Polcy
POL 2001 The United States in an Age of Globalization This course presents the United States in the context of globalization, and considers the structures and processes integrating the world. The course examines two basic questions: how does the United States affect these structures and processes, and h...
POL 2001H Honors - United States Age of Globalization This course presents the United States in the context of globalization, and considers the structures and processes integrating the world. The course examines two basic questions: How does the United States affect these structures and processes, and h...
POL 2086 The Modern Middle East and North Africa A study of the region from the beginnings of modernization in the nineteenth century to the present. The course focuses on two themes: the history and development of various conflicts generated between rival nation-states, especially Israel and the A...
POL 2100 Pol Of The Third Wld Pol Of The Third Wld
POL 2101 The Politics of the Third World This course examines the political process in the developing nations of Latin America, Africa, and Asia from a developmental and comparative perspective, with particular attention to the types of political systems in the Third World and to such issue...
POL 2201 Topics in Politics and Literature This course examines the relation of politics to literature, focusing in different semesters on such questions as, "What can literature teach us about politics?"; "What literatures emerge from politics?"; and "What is the impact of politics on litera...
POL 2240 Introduction to International Relations An introduction to the study of the dynamics of national power; the state system, nationalism and imperialism, and the quest for a cooperative international society; diplomacy, international law and organization, and defining the national interest of...
POL 2240H Honors Introduction to International Religion Hon Intro To Int Rel
POL 2260 Introduction to Comparative Government An introduction to the comparative study of policy formation and execution in contemporary governments from the perspectives of governmental structures and political processes. Emphasis is on developing concepts of comparative government.
POL 2280 The Great Political Debates: The Individual and Society This course examines the oldest problem in politics, the relation between the individual and society, by analyzing ancient and modern texts. Among the topics considered are citizenship and its obligations, tolerance, and the scope of public authority...
POL 2310 Political Opinion An examination of political opinion's role in political participation, electoral behavior, election campaigns, and public policy formation.
POL 2311 Political Parties and Elections Political parties, their role in a democracy, and the nature of the party system in relation to other social and political institutions. Includes an analysis of the two-party system as compared with multiparty systems, the problem of power concentrat...
POL 2312 Congress and the Legislative Process A study of legislative figures, norms, structures, and processes and the role of legislative bodies, with special reference to the United States Congress, relations between the Senate and House, and members of Congress and their clienteles.
POL 2313 Constitutional Law This course focuses upon major constitutional problems in the United States, e.g., federalism, separation of powers, the commerce clause, judicial review, and equal protection of the laws (principally, regarding questions of race). Supreme Court deci...
POL 2313H Honors - Constitutional Law This course focuses upon major constitutional problems in the United States, e.g., federalism, separation of powers, the commerce clause, judicial review, and equal protection of the laws (principally, regarding questions of race). Supreme Court deci...
POL 2314 Civil Liberties This course focuses upon the relation of the judicial process and constitutional law to individual freedom in the United States, chiefly to the context of freedom of expression and privacy. Court decisions and other appropriate materials are analyzed...
POL 2314H Honors - Civil Liberty This course focuses upon the relation of the judicial process and constitutional law to individual freedom in the United States, chiefly to the context of freedom of expression and privacy. Court decisions and other appropriate materials are analyzed...
POL 2316 The Presidency Analysis of the role of the presidency in American government. Includes an examination of the development of the office; its relationship to other political, social, and economic institutions; and the duties of the President as chief executive, chief...
POL 2323 Government and Politics of New York City This course analyzes New York City government and administration, including city-state relations, the Office of the Mayor, the City Council, the executive departments, municipal civil service, taxation and budgeting, metropolitan planning, and govern...
POL 2332 American Political Thought A study of significant political ideas in the American experience, from their European origins to the present, with attention given to the influence of these ideas in the development of American political institutions.
POL 2333 Political Behavior An investigation of psychological and sociological factors influencing individual and group political behavior by leaders and nonleaders.
POL 2335 Early Political Theory A study of the principal political philosophers from ancient Greece to the Renaissance. Major political philosophers are examined in relation to the historical and institutional developments in their own time and for the understanding they provide of...
POL 2336 Modern Political Theory A study of the major political philosophers of the modern Western world, from the seventeenth century to the present, including Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, Bentham, J. S. Mill, and Freud. Attention is devoted to the historical and instituti...
POL 2337 Contemporary Political Ideologies The course focuses on major systems of political ideas that are fundamental to the politics of the twentieth century. Topics include the nature of ideology, classical and welfare state liberalism, conservatism, Marxism, socialism, fascism, liberation...
