Department: Black and Latino Studies

Code Name Description
BLS 3010 The Black Child and Adolescent in the United States This course is an exploration of the Black child and adolescent both in a historical perspective dating to slavery and in terms of the political, social, economic, psychological, educational, and familial circumstances that affect the developing Blac...
HSP 1000 Puerto Rican Heritage: Pre-Columbian to 1898 This course will be a survey of the cultural history of Puerto Rico from pre-Columbian times to the nineteenth century. It will include the Indian, African, and Hispanic sources of the culture of Puerto Rico, as well as other historical and sociologi...
HSP 1001 Puerto Rican Heritage: 1898 to the Present This course is an intensive study of cultural history of Puerto Rico from the Spanish-American War to the present. Special attention is given to cultural conflicts and assimilative influences, as well as the existing relations between Puerto Rico and...
HSP 1002 Contemp Pr Family Contemp Pr Family
HSP 1003 Latin America: An Institutional and Cultural Survey This course examines the nature and origins of social, political, and economic institutions of Latin America. Its rich and varied culture, an outgrowth of past experiences involving much racial and ethnic mixing, is studied in this institutional cont...
HSP 1004 Introduction to Latino Studies This course offers an introduction to the different Latino/Hispanic communities living in the United States. The course will explore the similarities and differences among various groups including their histories of migration, incorporation into the...
HSP 1019 Pr Hrtg Pre Col-1898 Pr Hrtg Pre Col-1898
HSP 1020 Pr Heritage 1898-Prs Pr Heritage 1898-Prs
HSP 1021 Pr Child-His Urb Set Pr Child-His Urb Set
HSP 1022 Puerto Rican Communt Puerto Rican Communt
HSP 1023 Contemp Pr Family Contemp Pr Family
HSP 1024 Pr Pol&Eco Dev 20cen Pr Pol&Eco Dev 20cen
HSP 1025 Prob Of Pr Community Prob Of Pr Community
HSP 2000 Issues Of Carib Basn Issues Of Carib Basn
HSP 2010 Dominican Heritage: from Pre-Columbian Times to Present This course is a study of the cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic from pre-Columbian times to the present. It includes the Indian, African, and Hispanic sources of the Dominican culture, as well as other diverse sociocultural contributions.
HSP 3000 The Puerto Rican Child in An Urban Setting A survey of sociological, psychological, and educational needs of Puerto Rican children in New York City public schools. Special emphasis will be given to family, race relations, community living, and language problems encountered by this group.
HSP 3001 The Puerto Rican Community (Puerto Rican Field Research Work) A study of the migration of the Puerto Rican to New York City and other urban centers, its sociological impact, and problems resulting in education, housing, health services, and family and community development. Practical experience and research wil...
HSP 3002 Pr Pol/Eco Dev 20thc Pr Pol/Eco Dev 20thc
HSP 3003 Major Selected Problems of the Puerto Rican Community Pivotal current issues of city-wide importance in our potentially explosive communities are critically examined. Specific attention will be given to areas of public education, justice and the poor, unemployment, family structure and social disorganiz...
HSP 3004 Politics and Power in Puerto Rico This course gives students a general view of the development of political parties in Puerto Rico from the time of self-government under Spanish sovereignty to the present. It examines the political setting in which those parties emerged. A comparativ...
HSP 3005 Economic History of Puerto Rico This course is a survey of the Puerto Rican economy under Spain and the United States. It explores the relations of economic structures to political institutions and class formations from the colonial past to the present. This course considers whethe...
HSP 3006 Religions of the Caribbean This course examines the various religious expressions in Puerto Rico, Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic using a comparative approach to elements of Santeria, Espirtismo, Christianity, and Voodoo. Jamaica, Trinidad, and other islands will be lo...
HSP 3007 Puerto Rican Culture The principal varieties of Puerto Rican cultural expression, both on the island and in the U.S., are examined in detail. Special attention is given to folk culture, including traditional beliefs, legends, customs, festivals, religious rites, artistic...
HSP 3008 Puerto Rican Heritage: 1898 to the Present This course is an intensive study of cultural history of Puerto Rico from the Spanish-American War to the present. Special attention is given to cultural conflicts, assimilative influences, as well as the existing relations between Puerto Rico and th...
HSP 3009 Dominican Heritage: From Pre-Columbian Times to Present This course is a study of the cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic from pre-Columbian times to the present. It includes the Indian, African, and Hispanic sources of the Dominican culture, as well as other diverse sociocultural contributions.
