Department: Philosophy

Code Name Description
PHI 1000 Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy
PHI 1001 Reason And Value Reason And Value
PHI 1010 Intro Logic&Sci Meth Intro Logic&Sci Meth
PHI 1100 Ethics and Critical Thinking This course examines the principles of clear and accurate thought, including sound and valid arguments and methods of rigorous reasoning. Emphasis will be placed throughout upon ethical beliefs, arguments, and problems, with a view to clarifying and...
PHI 1120 Ancient Philosophy Ancient Philosophy
PHI 1150 Contemp Philosophy Contemp Philosophy
PHI 1200 Ethical Theory Ethical Theory
PHI 1210 Philos Of Religion Philos Of Religion
PHI 1220 Philosophy And Lit Philosophy And Lit
PHI 1230 Political Philos Political Philos
PHI 1240 Philosophy Of Art Philosophy Of Art
PHI 1500 Major Issues in Philosophy This course studies basic topics of philosophy, such as the nature of mind, criteria of knowledge, justification of ethical values, and the existence of God.
PHI 1500H Honors - Major Issues in Philosophy This course studies basic topics of philosophy, such as the nature of mind, criteria of knowledge, justification of ethical values, and the existence of God.
PHI 1600 Logic and Moral Reasoning This course examines the principles of clear and accurate thought, including sound and valid arguments and methods of scientific reasoning in moral and political argument.
PHI 1700 Global Ethics This course is a study of the major ethical theories, such as utilitarianism and intuitionism, and of specific moral problems, such as abortion, suicide, euthanasia, war crimes, and genocide.
PHI 1700H Honors - Global Ethics This course is a study of the major ethical theories, such as utilitarianism and intuitionism, and of specific moral problems, such as abortion, suicide, euthanasia, war crimes, and genocide.
PHI 1990 Spec Stds In Philos Spec Stds In Philos
PHI 1991 Spe Stu In Moral Prb Spe Stu In Moral Prb
PHI 1992 Specl Studies In Phi Specl Studies In Phi
PHI 1993 Spe Stu Bus & Moral Spe Stu Bus & Moral
PHI 1998 Phil Of Mysticism Phil Of Mysticism
PHI 1999 Spec Stds In Philos Spec Stds In Philos
PHI 2000 Major Issues in Philosophy This course studies basic topics of philosophy, such as the nature of mind, criteria of knowledge, justification of ethical values, and the existence of God.
PHI 2000H Honors - Major Issues in Philosophy This course studies basic topics of philosophy, such as the nature of mind, criteria of knowledge, justification of ethical values, and the existence of God.
PHI 2001 Reason And Value Reason And Value
PHI 2010 Logic and Moral Reasoning This course examines the principles of clear and accurate thought, including sound and valid arguments and methods of scientific reasoning in moral and political argument.
PHI 2120 Ancient Greek Philosophy A study of the thought of the Greek philosophers, especially Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
PHI 2130 Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages Essential writings of the medieval philosophers, including Augustine, Avicenna, Anselm, Maimonides, Aquinas, Scotus, and Ockham.
PHI 2140 Modern European Philosophy A study of the major modern philosophers, including Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant.
PHI 2145 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy A study of major philosophers of the nineteenth century, such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Marx, Comte, Bentham, J.S. Mill, and Nietzsche.
PHI 2150 Contemporary Philosophy A study of philosophy in the twentieth century, including Existentialism, Pragmatism, and Analytical Philosophy. Readings in Russell, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and other representative figures.
PHI 2155 Philosophy From India This course examines the development of the major schools of Indian philosophy: Vedanta, Samkhya, Yoga, and Jainism. The goal of all of these philosophies is liberation. As such, the course will investigate Indian views of the soul, God, and the natu...
PHI 2160 American Philosophy This course studies the outstanding American philosophers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, such as Peirce, James, Royce, Dewey, Santayana, and Mead.
PHI 2200 Ethical Theories This course is a study of the major ethical theories, such as utilitarianism and intuitionism and of specific moral problems, such as abortion, suicide, euthanasia, war crimes, and genocide.
PHI 2200H Honors - Ethical Theories This course is a study of the major ethical theories, such as utilitarianism and intuitionism, and of specific moral problems, such as abortion, suicide, euthanasia, war crimes, and genocide.
PHI 2205 Environmental Ethics Environmental Ethics
PHI 2210 Philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics This course examines varieties of religious belief, traditional accounts of faith and reason, the existence of God, the relation of God to the world, religion as moral or aesthetic experience, and the basic moral codes of world religions.
PHI 2230 Political Philosophy This course deals with the philosophical foundations of a good society, with special attention given to the concepts of freedom, equality, right, social justice, and the good life.