POL 2340 Pol Socialization Pol Socialization
POL 2353 Public Policy An examination of the role and impact of major forces and institutions that affect formation and reformation of American public policy. A variety of public policy issues, such as busing, educational finance, the women's movement, civil rights, crime,...
POL 2500 Political Analysis An introductory course in political data analysis. Students work with data made available through the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) in conjunction with an appropriate computer package. Examples are drawn from s...
POL 3000 Research Skills in Political Science This course provides an introduction to the toolkit of political science research. Topics include the logic of social inquiry, research design, causal explanation, information collection, field research, data analysis, effective presentation, and str...
POL 3001 Women: Politics and Policy This course examines the modern women's movement and its impact on key policy areas: employment, family policy, education, reproductive rights, pornography, and criminal justice.
POL 3005 Social Welfare Policy Focusing on the development of U.S. social welfare policy, the course examines the U.S. system in cross-national perspective, addresses historical developments since 1900, and explores several contemporary challenges, including the underclass, the fe...
POL 3008 Religion And Politics In The United States This course investigates the role of religion in American political life from the nation's founding to the present era. Church-state issues will be addressed from the perspectives of political theory and constitutional law. Cultural cleavages on such...
POL 3008H Honors - Religion and Politics in United States This course investigates the role of religion in American political life from the nation's founding to the present era. Church-state issues will be addressed from the perspectives of political theory and constitutional law. Cultural cleavages on such...
POL 3062 Political Sociology A cross-disciplinary course focusing on the substantive concerns of political science and employing theoretical perspectives developed in sociology, including the analysis of political movements, political structures, political behavior, and contempo...
POL 3062H Hon Political Soc Hon Political Soc
POL 3086 The Modern Middle East and North Africa A study of the region from the beginnings of modernization in the nineteenth century to the present. The course focuses on two themes: the history of development and various conflicts generated between rival nation-states, especially Israel and the A...
POL 3101 Political Psychology The exploration of political behavior from a psychological perspective, with special attention devoted to selected topics, such as aggression and violence, prejudice and discrimination, obedience and conformity, and personality and psychopathology. T...
POL 3102 American Conservatism: Origins, Development, And Contemporary Controversies This course examines through the use of theoretical, historical, and empirical analyses the conservative movement in the United States. The emphasis will be on post-World War II conservatism with the focus on conservative intellectuals, McCarthyism,...
POL 3103 Political Economy The course examines the role of government in securing prosperity and economic development in the context of free market, socialist, and mixed economic systems. The management of enterprises and of entire economies and their impact on the political s...
POL 3104 The Politics of the Third World This course examines the political process in the developing nations of Latin America, Africa, and Asia from a developmental and comparative perspective, with particular attention to the types of political systems in the Third World and to such issue...
POL 3201 Topics in Politics and Literature This course examines the relation of politics to literature; focusing in different semesters on such questions as: What can literature teach us about politics? What literatures emerge from politics? And what is the impact of politics on literature? F...
POL 3220 State and Local Government This course examines the legislative and administrative process of states, counties, municipalities, and special districts. Students analyze the increasing importance of the administrative and the executive in modern government; the relationship amon...
POL 3310 Public Opinion This course introduces the student to the nature and role of public opinion in contemporary America. It focuses on the formation and measurement of opinion, the distribution of opinion among key social groups, and the linkages between public opinion...
POL 3311 Political Parties and Elections This course examines the American political party and electoral system from their beginnings to their present status. Topics include the origins and characteristics of the American party system, winning the right to vote, elections and voting behavio...
POL 3312 Congress and the Legislative Process A study of legislative figures, norms, structures, and processes and the role of legislative bodies, with special reference to the United States Congress, relations between the Senate and House, and members of Congress and their clienteles.
POL 3313 Constitutional Law This course focuses upon major constitutional problems in the United States, e.g., federalism, separation of powers, the commerce clause, judicial review, and equal protection of the laws (principally, regarding questions of race and gender discrimin...
POL 3314 Civil Liberties This course focuses upon the relation of the judicial process and constitutional law to individual freedom in the United States, chiefly to the context of freedom of expression and privacy. Court decisions and other appropriate materials are analyzed...
POL 3315 Government and the American Economy The relationship of government to various economic forces and entities. The role of the government as promoter, regulator, and stabilizer of the economic system, as viewed from a political perspective.
POL 3316 The Presidency Analysis of the role of the presidency in American government. Includes an examination of the development of the office; its relationship to other political, social, and economic institutions; and the duties of the President as chief executive, chief...