HSP 3010 Central America: A Regional Study The many complex problems and varied cultural elements of this area of nation states are studied. The goal is to study representative examples or general trends while also explaining the major political, social, and economic events that have shaped a...
HSP 3011 The Contemporary Puerto Rican Family This course is a study of the dynamics of change in the present Puerto Rican family structure from the early colonial setting to the present urban family. The legal and social structure from the Law of the Indies to the present legislation stressing...
HSP 3012 Latinas: A Social and Cultural Survey This course addresses the social and economic condition of Latinas in the United States. We will discuss questions of gender and sexuality, language, politics, labor relations, family relationships, literary and artistic expression, and the construct...
HSP 3015 Cuban Culture and Society This course focuses on the development of Cuban culture and society, with special emphasis on the socialist process initiated in 1959 and its consequences in the areas of culture, the economy, political institutions, class, race, gender, and civil so...
HSP 3016 Urban Economic Structure This course is an investigation of economic influences as they relate to business locations, housing, poverty, and welfare. The dynamics and growth of the metropolitan area will be given special attention, as will the experiences and community develo...
HSP 3030 The Changing Demographics o the City This course focuses on the meaning, causes, and impacts of demographic transforms on socially and spatially defined urban political economies. Students learn how to use demographic and economic data to analyze the present and future shape of cities-...
HSP 3035 The remaking of New York: the Immigrant Experience This course will examine immigration and New York City, past present and future. Topics covered will include the intersection of immigration with economics, including entrepreneurial enterprises, as well as religion, race, gender and ethnicity. The c...
HSP 3044 Migration in the Americas This course examines the recent literature on contemporary migration processes and international migration flows throughout the Americas. The course focuses on understanding the causes of migration, the migration process, the dynamics of adaptation a...
HSP 3045 Changing Demographics of the City This course focuses on the meaning, causes, and impacts of demographic transformations on socially and spatially defined urban political economies. Students learn how to use demographic and economic data to analyze the present and future shape of cit...
HSP 3050 Race and Global Inequality The idea of race has transcended the moment and location in which it was invented, has been exported around the world, and, in dynamic fashion, has variously influenced human relations. This broad and changing application of racial ideas is what make...
HSP 3058 Contemporary Latin American Fiction This course examines significant Latin American novels and short stories. While concentrating on literary themes and narrative techniques, this course aims to provide students with a better understanding of contemporary Latin American societies. Issu...
HSP 3059 Latino/a Literature in the U.S. This course examines significant works of literature written in English by Latinos and Latinas in the U.S. It concentrates on novels, short stories, and essays from the late 19th century to the present. Special attention is given to issues of cultura...
HSP 3085 Special Topics in Hispanic Studies This course provides an opportunity to focus on specific issues in the field of Hispanic studies from historical, sociological, and/or anthropological perspectives, among others. Topics vary from semester to semester and may address questions of gend...
HSP 3120 Passing, Covering, and Social Stigma in Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality Passing is most often thought of as a ¿strategy of creative deception¿ whereby racial minorities feign ¿whiteness¿ in order to overcome stigma and receive privileges denied them due to racism and discrimination. The aim of the course is to dispassion...
HSP 3125 Race and Ethnic Relation This course will analyze race and ethnicity in American society and globally, using theoretical, historical, and cross-cultural approaches. It will examine the consequence of prejudice and discrimination for members of immigrant, ethnic, and racial g...
HSP 3130H The City That Care Forgot: The Roots, Ruin, and Rebirth of New Orleans This is an interdisciplinary honors course taught from historical, cultural, and sociological perspectives. It will revisit the week of August 29, 2005, when Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans and the wider Gulf Coast region. Our go...
HSP 4900 Seminar in Black & Latino Studies This course offers advanced analysis of contemporary and/or historical issues in African, African American, Latino/Hispanic, or Latin American studies. In any given semester, the instructor who teaches this seminar will designate the topic to be stud...
HSP 5000 Independent Study Hispanic Studies I This course enables students to pursue an interdisciplinary project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor....
HSP 5001 Independent Study Hispanic Studies II This course enables students to pursue an interdisciplinary project independently in an area that is not available in the course offerings. The subject should be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor who will act as the student's supervisor....
HSP 7000 Hispanic Studies Elective Hispanic Studies Elective
HSP 7050 Hispanic Stud Int Elective Hispanic Stud Int Elective
HSP 7100 Hispanic Stud Adv El Hispanic Stud Adv El
HSP 7200 Hispanic Stds Lit El Hispanic Stds Lit El
LTS 3002 Puerto Rican Political and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century Please see Department.