PHI 2240 Philosophy of Art This course deals with the origins of art in human activity, theories of beauty, and art as expression, as communication, and as ideology. The concepts of form, representation, and abstraction are examined, as well as the distinction between the fine...
PHI 2800 Great Works of Philosophy I Each section of this writing-intensive course introduces students to at least two great works of world philosophy from the Ancient and Medieval Periods, such as Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Cicero's On the Nature of the Gods, Boe...
PHI 2850 Great Works of Philosophy II Each section of this writing-intensive course introduces students to at least two great works of philosophy from the Modern and Contemporary periods, such as Descartes's Meditations, Berkeley's Dialogues, John Stuart Mill's On Liberty, Nietzsche's Be...
PHI 2990 Special Studies in Philosophy See Department for Description.
PHI 2998 Special Studies in Philosophy See Department for Description.
PHI 3000 Existentialism in Philosophy and Literature Existentialism is unique in the Western philosophical tradition in that many of its central thinkers wrote in the narrative form in addition to the conventional philosophical form. Most closely associated with the French philosophers Sartre, Camus, a...
PHI 3010 Symbolic Logic A study of formal systems, including propositional logic, predicate logic, the foundations of set theory, and the philosophy of mathematics.
PHI 3020 Philosophy of Law Philosophical analysis of legal theory and the relation of law to other basic social institutions.
PHI 3020H Hon - Philosophy Of Law Philosophical analysis of legal theory and the relation of law to other basic social institutions.
PHI 3025 The Philosophy of Rights and Property This course offers a systematic analysis of the concept of rights and the concept of property in the interrelated fields of legal, political, and moral philosophy. Topics covered by the course include the Hohfeldian analysis of rights, the will and t...
PHI 3030 Thought and Reality Philosophical theories about reality, substance, causality, space, time, knowledge, thought, universals, and the mind body relation. This course is cross-listed as PSY 3030. Students will receive credit for either PHI 3030 or PSY 3030, not both. Thes...
PHI 3035 Philosophy and Psychology (Cross-listed with PSY) This course is a philosophical examination of fundamental psychological concepts such as belief, desire, motive, and intention; and an analysis of psychological explanations, the nature of feelings and emotions, and the relation of folk psychology to...
PHI 3040 Mind and Computers This course examines philosophical issues raised by computers. Students will study the notions of mind, feeling, consciousness, purpose, creativity, and intelligence in the light of developments in computer science.
PHI 3045 Communication Law and Free Speech From pornography to political speech, from the lewd to the libelous, and everywhere in between, the law is forever drawing lines that divide protected speech (what you can say in America) from unprotected speech (what you cannot say in America). This...
PHI 3050 Ethics, Economics, and the Business System Though a science, economics generates intense political, moral, and philosophical controversies. This course studies philosophical and moral questions raised by economic theories, including different accounts of rational choice, the major analyses of...
PHI 3051 Moral Problems of Life and Death Due to radical developments occurring in healthcare and the biological sciences, Bioethics, which considers various ethical problems of life and death, is the fastest-expanding field of applied philosophy today. Its importance is revealed by the fact...
PHI 3055 Art and Public Policy This course uses the study of diverse theories of art to illuminate the aesthetic, social, and political debates surrounding art in the public sphere. Topics will include government funding for the arts, the role of art in public places, the role of...
PHI 3060 Philosophy of Film and Photography This course investigates a set of philosophical problems concerning visual representation and our experiences of it. Do films and photographs reproduce reality, re-present it, or create it? Can a film make a philosophical statement? Can photographs b...
PHI 3062 Philosophy and Literature Philosophy and Literature is a systematic introduction to some of the intriguing points of intersection between the two fields. The overall aim is to better understand the function(s) of literature and the function(s) of literary form in certain phil...
PHI 3065 Science Fiction and Philosophy This course studies some ways in which philosophy and science fiction can illuminate each other. Philosophical analysis can clarify the assumptions behind, and the implications of, the speculative futures of science fiction, and science fiction can o...
PHI 3120 Ancient Greek Philosophy A study of the thought of the Greek philosophers, especially Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
PHI 3130 Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages Essential writings of the medieval philosophers, including Augustine, Avicenna, Anselm, Maimonides, Aquinas, Scotus,and Ockham.
PHI 3140 Modern European Philosophy A study of the major modern philosophers, including Descartes,Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant.
PHI 3145 Nineteenth Century Philosophy A study of major philosophers of the 19th century, such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Marx, Comte, Bentham,J.S. Mill, and Nietzsche.
PHI 3150 Philosophy in the Twentieth-Century This course focuses on philosophy in the twentieth century, including Existentialism, Pragmatism, and Analytical Philosophy. Readings are drawn from philosophers including Russell, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and other representative figures.