POL 3316H Honors - The Presidency Analysis of the role of the presidency in American government. Includes an examination of the development of the office; its relationship to other political, social, and economic institutions; and the duties of the President as chief executive, chief...
POL 3317 The Politics of Energy and the Environment An analysis of politics and policies relating to energy, resources, and the environment, including consideration of current problems and policy responses, principal political actors, and future prospects.
POL 3318 Immigration and Integration in the United States This course examines how governmental institutions, political actors, and socio-political processes have both shaped and responded to immigration to the United States, with an emphasis on the post-1965 period. The course covers the politics and polic...
POL 3319 Social Movements and U.S. Politics This course explores how social movements emerge and spread, the strategies they use to press their claims, and the impact they can have on policy outcomes. It also looks at how social movements deal with opposition from the government and other acto...
POL 3321 Urban Politics Survey of important approaches to the study of urban political systems. The course concentrates on the nature of cities, their contemporary problems, and the political structures used to solve these problems.
POL 3323 Politics and Government of New York City This course analyzes the politics and government of New York City, including city-state relations; the role of the city in the region, the nation, and the world; the municipal government's institutions and procedures; and the city's evolving politica...
POL 3333 Political Behavior An investigation of psychological and sociological factors influencing individual and group political behavior by leaders and non-leaders.
POL 3334 American Radicalism This course examines leading themes in American radicalism, placing them in a historical and comparative context and considering their policy implications.
POL 3335 Early Political Theory A study of the principal political philosophers from ancient Greece to the Renaissance. Major political philosophers are examined in relation to the historical and institutional developments in their own time and for the understanding they provide of...
POL 3336 Modern Political Theory A study of the major political philosophers of the modern Western world, from the seventeenth century to the present, including Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, Bentham, J.S. Mill, and Freud. Attention is devoted to the historical and institutio...
POL 3337 Contemporary Political Ideologies The course focuses on major systems of political ideas that are fundamental to the politics of the twentieth century. Topics include the nature of ideology, classical and welfare state liberalism, conservatism, Marxism, socialism, fascism, liberation...
POL 3340 Political Socialization A survey of research and theory on the process by which individuals become members of their political system and learn about its fundamental values, beliefs, and symbols.
POL 3341 International Relations in the Middle East An application of the theories of international relations to the history of great power and regional rivalries in the Middle East. The course will analyze international conflicts, particularly between Israel and the Arab states, Turkey and Greece, an...
POL 3342 American Foreign Policy A study of how American foreign policy is formulated and implemented. Includes a consideration of the influence of the military-industrial complex and the media upon foreign policy. Also includes a discussion of training for foreign service.
POL 3343 International Relations in Selected Areas of the World The application of concepts developed in the introductory course to the foreign policy and interrelations of nations in selected areas of the world. The group of nations to be considered is identified as a part of the course title as the time the cou...
POL 3344 The United Nations in World Politics This course examines the United Nations, its history, structure, specialized agencies, and its roles in peace keeping, human rights, and economic development. Students will also participate in a Model UN, in which the class will represent a designate...
POL 3345 Contemporary International Conflict An analysis of the source and structure of conflict among states in the world, the means of coping with and resolving conflicts, and trends in the world politics.
POL 3346 The Rise of Asia in World Affairs This course presents the cultures, recent histories, and current conditions of the Asian countries in the context of global politics and economics. Through an examination of economic growth in the context of the world economy and political developme...
POL 3346H Honors - The Rise of Asia in World Affairs This course presents the cultures, recent histories, and current conditions of the Asian countries in the context of global politics and economics. Through an examination of economic growth in the context of the world economy and political developmen...
POL 3347 Seminar on Political Globalization The goal of this course is to introduce and critically discuss questions, processes, and ideas that are central to the study of political globalization, defined as the process or set of processes through which policy-making responsibilities have inc...
POL 3350 Intro Publ Admnst Intro Publ Admnst
POL 3353 Public Policy Public Policy
POL 3361 Comparative Politics in Selected Areas of the World The application of concepts developed in POL 2260 to governmental structures and processes in selected groups of countries, e.g., the underdeveloped countries.
POL 3362 European Political Systems Analysis of politics in representative parliamentary democracies in Europe. Special attention is given to the mechanics of parliamentary systems and how they illustrate contemporary theories of democracy.
POL 3364 Latin American and Caribbean Political Systems This course examines contemporary political systems in selected Latin American and Caribbean countries. It emphasizes the common problems of state-building, political-economic development, political party development, political instability, revolutio...