PHI 3155 Indian Philosophy This course examines the development of the major schools of Indian philosophy: Vedanta, Samkya, Yoga, and Jainism. The goal of all of these philosophies is liberation. As such, the course will investigate Indian views of the soul, God, and the natur...
PHI 3165 Classical Buddhism Classical Buddhism explores the theory and practice of Buddhism as it originated in India and spread to Tibet and eastern Asia. In addition to examining the life and teachings of the historical Buddha, the course investigates Indian Buddhism after th...
PHI 3170 Classical Chinese Philosophy This course provides a systematic introduction to Chinese philosophy and its classical schools, including Confucianism, Moism, Daoism, and Legalism. These schools will be studied by considering their responses to central philosophical problems, as we...
PHI 3200 Environmental Ethics, Law, and Public Policy The course provides a systematic introduction to the philosophical issues underlying environmental and ecological controversies. It will review classical positions on the nature of value and on the status of the human relationship to nature, land, wi...
PHI 3200H Honors - Environmental Ethics The course provides a systematic introduction to the philosophical issues underlying environmental and ecological controversies. It will review classical positions on the nature of value and on the status of the human relationship to nature, land, wi...
PHI 3210 Philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics This course examines varieties of religious belief, traditional accounts of faith and reason, the existence of God, the relation of God to the world, religion as moral or aesthetic experience, and the basic moral codes or world religions.
PHI 3220 Experimental Philosophy Experimental philosophy is a movement that supplements philosophical thinking with the methods of cognitive science, using systematic experiments to uncover how people ordinarily think about a range of issues in traditional philosophy. The aim is to...
PHI 3230 Political Philosophy This course deals with the philosophical foundations of a good society, with special attention given to the concepts of freedon, equality, right, social justice, and the good life.
PHI 3240 Philosophy of Art This course deals with the origins of art in human activity, theories of beauty, and art as expression, as communication, and as ideology. The concepts of form, representation, and abstraction are examined, as well as the distinction between the fine...
PHI 3250 Philosophy of Science A study of the nature of science and the scientific methods. Examples will be taken from both the physical and the social sciences.
PHI 3260 Crime and Punishment This course focuses on the nature, justification, and conceptual analysis of crime, social responsibility, criminal responsibility and punishment; Topics may include theories of punishment, justification for limiting freedom, victimless crimes, moral...
PHI 3270 Computer Ethics This course provides a philosophical perspective to ethical decision making, especially regarding the specific ethical issues and controversies surrounding modern computer technology. These issues include those relating to privacy, security, identity...
PHI 3990 Special Studies in Philosophy Topics and hours to be announced by the department.
PHI 4900 Special Topics in Philosophy Advanced seminar or directed study for minors, to be taken after completion of 9 credits in philosophy. Thorough study of a philosophical problem, author, major text, or school of thought; composition of a seminar paper and an oral presentation requi...
PHI 4905 Special Topics in Metaphysics and Epistemology Advanced seminar or directed study for minors, in an area of metaphysics and epistemology, to be taken after completion of 9 credits in philosophy. Thorough study of a philosophical problem, author, major text, or school of thought; composition of a...
PHI 5000 Independent Study PHI I See Department for Description.
PHI 5000H Hon Ind Stud PHI I Hon Ind Stud PHI I
PHI 5001 Independent Study in Philosophy II See Department for Description.
PHI 5002 Independent Study Philosophy III See Department for Description.
PHI 5010 Senior Seminar Advanced seminar or directed study for majors, to be taken after the completion of 21 credits. Thorough study of a philosophical problem or author, regular conferences with a faculty advisor and composition of a seminar paper to be evaluated by three...
PHI 6001 Honors Study See Department for Description.
PHI 6001H Honors - Philosophy I These courses offer students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in Philosophy. This project involves the in-depth defense of an original philosophical thesis through soun...
PHI 6002 Honors Study See Department for Description.
PHI 6002H Honors - Philosophy Honors II These courses offer students of superior academic achievement the opportunity to work individually with a professor on a major research project in Philosophy. This project involves the in-depth defense of an original philosophical thesis through soun...
PHI 6003 Honors Study See Department for Description.
PHI 7000 Philosophy Elective Philosophy Elective
PHI 7050 Philosophy Inter Elective Philosophy Inter Elective
PHI 7100 Philosophy Adv Elect Philosophy Adv Elect
PHI 7200 Philosophy Human Ele Philosophy Human Ele
PHI 7350 Phil Gen Ed Req Met Phil Gen Ed Req Met
PHI 7450 Phil General Education Requirement Met Phil General Education Requirement Met