POL 3365 Asian Political Systems Analysis of politics in Asia, with special emphasis on its most populous nations: China, India, Indonesia, and Japan. Nations are analyzed in terms of political culture, governmental structure, interest groups, and political parties.
POL 3366 African Political Systems An examination of contemporary political systems in selected African nations, emphasizing cultural environment, colonial legacies, problems of development and modernization, and intergovernmental relations.
POL 3367 Comparative Revolutions A course examining general theories of how, when, and why revolutions occur. These theories are tested against various revolutions that have occurred since the seventeenth century in Europe, America, and Asia. This course is cross-listed as HIS 3367....
POL 3368 Communist Political Systems This course presents an analysis of politics in communist countries compared with communist party politics in noncommunist countries.
POL 3369 Identity Politics in Comparative Perspective This course examines how and why identity groups, as social constructs, are created. It also analyzes why people accept the categories imposed on them and engage in group-based political behavior. The course takes a comparative perspective on identit...
POL 3417 Case Studies in American Government A series of case studies illustrating selected major problems that exist in the government and administration of the United States.
POL 3422 Urban Public Policy This course examines the public policy process and policy outcomes in the urban context. Current social science approaches, including games and simulation, may be employed to elucidate the policy process (formulation, initiation, implementation, and...
POL 3500 Political Analysis An introductory course in political data analysis. Students work with data made available through the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) in conjunction with an appropriate computer package. Examples are drawn from s...
POL 3842 Making of Modern India This course is designed to explore the dynamics of British colonialism and the making of the contemporary Indian nation-state (seventeenth to twenty-first century). It will examine the role of the entrepreneurs of the English East India Company in pi...
POL 3999 Special Topics in Political Science This course provides an opportunity to study aspects of Political Science not covered in other Political Science courses. Class topics will vary from semester to semester on the basis of instructor expertise. Students may enroll in this course multip...
POL 3999H Honors Special Topics in Political Science This course provides an opportunity to study aspects of Political Science not covered in other Political Science courses. Class topics will vary from semester to semester on the basis of instructor expertise. Students may enroll in this course multip...
POL 4900 Political Science Capstone Seminar This course is designed to enable students to develop a sophisticated understanding of the concepts and theories employed in political science. The seminar combines extensive reading, in-depth research, oral student presentations, and intensive class...
POL 5000 Independent Study Political Science I See Department for Description.
POL 5000H Honors Independent Study Political Science I See Department for Description.
POL 5001 Independent Study Political Science II See Department for Description.
POL 5001H Honors Independent Study in Political Science II Honors Independent Study in Political Science II
POL 5002 Independent Study Political Science III See Department for Description.
POL 5010 New York State Assembly and Senate Internship Program This course introduces students to lawmaking and constituent services. Each intern is assigned to an elected member of the New York State Senate or Assembly. Students must reside in Albany for a full semester, attend classes taught by professors-in-r...
POL 5030 Research Practicums in Political Science This course provides students with hands-on experience in political science research. Students work under the direct supervision of a single full-time faculty member. They participate in a variety of research activities pertaining to the collection a...
POL 5031 Research Practicums in Political Science This course provides students with hands-on experience in political science research. Students work under the direct supervision of a single full-time faculty member. They participate in a variety of research activities pertaining to the collection a...
POL 5452 Field Work in Government and Politics The student interested in a government career is afforded the opportunity to work under supervision in a public agency or political institution. The course is designed primarily to bridge the gap between the classroom and actual employment. Each stud...
POL 6000 Honors Pol Science Honors Pol Science
POL 6001 Honors See Department for Description.
POL 6001H Honors - Political Science I These courses offer students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in Political Science. This project involves in-depth and original research of an empirical and/or theoreti...
POL 6002 Honors See Department for Description.
POL 6002H Honors - Political Science II These courses offer students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in Political Science. This project involves in-depth and original research of an empirical and/or theoreti...
POL 6003 Honors See Department for Description.
POL 7000 Political Science Elective Political Science Elective
POL 7050 Polict Scien Int Elective Polict Scien Int Elective
POL 7100 Polit Scienc Adv Ele Polit Scienc Adv Ele
POL 7350 Political Science General Education Requirements Met Political Science General Education Requirements Met
POL 7450 Political Science General Education Requirement Mt Pol Sc Gen Ed Req Mt
POL 9708 Prog & Admin Pub Agn Prog & Admin Pub Agn
POL 9740 Public Administratn Public Administratn